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Everything posted by Jaz

  1. Jaz


    Yes, I'd suggest you start with light hand weights and follow a video. Then, purchase a larger set of hand weights when those exercises become easy. For your lower body, in addition to jumping, you can do lunges and squats. Hopefully, someone will link to good weight lifting at home videos as I've been at a gym the last 4 years
  2. Jaz


    I was diagnosed with osteopenia 4 years ago. I started lifting heavier weights (taking Les Mills BodyPump classes). I eat little dairy and don't take calcium supplements. I had it retested a month ago and it's now in the normal range!
  3. We have a one piece insert. I have no idea what material it is, but I love it as it's easy to clean!
  4. I agree, I'd accept the gift. You could save it to help them sometime in the future.
  5. Soup and mashed potatoes made with chicken broth rather than milk is what my dd ate after having her wisdom teeth removed.
  6. We watch it on Playstation Vue. It works much better for us than Sling. You can record any shows you like.
  7. World History - She could use Diana Waring's What in the World is Going On Here? audio CDs: https://www.dianawaring.com/store/history-audio-cds Instead of geometry what if you do something with finances? My ds like the audio CDs from Financial Peace (we owned the regular program). For literature - I'd recommend you choose 3-4 titles and consider Garlic Press guides. I used their guides, and they are very well done! For chemistry - I'd start with Crash Course Chemistry on Youtube and a funny chemistry book, such as Chemical Chaos. The Disappearing Spoon would make a great read aloud as you learn about elements and their involvement in history. You can really learn a lot of theory through these types of resources. For Worldview - You may want to consider PragerU by Dennis Prager. He has short videos by different speakers about a wide variety of topics. It has made for great discussions in our home.
  8. I'm sorry. Great job on making the most of your today! :grouphug:
  9. Jaz

    Yoga people!

    LesMills BodyFlow may be something you'd enjoy.
  10. I hoping to get the family tickets to see Les Miserables!
  11. I'm sorry family doesn't understand your dd. You may need to set-up the next visit with structure for your dd. Perhaps staying at a hotel, shorter chunks of time with extended family, inviting cousins to go "with" your family places, etc. It sounds like she needs support to help her in those difficult situations. Try to find coping strategies she can implement. If she can learn to sense when things are becoming overwhelming, she could share a code word with you. Then, you could.....xyz, whatever it is she needs to help her through it. You probably need to work on not letting your family set you off - so difficult I know! You'll be able to handle situations much better if you are able to stay calm. It's also easier to leave quickly when you're not fighting. If you know they are against the way you parent, you can visit with your guard up. I'm sorry you have to do that. Sigh.
  12. Old Navy American Flag t-shirts as part of the t-shirt gifts. My guys love them! We buy them every year for family members.
  13. Both of my kids have smartphones on that old $10 Tmobile deal. They really like having them and use apps for texting and calling when at home or in a WiFi area. Enjoy your new phone!
  14. Meeting them on the porch is good idea. Just don't invite them in and make excuses if they ask....I have paint out, just sprayed for bugs here too, etc.
  15. I'm so sorry you don't have closure. Praying!
  16. We're heading to National Institute for Homeschool Debate at Concordia University (CA) in July for the first time!
  17. My ds is in college now so I was able to get rid of one complete bookcase. I happily donated most of the books and gave the bookcase to a book collecting friend. Now, our dining room feels huge!
  18. This is hilarious! I've been trying to dress more trendy. I wore a khaki pair of capri pants yesterday, and something felt off with the outfit. Now I know why! Those pants have been put in the donation pile. LOL
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