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Everything posted by sweetfeet

  1. I didn't like the jumping around either so we use history odyssey. H.O. rearranges the chapters of SOTW so they are in chronological order. We spent 5 weeks on Rome, 6 weeks on Egypt, and we've been on Greece for a long time. We've incorporated astronomy and mythology here because the Greeks really fascinate her.
  2. Just the two. One boy, one girl. We are done having children.
  3. This is exactly what I do. I use primer print to create the lines. I have a skeleton sheet that I saved and I just add a picture and the text I want.
  4. I feel like giving it the Cinderella makeover.This dress could have been more flattering to Michelle Obama. I would take off the one shoulder. The dress would look a lot better strapless. The sheer overlay is pretty but the embellishments need to go. The color is pretty on her though and the dress is very feminine. Sorry about the Cinderella reference I've watched the movie twice this month.
  5. We are doing level 1 and do 2 lessons per day. It takes my 6 year old about 20 minutes.
  6. I just reserved this through my library. Thanks for the recommendation!
  7. Watching this thread for ideas. I felt like I had decent grammar skills, but I just don't know anymore.:lol:
  8. We're not consuming it.:tongue_smilie: I set up a word document that exactly mimics the consumable portion of the workbook so I just print that off and file it in her weekly binder because I didn't want to 'ruin' the workbook as we plan on using it again for her little brother.
  9. Well the workbook includes snippets from the stories that the copywork and comprehension questions are taken from. So you do have the context available. The text explains what to look for when selecting copywork and you provide the source. At least that is how I understand it.
  10. I bought the workbook because I like things to be pick up and go. It's scripted and everything is done for you.
  11. I don't know, but that is my plan as well. I'm trying to find out as much as I can about CW and it looks like a good progression to me. I'm interested in what others have to say.
  12. I've dropped my iBook(mac) twice. Both times I was nursing the baby and water boiled over.:glare: I jumped up without thinking. Anyhow, the mac has a hard drive protection thing in case of dropping so it was fine. Does your laptop have something similar?
  13. I had my first at 21 and tried for 3 years after she was born to conceive again. After going through infertility with failed rounds of clomid and all of that fun stuff, I decided that if I got pregnant again that would be the end. I can't bear to go through the emotional drama of infertility. My second was born 4½ years after his sister and we are finished. DH also visited the urologist.;)
  14. I use it as the sweetener in my whole wheat bread. Taratheliberator gave me the idea. It's yummy.
  15. For testing does the child have to receive a certain percentage on the test? I'm not sure what we're going to do. Probably test as I haven't kept much of her older work like I probably should have.
  16. I'm actually planning the next few weeks right now. We're really behind in some subjects due to curriculum changes. We really need to get going on Monday. I'm also moving us from a 4 day week to 5 days.
  17. I'm so glad the forums moved to this format. I had checked out the old forum a few times when my dd was k4 and k5, but hated the format.The new forum is much easier to navigate. Now that I can find the info and support I need our homeschooling is going wonderfully.
  18. I store leftovers in glass pyrex containers. You can write on them with crayola window markers. It comes off easy peasy when you wash them. The empty ones are stored with their lids on in a cabinet. I also use canning jars for dry storage again window markers work well on glass.
  19. I buy our toys from oompa.com. They list if something is made in China, most of their stuff is not.
  20. I bought the teacher's manual to go with books 5 and 6 after doing the previous books without. I think it does add a lot to the program and makes it beefier. I liked ETC a lot without the teacher's manual, but now I love it. It feels more complete now.
  21. I was considering their names among peers when they are adults. I think to another 7 year old it's just a name, but I can see the burden of those names as an adult seeking employment, a spouse, higher education, etc.
  22. I don't think I've ever felt bad for a child because of their name before today. :001_huh:
  23. My first grader does school work Mon-Thurs. On Friday we usually have a field trip, nature study or craft day. Though I am considering doing her core subjects on Fridays as I realize we're a bit behind due to me being in school full time and borrowing some of her school time for my school time. This is all covered by doing Explode the Code, Writing With Ease, and First Language Lessons. I really like the fit of these programs together. They cover a lot of areas in our curriculum. I have Laurel Wreath on order to beef up our poetry some more. She loves memorizing and reading poetry. We use Right Start level B. She does a lesson daily Mon-Thurs and plays a math game at least twice a week. We are using History Odyssey Ancients level 1 with Story of the World and UILEofH as our spines. We do history on Mon and Weds. We mostly do unit type studies that I come up with. We do a nature walk/study at least once a week. Her dad does astronomy with her at least one evening a week. They take our laptop outside and use a program to find and identify constellations. We have a lot of science related read alouds as well. Science is done on Tues and Thurs. We take a lot of trips to the art museum and to different plays/concerts/shows. However, I would consider this a weak area and as she gets older I plan to do something a little more formal. None for now. Latin will be introduced next year.
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