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Everything posted by Susann

  1. has anyone tried this recipe? I have everything except the cardamom which is very expensive! Oldest DD loves chai tea and I'm putting together a care package for her. I have very vanilla taste buds so have no idea if this would be good. Anyone? http://passthesushi.com/chai-pumpkin-spice-thumbprints/
  2. As a mom that puts this on the invitations, please don't bring a gift. Someone always does and it makes the others who didn't uncomfortable. Also, if someone chooses to bring a gift, please don't be offended when I greet you at the door, thank you for the gift, and quietly place it in another room for the birthday girl to open after everyone has left. NO, she is not going to open it in front of everyone.This happened several times when dds were younger and I had to take time away from the party and deal w/something that I shouldn't of have to deal with! Rant over:glare:
  3. Off to drown my tears in Nutella:crying::crying:
  4. The dress is lovely. The shoes sound lovely and comfortable! I'd wear hose-but then I have 55 year old, pasty white legs:D Please just be comfortable and enjoy yourself!!!!
  5. Can I also say that having kids in college can really be a lot of fun! Though I miss the younger years, I'm really enjoying watching/listening to what my dds are going though. I'm learning that they need you just as much in college as they did at home-though definitely in a different way!
  6. :grouphug::grouphug: DD is CD and while we appreciate others wanting to do something nice by trying to prepare foods for her it's so much easier and safer to always bring her own. Unless it's something you deal with on a regular basis, it is so easy to cross contaminate. I'm so sorry it's ruined your holiday!
  7. My girls loved them when they were younger. Some of our favorite memories were of them playing/building and me reading the Chronicles of Narnia series. I can't even imagine how many sets they bought w/their allowances.I swear they're both math/science oriented because of the hours spent w/legos. Set aside one area for them to keep them from underfoot.
  8. I know exactly what you're going through. Youngest DD had her first upper GI almost three years ago. Receiving the CD diagnosis after almost two years of mysterious weight loss, nausea and terrible abdominal pain was truly a blessing. Hope you find answers! :grouphug:
  9. :iagree: FWIW, my DD is getting a robotics minor and loves it!
  10. Announcement to wedding day was a little under four months. Our wedding was on the ten year anniversary of our first date. And, contrary to my dear mil's talk, it wasn't shotgun:glare:
  11. :iagree: DH and I totally paid for our wedding 25 years ago.
  12. Congrats!!!! DH & I had this in our wedding vows 25 years ago.
  13. I like your positive attitude! Pretty,new bowls are always nice.
  14. Now I just stopped crying over youngest being at college and now you've started me up again!!!!! Darn it!!!! I'm sending lots of :grouphug: your way. It does get better!
  15. The vinegar is so diluted that it doesn't smell, it's cheap, and kills mold, bacteria and viruses. http://www.care2.com/greenliving/vinegar-kills-bacteria-mold-germs.html
  16. I just fill my dishpan with water and add a cup of vinegar. Thrown in the produce, swish it around and let it soak for awhile. I rinse it off and let air dry on a clean towel. Produce lasts so much longer after cleaning.
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