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Everything posted by kewb

  1. My grandma (she will be 101 on Monday) lived on her own until she was 95. After my father passed away she didn't want to live alone anymore and finally agreed to move in with my aunt. She is definitely a lot slower then she used to be but her mind is still sharp as a tack. Until her health started to decline she walked at least a mile every day if not more, visited friends, she lives life. She made my aunt take her to a st. patricks day celebration over the weekend because she wanted some corned beef. My mom is in her 70's. She moved herself across country 5 years ago because she always wanted to live in Arizona. Up until last year when she injured her back she would go on one vacation adventure a year. She has been to China, Viet Nam, The Dominican Republic, Spain, etc.. She can't handle the long plane rides anymore and she is so thankful she went when she could. She lives on her own, volunteers at a local wildlife sanctuary, is involved with a local museum, and has a great group of friends she stays busy with.
  2. No, you are not alone. My kids think it is hilarious. I find it nonsense.
  3. My dd has it. Nothing seems to make it go away completely. Not changes in diets, not exfoliating. Winter months are worse then summer months. Exfoliating does help. When she remembers she scrubs her arms with baking soda. I am going to have her try the salt. I don't know why I never thought to have her try coconut oil. It is not like I have a gallon tub of it in the kitchen or anything.
  4. Sci Fi cafe was our least favorite thing. If you enjoy staring at a screen for your entire meal and not really being able to talk to anyone other then the person sitting next to you then it is great.
  5. To be honest, I often use our powder room as a telephone booth. It is the only place I can get some privacy and sometimes I think a bench might be nice. One day when my ds was around 10 he got a phone call and he went into the powder room to talk. I almost fell down I was laughing so hard.
  6. i am all for limiting the amount of stuff we have. I have been working on dh for years now. That man is the poster child for a hoarders show. When I can get the clutter under control I feel so much better. Unfortunately my kids have hoarder tendencies, too. I doubt I would ever live in a tiny apartment because I do like some breathing room but I can certainly see downsizing once the kids are out of the house.
  7. Me too. Although sometimes dh comes home with an interesting soy sauce from the Korean market. we have no idea what it is but it tastes great.
  8. I have a friend with 40 acres and a backhoe.
  9. We just finished paying off dh's car a few months ago. My van has been paid off for a couple of years now. I am hopeful that both cars keep going for a few more years. We usually need to take a loan when it comes time for a new car but we do make it a rule to only have one car payment at a time.
  10. I would make him finish the season. He made a commitment and he needs to honor it. I always told my kids when they wanted to do an activity that they were making a commitment. We would be taking money from the budget for other things to pay for the activity and that means they will participate to the best of their ability for the season. If they did not want to continue the next session/season they did not have to but they would honor the commitment they made. The caveat being if there was a situation that made it an unhealthy environment then they could drop at any time.
  11. Yes, it does. A gallon tub lasts me a few months and I store it at room temp.
  12. My 15 year old son still likes me to tuck him in most nights. It is when we spend a little time just talking about whatever he wants in regards to life, problems, stuff in general. I think my friends would be horrified if they knew I still tucked my kids in at night or maybe their friends would be horrified but we like the time to connect. My dd (12) still loves that time, too.
  13. Lunch around here can be any number of things (although leftovers would top the chart) My kids have made themselves: Eggs (fried or hard boiled) Yogurt w/granola Pasta Crudite Sandwiches (or in my anti-bread daughters world-meat, cheese, and lettuce roll up) Cereal Pancakes/waffles Fried Rice
  14. I usually buy tropical traditions. I usually have a jar of the gold label (coconut flavor) and gallons of the green label (coconut taste removed). I did buy the vitacost brand once. It was fine but I definitely prefer TT. I use it for just about everything. It makes the best popcorn. I fry eggs in it, use it in baking instead of butter, stir fry. Coconut oil solidifies below 72 degrees. I think it was 72 degrees. In the winter my coconut oil is solid. Once it gets into the 70's it liquifies.
  15. I think there is a difference between killing with your bow and arrow and using magic and trickery. One is upfront and usually done in a life and death situation. Snow tricked Regina into killing her mother. The trickery and maliciousness in the act caused the black spot.
  16. Olive oil is one of the oils I cook with. I use coconut oil and olive oil with the most frequency. Sometimes I use sunflower seed oil. Coconut oil makes the best popcorn.
  17. The media has played a huge role in our culture of fear. I will own up to the fact that it is something I struggle with. A parents role is two-fold. To Protect and To Prepare. As a society we seem to have forgotten the To Prepare half. We are so busy protecting that our kids have zero street smarts. My ds was the recipient of the bulk of my over protectiveness. My dd has benefited from my experiments with the my ds. I have made great improvements but I know I still have a ways to go.
  18. The father is probably locked up somewhere like Belle was. She didn't let him go because he would tell about the town. No one would believe a child. I am not sure I like snow going all kinds of crazy, I did live the black spot on her heart and when Regina said she didn't have to do anything at all because Snow let the black in.
  19. I have a professional 600 series as well. Love it. It handles my whole grain bread dough, cookie dough, and everything else I throw in there.
  20. As an example of my stellar eating habits, after I was done milking the oat/coconut pulp for my oat milk I promptly baked cookies with the pulp. If you ignore the sugar and semi-sweet chocolate chips it is practically health food. I get bonus health points because I used whole wheat flour I ground in my nutrimill. Yeah, that's right. I went there. :) Should I mention that we are going out to dinner for ds's birthday and it will probably be a burger joint and I will happily eat that greasy burger made with ground chuck with a side of well done deep fried fries. It's gonna be good.
  21. I make the best choices I can every day. I am making oat milk right now for the very first time. I make my kefir. I bake 95% of our bread. Use whole wheat pasta. The majority of our meals are from scratch. I do not keep soda in the house because I think it is empty calories. I feel the same way about juice but I will buy it every once in awhile as a treat. 8 times out of 10 I have nice healthy snacks for my kids for after swim practice. Those other 2x, well we were running late and I didn't have time to bake anything so Little Debbie snack cakes it is. Friday night is pizza night and take out chinese food makes a fairly regular appearance as well. I am talking deep fried general tsos chicken with those steamed veggies. My main reason for keeping the junk out of the house is because I will eat it. None of us need it so I don't keep it around. If there is a bag of white flour dinner rolls around I will inhale the bag so I don't keep them in the house. Everything in life is about balance and making the best choices you can. Some days I fall down flat and other days I rock it.
  22. I find the regular allergy medicine - not the non-drowsy formula knocks me right out. I won't be making that purchasing mistake again.
  23. Greek Chicken with a side of greek style couscous.
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