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Everything posted by kewb

  1. We thought about it but there are only 2 payments left on the van. I would like to not have a car payment for awhile.
  2. My ds (11) has a cell phone. His sister got his Migo when he got the phone. I used to be firmly in the "you don't need one until you drive" camp. However, the convenience factor of him having the phone has made me a convert. Even though I also generally subscribe to "everyone has one" is not a reason the joy on my ds face when dh gave him that phone is still with me. Just about everyone around here has one and he was feeling left out and upset about not having one but he never told me because he knew how I felt about cell phones. Sometimes, you just want to fit in and that is not always a bad thing.
  3. A good laugh first thing in the morning. A great way to start my day.
  4. I put the pill(s) in applesauce. Slides right down.
  5. Heart of the Home by Susan Branch http://www.amazon.com/Heart-Home-Notes-Vineyard-Kitchen/dp/0316106313 is one of my favorites. I am also fond of the Silver Palette Cookbook, Moosewood, and The Enchanted Broccoli Forest.
  6. Our library runs book clubs for several age groups that my kids participate in. You could be brave and start a discussion group. This fall we are participating in a tween discussion group. One week they will read a book ahead of time and then meet to discuss. Or a movie, or a radio show. The first week they will be doing show and tell about themselves as way of introduction. We also participate in a tween social once a month at a local Panerra bread. Everyone brings games and the kids have a blast.
  7. So alone here in Bergen County. Most of you Jersey gals seem to be central.
  8. We have Geico for our auto insurance. We have never had any problems and our claims have always been handled quickly and professionally. I would imagine their homeowners division would be run just as well.
  9. I have had luck finding slims in larger sizes at Kohl's and Sears. Otherwise I order from Land' End.
  10. My ds takes 5-HTP and inositol for his trichtillomania. He has not experienced any side effects.
  11. We will be starting in September here. Too much summer fun still to be had here in New Jersey.
  12. I think my dd's 3rd grade English text book is hanging with your Super Castles and Encyclopedia of US Presidents. Good Luck with your search.
  13. Thanks. Feel free to claim it as your own. I don't mind sharing.
  14. Craigs List. I found some great college students to babysit that way. I did have to weed through a air amount of dreck to find the gems but it was worth it.
  15. My kids take homeschool swim and gym classes at the Y. In the cold months when physical activity is a challenge we use the Wii Fit. We love Wii Fit. Sometimes we just turn up the radio and dance. I have one friend who uses Dance Dance Revolution for PE.
  16. I've always been a little out of step with the mainstream. As a kid I wanted to fit in. In college I realized it is better to be an individual. I was thinking and doing green before it became so popular. My parenting ideas were a bit out there compared to my friends. CIO was not an option for me. My ideas on nutrtiton were too strict (kids need to have a happy meal-I have been told) Homeschooling was a just another opportunity to fly my freak flag. Granted, if my ds had not been having the problems he was having in school I probably would not have ever started homeschooling but he did and now we are. Now that we have been hs for a year when I get together with my friends who send their kids to school some of the conversations seem downright weird to me. Do what makes you happy and be an individual. Life is way better that way.
  17. I wonder if I can convince dh we should do this in October? We will be visiting my mom in AZ the first week of October but this sounds fun, too. I have always wanted to check out the lodge in the Poconos.
  18. I love naps. I wish I could take one every day.
  19. So many stereotypes but here are a couple of clean ones: I grew up on Long Island. It is 2 words. I have never pronounced it Lawn Guyland. Not everyone on the Island is wealthy, living in a mansion, and driving a Mercedes or BMW. I love the Long Island Rail Road. It is 1000 times better then the mass transit in my current home state of New Jersey. New Jersey: Does not smell (unless you are on the Turnpike near Newark) The traffic in NJ is just as bad as the traffic on Long Island. I don't know what everyone here is talking about when they discuss the horrible LI traffic. I have sat in bridge traffic and tunnel traffic on both sides of the river. Equally bad. At least on LI when you get off the parkway you can get back on.
  20. Yieks! At least he loaded the dishwasher. If it is pampered chef you should be able to get a replacement.
  21. I never really thought about it. I wear shoes for comfort. The only time I wear heels now is if I am attending a formal affair. If I see a woman tottering about I will think "practice before you leave the house." Or perhaps "You look like an idiot." Other then that-if heels make you happy then wear them. Isn't that what fashion is supposed to be about? As for equality-being equal means having the ability to pick you shoes. As far as aI know, no one is holding a gun to anyone and saying "wear these crippling shoes".
  22. If I had to choose I would pick Edward. Even though I would be reading and think how romantic he is and then I would think, eww, he is 100 years old and she is a baby in comparison. But he was so charismatic, and sparkly, and I am a sucker for the knight in shining armor. Jacob irritated me. He knew what he was getting into and he would still go off and sulk. Bella, is the most annoying person on the face of the planet. Whiny, selfish, just awful to the people around her. That said, I did enjoy the brain candy while I was reading it.
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