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Everything posted by kewb

  1. A drive thru would be awesome but there is no way for our library to put one in even if they were so inclined. I love my library but it is under serious attack right now by people in my town who think the library should be shut down to save money.
  2. I just saw reg. was $3.51 at the least expensive gas station in town. It was $3.49 when I filled up a couple of days ago. That is the cash price. Credit was $3.60. I am NJ.
  3. I have found that since the dog rips up most of the yard and it is primarily a mud puddle my dandelion problem has vanished.
  4. Totally forgot about Knight Rider. If we are going to include cheese on the list-let us not forget The Dukes of Hazard.
  5. I love that my 13 year old (Yikes, soon to be 14) still wants me to tuck him in at night. And I love that he will crawl into my bedroom and peek his eyes over the side of the bed and look at me because I told him I miss that little toddler who did that. He is such a sweet and caring young man when he is not being sarcastic and withdrawn.
  6. I don't know how old your kids are and most of the ones I would have mentioned have already been, but here are a few I didn't see: Mary Tyler Moore Rhoda Family The Walton's Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman All in the Family Maude
  7. We had purchased one from Creative Playthings a number of years ago. We kept it for about 6 years. If we had sealed the wood every year like we were supposed to it probably would have held up better. The basic structure was still sound but by the time we got rid of it some of the ladder rungs had to be replaced because they rotted and broke. Our rope ladder also had to be replaced once due to it rotting away. It was certainly a worthwhile investment. I got rid of it when my youngest was 10 because no one really used it with any regularity anymore and my yard is just not that big. Although I do miss being able to hang my laundry to dry on the monkey bars.
  8. No, I never give money. I will give food or beverage. Back in the day I would give a subway token if they needed to get somewhere.
  9. I am always telling my kids to add it to "the list of things my mother did wrong" so when they are in therapy it will save them time.
  10. The best way to find out if a farmer is for real is if the farmer will let you tour where the chickens live. Eggs do not actually have to be refrigerated. I buy my eggs from a local poultry farm (best eggs ever) 4 dozen at a time. 2 doz go in the fridge and 2 doz sit on the counter in a big ole bowl. I usually only buy eggs once a month.
  11. As much as I prefer glass jars, recyclable plastic would be what I would want for something I am using in the shower.
  12. Congrats to your dd. As for that other mom, as a pp said, it probably has nothing at all to do with your dd and everything to do with her own issues.
  13. I just keep learning things today. I will have to try shredding chicken now and the next time I need to cut in butter, kitchenaid whisk it will be.
  14. I know. It is strange but every once in awhile we come across one.
  15. We have spent many hours watching that movie. We all love it. Most of the time when someone is walking out the door here someone will shout out "Have fun storming the castle." People who have never seen the movie are quite confused.
  16. I took it out of the library a couple of years ago. I was able to glean some useful info to incorporate into what we were doing. I don't know that I would make the investment into purchasing it.
  17. I will admit to this always being at the forefront of my mind. My mother was emotionally distant when I was growing up. She is also the queen of negative support. I feared having this kind of relationship with my dd that when I found out she was a girl I cried for weeks. It was actually my step-mother-in-law who helped me through this. She also had a lousy relationship with her mother and has a daughter (she has a wonderful relationship with her dd). She flat out told me that my relationship with my daughter has nothing to do with my relationship with my mother. I will make the relationship what I want it to be. I am not my mother. My dd is 11 now and we have a pretty good relationship. It is certainly better than the one I have with my mother. She knows I love her (I tell her and show her all the time). Our relationship does have rocky times though. She is a lot like me and that does cause conflict. The key for me is remembering I am not my mother. I won't say I never slip because I do. But, unlike my mother, I tell my dd that I am sorry and we talk about whatever it is I did or did not do.
  18. I have had my mixer for a few years now and I just gave myself the headsmack. Duh! Mix my meatloaf in there. You would think this would have occurred to me since I grind the meat for the loaf using the attachment. Take off attachment and put on paddle. I use my kitchenaid frequently. I just baked bread this morning. At holiday time it makes it really easy to whip up all those cookies I bake for dh's clients. I don't store it on my counter. It goes on my bakers rack next to my nutrimill.
  19. Same here. My answer remains the same. I am not willing to sacrifice my child on the alter of "there may be a chance my child being in school will help peers learn."
  20. My sister had a rock tumbler when we were kids. My father set it up in the back porch in the storage closet. I only recall my sister using it once. I will have to try to remember to ask her about it when we speak next.
  21. A friend of mine just had it done last week. She said the cramping was no more uncomfortable than the cramping she was having that led up to having the procedure.
  22. I keep my blog simple. I was raised not to air my dirty laundry in public. I don't put anything up there that I would not discuss with anyone. Now that ds is a teen and dd is getting there I do get their photo approval.
  23. And this is why I have taught my kids to make their own breakfast and lunch. I have started teaching them some basic dinners. If I do this right I won't have to cook again for years. To help, we have forage night once a week. Great way to clean out the frige.
  24. I just use the curriculum. Every now and again I think about enrolling my oldest for high school so that he is accountable to someone else but I realize that he will be getting that through his spanish course and he currently gets it from his philosophy facilitator so it is not a foreign concept to him. Plus, it is a bit cost prohibitive for me to enroll him with teacher support.
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