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Everything posted by kewb

  1. :iagree: I love my steamer and can not imagine my life without. I only pull out the iron when something needs a crease.
  2. My father was big on "stop crying or I will give you something to cry about." I remeber being told not to swallow cherry pits/apple seeds or a tree would grow in my stomach.
  3. Quiche. Here is a simple easy quiches to make: http://southernfood.about.com/od/quicherecipes/r/bln11.htm Vegetable lasagna is easy and not exotic. Eggplant parmagiana Black bean chili and rice
  4. We definitely used it more when we first got it. I find it gets more use during the winter and on super hot days in the summer.
  5. That books make me cry every time. I read it to both of kids when they were little. Sometimes, ds (13) will pull it out for me to read. When I tuck them in at night I always tell them that I love them forever, I like them for always, and as long as I'm living my baby you'll be. My ds knows I won't be driving across town with a ladder when he is an adult. I fully expect him to give me a key to the house. ;) I can see where it has a creep factor but most little kids find it comforting that no matter what, mom will be there.
  6. There are definitely benefits to group discussion. It is a challenge to recreate that in the homeschool environment. Because of this a few friends and I created a discussion group for our kids. We meet 2x a month and discuss various topics. Over the last few years we have done books, short stories, movies, poetry, Calvin & Hobbes, & origins of Holidays. Plus, we throw in a few presentation type groups. For example, everyone wrote a short story from the same picture prompt and then they shared their stories with the group. At the beginning of the year we have a "What I did over summer vacation" presentation. Sometimes, they pick a topic of interest and have to do a presentation.
  7. The 3 I go to the most: The Joy of Cooking Heart of the Home by Susan Branch The Moosewood Cookbook
  8. I bake cookies on my stoneware all the time. I only bake with butter. I have never had any issues at all. I don't know why yours turned out flat.
  9. I appreciate your post as my oldest is entering the high school years and I have been having minor anxiety attacks.
  10. I've gotta a lot of problems with you people and now you are going to hear about it....... Happy Festivus!
  11. I am old fashioned. I like my phone to sound like a ringing phone. And that is my ringtone. An old fashioned ring like the sound from my childhood.
  12. You can tell that mine are siblings. Like my sister and I growing up there are some years they look more alike than others. When they were younger I would frequently be asked if they were twins (they are 2 years apart). Feature wise, my ds looks the most like me. Dd looks like dh, only with my face. It is kind of funny to see my features in her fathers shaped head.
  13. The Bubi Bottle is pretty neat. http://www.bubibottle.com/
  14. :iagree: My husband's family does not eat real food. I serve them what they enjoy. They are my guests and it is my job as hostess for my guests to feel welcome in my home. Getting on my food soapbox would not make them feel welcome. For Chanukkah, we get popeye's fried chicken and call it a day. Plus, I make latkes and a few sides.
  15. 1992- $550. I purchased it at a tag sale. It was the only dress I tried on. My mom looked at me in it and we knew it was the dress. It was originally a $3000 dress. It came with a headpiece and veil. No alterations needed. I think I may have spent more altering the headpiece then I did for the dress. The original headpiece was a headband style. Just awful. I changed it to a tiara style because I always wanted a tiara. My wonderful parents paid for it.
  16. I have been thinking about this thread and I remembered a dessert a friend used to make that I absolutely loved. 1 box brownie mix 1 bag mini-marshmallows Graham crackers broken up (not crushed) Prepare brownies. Remove from oven. While still hot add a layer of marshmallows. Press graham crackers on top of marshmallows. Cover pan in tinfoil while you wait for marshmallows to become gooey. Serve.
  17. If someone is not on facebook it is no skin off my nose. It is really none of my business.
  18. Under and in the couch. Under the table. Under the charging station. In dd's room. In a book somewhere.
  19. I won't say no to a soft cookie but I definitely pefer a crisp cookie. I use oat flour in my chocolate chip cookies to give them that wonderful crisp texture that I love. If you don't want to eat my cookies because you prefer them undercooked that is ok. That just means more cookies for me.
  20. We have been using MUS since we started homeschooling. But, my youngest was in 3rd grade at the time so we did not use the beginning levels. It has been a great fit for us. My kids like watching the video and my kids like math worksheets. So for us, it is a good fit. They remember what they learn. As pp stated, it is different from what they teach in school becuase it is a mastery program. This can be a detriment if they go back to public/private school.
  21. It was a big honor to be selected to go make the dittos. Ah, covered in ink, the smell, good times, good times.
  22. I really don't worry about it. I post pics of my kids. I post places we have been. Statistically, my kids have a greater chance of someone they know doing something creepy. I don't say anything online about my kids or family that I would not say to their face. Now that my kids are older they know what is on the blog and if they don't want me to share something I respect their wishes.
  23. The desserts I can eat all day every day; chocolate pudding pie. Graham crackers crust Follow the directions on the jello pudding box Real whip cream I prefer knox blox to jigglers: http://www.food.com/recipe/the-knox-blox-i-remember-209226 although, sometimes I use fruit juice instead of jello.
  24. If the kids don't want what I prepared-after a legitimate trying of the food-then they are free to go get themselves a yogurt or a bowl of cereal. I am not a short order cook.
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