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Everything posted by Ottakee

  1. I ordered my dream stove and a nice fridge Thanksgiving weekend. I agreed to delivery after Christmas as the extra grate I wanted was back ordered. Evening before that delivery I get a automated call that delivery was cancelled and rescheduled for the following week. I had the plumber all set to come over that afternoon to hook up gas stove and flush water line and make sure it was good to go. So I have to cancel him. Since they only give you a four hour delivery window the night before I had to wait to reschedule until today as my son and I both work. Today comes and stove is set in my dining room since plumber can't come til Monday. The. They inform me that the fridge has major dents on the front. I go look, and yes, 4 big dents in stainless steel French doors. I have to refuse delivery as they offered $75 for the dent. Now I am waiting yet again for my fridge. Plumber is coming Monday to do stove but obviously can't hook up a fridge that isn't here. That means either I hook it up myself, which I could do, or I pay plumber to come again. Now I have to either take a day off work or have my son do that so that we can have yet another possible delivery date. Should I ask home Depot for some kind of compensation? Two days I waited and prepared and had plumber set and I still do not have it. My DD is waiting for my current fridge for her apartment so she is without one even longer.
  2. I am doing the fridge and freezer today.....sorta have to.....my new one will be here any minutes and my current one will be going downstairs to dd's "apartment". I have TONS more to do. The storage room is the big thing and then all of the paperwork/filing stuff.....ex husband's, in-laws (both deceased), mine, my kids, etc. Add in court stuff, adoption paperwork and disability paperwork and it just explodes. I need to week out stuff over 7 years old and then organize the rest.....so that it is easy every year to toss out the 7 year old stuff.
  3. Glad you got a diagnosis and will be on the mend. My friends in the medical field said this year has been terrible, at least in our area, for pneumonia.
  4. I use my instant pot several times a week but rarely for a whole meal. I made a wonder ranch chicken and potatoes meal the other day and would love to do more one point, flip it on and forget it (none of this open it up, add more stuff, start again type meals) supers. I would love ideas of cookbooks or websites. My few attempts at Google lead me either to Pinterest or other ones that are 90% ads and pop ups and I get frustrated before I can even find the real recipe. We are simple, comfort food people. Mostly beef, chicken breasts. Willing to try ethnic flavors as long as they aren't too spicy.
  5. I don't have an idea on price but did have a thought on the bathroom. Depending on the number, ages and gender of the kids, it might be handy to keep the separation between the shower/toilet and sinks. That way one or more can be fixing their hair, washing up, brushing teeth, etc while another is using the toilet or showering.
  6. Great update. Even if she does leave, these months with you will forever affect her future.
  7. You can look at healthcare.gov and see what they offer. I am not the same situation but feel free to look at my blog. I cover some of the feelings, emotions, hard things of this new life
  8. I was going to suggest at least talking to a credit union as well. I would also try as much as possible to stand with a realistic budget....with taxes, insurance, maintenance, etc figured in. So many lenders want to qualify you for much more than is a comfortable amount.
  9. Find out the interest rate you have now and then what the rate would be now. It may or may not make financial sense to refinance as there are fees associated. That said, unless your mortgage has an early pay off penalty, I would try to out as much extra down in your mortgage each month and Mark the extra as principal only payment. Even $20/month really helps and even more would make a huge difference.
  10. I am working on my Spanish as well. Duolingo is part of it. I also bought and went through this very easy to use workbook Getting Started with Spanish I went through it the regular way and then once I got to lesson 20 or 30 I started at the first lessons translating from English into Spanish by using the answer key for the lesson and then double checking my work with the actual lesson. That helped solidify things for me even more. Here is the very cheesy, 1980s soap opera type show that teaches Spanish. https://archive.learner.org/series/destinos/
  11. Country Life Omega 3 Mood as it has a higher EPA:DHA ratio my kids need.
  12. Thanks. Looks like a good challenge. A bit weighty for me this year but I would love to peek in on others as they complete it.
  13. I took the concealed carry class and could legally carry (with the permit) but I feel the same way. I do not in any way feel prepared at Thai moment to carry. My brother took several classes starting with guns 101 ...how they work, parts of them, safe handling, etc. Then he took the concealed carry class and then several more plus quite a bit of time at the range. He doesn't carry either. I am all for the right to carry but I want those that do to be well trained in proper use, how to shoot under pressure, etc. As we can see from so many questionable police shootings....even those with training struggle under pressure.
  14. This is one reason why I decided that my blog will not have the ads and pop ups. I do realize, though, that this is how they make their money
  15. Sounds like you have a good plan and a good support system. I find that when I make my spiritual life a priority it helps other things fall into place....not easy, but easier
  16. No help on the Canada thing. If you are coming through Wisconsin, the Milwaukee WI to Muskegon MI ferry might be fun.
  17. Wooden unit blocks it kapla blocks. Other huge hits here were little people sets, doll house (FP Loving Family), Legos and Playmobil. I would avoid anything that takes batteries😀
  18. It does leave less headroom on the 2nd rack. I just lay my spatulas along side of my cups, etc. on the top rack.
  19. I am not sure but did you know that if you call ahead TSA can do a special screening line for you and your kid with special needs? They had someone meet us near the ticket counter, walk with us to security, talk my high anxiety one through the security process in a separate line (so no having to rush), etc. It was very helpful.
  20. I bought a Bosch about 6 months ago. I find it easy to load....but I do have corelle dishes...so thinner ones. I would not pay for the thrid rack on top again. Not worth it to me as neither my kids not I want to take the time to slide out another rack, put the silverware in it neatly, etc.
  21. Last year someone mentioned doing 52 small challenges so I did that and managed to do almost all of them. So, this year I made up another list of 52 challenges. They ranges from 1 hour of landscaping work to reading through Psalms in English and Spanish, doing yoga every day for a week to visiting a national park. Others include trying a new food from the ethnic section of the grocery store to biking a new bike path with the kids. Separate from that list I also found a list online of 70 parks within about a 5 mile radius of me. Some are just several city lots set aside as a green space to bike paths, a boardwalk along the river, a dune preserve to a park on Lake Michigan. I hope to visit all of these over the course of the next year.
  22. I specifically went with them as my last experience (buying exact same stove at previous house) was awesome. I loved the stove and delivery was professional and quick.
  23. I ordered appliances the day after Thanksgiving. Gas stove with extra center grate and fridge. The extra grate was not available until after Christmas so I set delivery for Jan 2. Tonight I get a text stating my deliver is coming. A bit later I get one stating that due to shipping it is now coming Monday Jan 6. Uggg. I called and talked to a nice girl but being after 8pm on New Year's Eve the people I really needed aren't in until Thursday. I had it all set for delivery on Thursday, plumber to install gas line for stove right after delivery. The biggest issue is that next week I am back to work at the school full time. They don't give you a delivery window until the night before and that is not good with my job...and if they delay it last minute again it would be a big issue. My son also has to work. My daughter wants a fridge in her "apartment". I was getting a new one and I paid to have them bring the other one downstairs. Now I need to decide if I want to wait and hope delivery can happen Jan 11 (a Saturday) and then plumber can come Monday. Online the fridge says backordered until mid Feb .....so is mine on its way or will it be delayed??? I could see about splitting the delivery order but then I have 2 days I have to keep the whole day open for delivery. Or possibly I just cancel the whole order, find my DD a different fridge and I keep the old appliances. Basically I am just venting as we waited 5 weeks already for delivery. Other places have the same stove but for $$$ more as I got a super good sale price.
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