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Everything posted by Susann

  1. Wow! What fantastic projects-you/they deserve to brag:party:
  2. Oh, I'm so sorry for what you're going through!!! Sending :grouphug: and prayers your way.
  3. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to everyone!!!! Deep breathes, we'll all get through this!!
  4. Not a lifestyle I'd ever choose but I think it's interesting to watch how they're navigating life.
  5. What a terrible loss :grouphug: He looks like he was an amazing teacher!
  6. http://www.aol.com/video/oklahoma-mechanic-wears-kilts-to-work/517443167/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl17%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D192855
  7. That's exactly how I'm feeling! Oldest loves her school and has had some amazing experiences and feels that's it's "home" now. I know youngest will feel the same once she settles in, too. Honestly, after the health problems w/youngest the last three years and oldest being in Germany/Europe the last five months I'm ready to just curl up and sleep for the next month! I do already miss scouting out curriculum and planning the year. Have had a couple of people ask me about hs their children. They don't seem to realize what they'd miss by not doing it themselves. So, on to the next step. Thought it would be foster parenting but dh says he wants it to be just the two of us again.:001_wub: So, on to exploring what I want to do since apparently I'm a grownup now :glare: And :grouphug: to you and your next step w/your youngest!
  8. Dropped youngest off at college this weekend. Just as tough as dropping off oldest!! Nothing else-just ticked at people who say it's easier w/the 2nd!
  9. Amy, Praying for you and Little Bit and sending lots of :grouphug: your way!
  10. Do you mind if I bring an apple cobbler? I'm feeling the need for comfort food tonight! How was your weekend? Bittersweet-we just dropped youngest dd off at Purdue to start her freshman year. She's nervous but seems to be handling it alright. She has a nice roommate and a really cool room so we're keeping our fingers crossed. Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating? Sleeping late then getting oldest dd ready to go back to RH. Oldest flew in two weeks ago after five months in Germany. DH had last week off so we could all be together-just an emotional two weeks! Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes! I'm not a game player-but could I refill your drink and get you a piece of cobbler with ice cream, of course! I'd like to just take care of all you wonderful ladies and listen in on the laughter.
  11. DDs loves peanut butter cookies-very easy to make. 1 cup peanut butter 1 cup sugar 1 egg Mix, roll in balls, dip in sugar and bake at 350 for 10 minutes.
  12. Again, this seems to be totally about you and not your daughter. And, yes, in the overall scheme of things for the average person hair is unimportant.
  13. I could have written your letter last year. DD had beautiful golden hair down to her bottom and asked to get it cut in a pixie. I was less than supportive to say the least-I've discovered I definitely have hair envy!! Then I realized I was micromanaging her decision. She cut it in a very short pixie and is extremely happy with it and, hanging my head, she was right. It just "fits" her and her personality so much better than long hair. "I don't aspire to look cute and I can't say I want my gorgeous daughter to look cute",I've done it to my own hair and it SUCKED eggs", -it sounds like your arguments are more about you and your feelings than her. "She's not happy that I "shot her down."- I'd worry that if she feels she can't talk to you about something as unimportant as cutting her hair what might she be unwilling to discuss in the future. FWIW-I think Emma Watson is sooooo much prettier with short hair-she just looked average before.
  14. I'm so happy you were able to get some rest last night. After reading your post, I know you have the positive attitude to deal with this situation!
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