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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Yes, we have one. The kids really wanted one and I told them they were welcome to save their money to purchase one. It took them almost 2 years but they saved their birthday and chanukah money, and did extra chores to earn money. As a family, we all love the Wii Fit. Especially now that it is too dang cold to play outside for long. I only allow games where you have to move. If they want to sit there and exercise their thumbs they each have a DS.
  2. I never remembered how many weeks I was with either of my pregnancies. I considered it a victory if I knew how many months pregnant I was. Counting the weeks was just not important to me.
  3. I did not hate The Time's Traveler's Wife but I can not say I enjoyed it either. I was left feeling apathetic about it.
  4. I read a few bad ones for book club. They were awful. Just awful. Dahlias Gone by Katie Destill. Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult The Condition by Jennifer Haigh
  5. For me it is a control thing. I need to know who/what/where/when or I feel very out of control and full of anxiety. That free falling go with the flow thing is extremely difficult for me (How I married a man like that I will never know). I also initially resist change. Even when I know change is the right thing. That is why I don't want to know when someone has something for me. It will drive me insane until I find out what it is.
  6. I hate surprises. I got engaged in a diner parking lot instead of the beach as dh had planned because he told me had a surprise for me. I pestered him until he caved. Just this past week he told me he got me a present and approx. when it would be arriving. I was home when it was delivered and opened the box. He was a bit miffed at me. I told him if he had not told me he purchased something for me I would have put the package aside like I do with all the other ones he gets. It was his fault. It was a new cell phone, in case you were wondering. My name is Kathy, and I am a contol freak.
  7. I like them, but I only have a couple of friends who send them. My one friend always headlines hers with "The XXXXX Family bragging but disguised as a Christmas Letter. Cracks me up every year.
  8. I am waiting on the snow and hoping it comes Saturday night and not during the day. It never ceases to amaze me how people rush to the store and buy everything in sight. In all my life I have never been snowed in for more then 24 hours.
  9. We bought ours through a link from the Mousesavers newsletter. If you are a member of AAA I know a lot of people who say their pricing is the best.
  10. I would ignore them. It is really none of their business.
  11. Not trying to derail this discussion but what is there for you to be frustrated about when someone chooses daycare? I don't see the difference in believing that not one size fits all in education and believing that not one size fits all for mothering. To the original topic, I do have a couple of friends who I wish would consider homeschooling. I think their kids would thrive at home in a way they are not thriving at school.
  12. At 43 some of my introvertness is different. I still love being alone and hate crowds. But I actually want to hang out with my friends. I no longer break into a sweat over the idea of getting together with people. Perhaps some of dh's extrovertness has worn off on me. As a pp stated I also have more control over my social life. I can choose to be social or not. One of my favotie social events is my book club. We have a pajama book club. We meet once a month in our pj's. I can be social and comfortable. Nothing says fun like hanging out in my big, fluffy robe and slippers.
  13. I have never managed to master the deals the way you ladies have. Probably my lack of patience with clipping coupons but I have gotten some really good deals at CVS when I put the effort in.
  14. Nope, still love my dress. I wish I had somewhere to wear it. Not that it fits anymore, but if it did, I wish I had a reason to wear it again. I got married in 1992 if that matters.
  15. I purchased my wedding dress at a tag sale 18 years ago. I am including the cost of the headpiece and veil (which I had altered from the original -oh-so- attractive-pocohontas style that was so popular in the '80s)and the shoes. So, when all was said and done I spent $550. Altering that headpiece cost me more then the dress. I did have my wedding dress preserved on the off chance that I would one day have a daughter who would want to wear the dress. Much to my dh's horror I dyed my wedding shoes to match the bridesmaid dress I wore to a friends wedding. I don't think he ever recovered. I asked him what I was supposed to do with these white shoes that I would never wear again. He really had no answer-just kept mumbling "but they are your wedding shoes."
  16. Cupcake is good and solid and dependable and long term. But Babe is so hot!
  17. I think you should rethink the sugar thing and allow the Candy Cane Jo-Jos. They are heaven in a box. That said, we really enjoy their indian food, greek yogurt, fish sticks, calamari rings (although my TJ has not had those in awhile), fresh corn salsa, fresh mild salsa, my kids like their bottled juices, hummus, and my new favorite is a whole wheat tortilla with oats and flax. Even my dh who hates tortilla wraps likes these. Their boxed soups. I always have some of their vegetable stock and chicken stock on hand. We all love the roasted red pepper and tomato soup.
  18. Some years I am ambitious and I tape them around the archway between the dining room and living room. Some years I am lazy and just make a pile on the credenza. Some years I open, say-awww, sweet, and then toss them. So far this year, there is a pile on the credenza.
  19. I love my clothes steamer. I still do break out the iron for some things but for most of my clothes-steam and go. Things I still iron are items that I want a crisp crease or pleat.
  20. Some men take longer to find themselves then others. My dh went through 3 or 4 careers before finally finding his calling in his late 30's. The arrogance and blame are serious character flaws and those need to be addressed. However, I doubt your friend is in a position to hear it from her friends.
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