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Everything posted by Loowit

  1. Mine is in my hope chest in my room. I take it out once in a blue moon and show it to the kids. I probably should have just given mine to my kids for dress-up. It wouldn't have worked for Harry Potter dress-up because it is blue and not a dye-able material.
  2. I had my second Pfizer shot last Tuesday. The injection site was red, swollen, and bruised looking. It itched terribly for several days, but is better now. It is still has a welt and is bruised, but doesn't hurt. The tinnitis got worse after the second shot, but has stayed at that level since. I talked to my ENT and she told me to make an appointment for a hearing check and then I can see her. I have been tired off and on, and mild nausea. This evening the nausea is worse and I am feeling really tired and chilly (no fever). I was thinking I should be all over it by now since it will be a week tomorrow. My DD who got her shot at the same time, did fine. Just a tad bit of soreness at the injection site, a bit of fatigue the day after the shot. She had a mild headache for a couple days too.
  3. My 18 yo got his first shot (Pfizer) last Tuesday. He just had a mildly sore arm for a day or two.
  4. This is great news. I will need to contact DS's allergist to get his take on getting him the vaccine. It would be nice if all of us were fully vaccinated.
  5. A large portion of our local CC is made up of running start (DE) high school students and adults seeking education for new jobs (displaced workers, displaced homemakers, people with disabilities, etc.), and those seeking vocational degrees (mechanics, nursing, early childhood ed., etc.). A smaller number are high school graduates that are doing their first two years of college. The CC in our state have reciprocity agreements with state colleges/universities and with some private colleges/universities. Whether it is a better cost saving option really depends on your area and the degree/program you are going into. My DD did not do running start, though we did look into it. I am glad she held off, because although she would have done fine academically she was not mature enough. After she graduated homeschool at 17, she got a job and paid for her AA degree on her own. She took a gap year this last school year, where she did just one class a quarter, while working. She applied to multiple colleges and ended up getting some great scholarships. Her opinion is that going to CC was a great stepping stone for her and she doesn't regret it at all. It helped her to get her general ed credits at a much cheaper cost. All of her credits transfer, and she will enter as a college as a junior. Going to CC first didn't hinder her in getting scholarships (which I started to worry about after listening to some moms here), and in fact helped her to get some she wouldn't have otherwise. I think the regional differences are what makes a national mandate a bit tricky. That said, I would like to see my state start covering two years at a CC for everyone, not just high school students, and I think that may happen in the not too distant future, but likely not soon enough for my children to benefit.
  6. His first DTaP he had no reaction. His second he developed a low grade fever, rash, cried (screamed) for hours, and had his whole leg swell up. I was told it wasn't a big deal. Fever was a coincidence and swelling is normal and he was a colicky baby so crying happened. The third shot when he was 6 months old. His whole leg swelled again, red and hot. He screamed for several days, barely sleeping, He developed a high fever and hives. I got it put into his chart that he was allergic to the pertussis part of the vaccine, as per the doctor we saw for his reaction. In the future he received the DT or T shots and did fine. Then a couple of years ago he was getting boosters. He was due for tetanus and I let the nurse know that he was allergic to pertussis vaccine. She was supposed to just give him the tetanus booster, but gave him the TDaP. That night he had difficulty breathing, hives, high fever, whole body turned red and hot. It was super scary. I checked his online chart and that is when I found out he had been given the wrong shot. Now, I know that I have to double and triple check what vaccine they are injecting.
  7. I think one reason vaccine hesitant people, including me, are not wanting to engage in discussions about it is because we are tired of being viewed as ignorant. The idea that if we just heard enough arguments, we would see the light gets tiring. I usually avoid all vaccine discussions because I know my views are biased based on personal experience. I get tired of hearing about how severe reactions to vaccines are so rare. To me it sounds like "Eh, who cares if a few people die/are permanently maimed/etc. because this is for the greater good and it is soooo rare." I get that they are not trying to be cold or heartless, but it still sounds that way because to me it is my real life child that suffered a severe vaccine reaction. It is a personal, gut reaction, and probably not something I can ever view with cold, hard facts. I actually had a doctor at one point corner me in an exam room and refuse to let me leave until I agreed to let my DS get vaccinated for a shot he was due to have. It was not his primary care doctor, who agreed to put it off until he was a couple years older. At the time I was suffering from post-partum depression from the birth of my third child and not able to stand up for myself or my child. Fortunately, he suffered no long term problems from it, but it sure made me distrust the medical community. I am happy to explain why I don't vaccinate for certain things, or why I am hesitant, but I really don't want to debate it because it is too personal and emotional for me. I don't need people to try to change my mind, and don't need to be enlighten, and I do not want to argue my points which I suppose is a bit wimpy of me, but I just don't have the mental energy right now.
  8. Yes, it is a hormone thing, but do they know what is causing breakthrough bleeding? I would guess it would have something to do with hormone changes, but may or may not effect ovulation or whatnot. I haven't really looked into it much since we aren't trying to have any more children.
  9. I am vaccine hesitant. Growing up vaccines were just part of life, something someone did. My parents talked about the vaccine preventable diseases that they had as kids and the "miracle" of vaccines. But then I had my own kids and "information" about vaccines possibly causing autism and other things was a new thing to think about. Obviously, this information is now much more researched and debunked, but at the time it did make me hesitate. Then I had a child with severe allergies who could not get the flu shot and had severe reactions to the pertussis shots. The reaction from the medical community was less than stellar. DS first serious reaction to a vaccine was written off as coincidence, and it took a second more severe and scary reaction to get them to listen to me. I have been fortunate that my DS has grown up with (mostly) herd immunity to pertussis. There have been a few breakout cases in my state, but overall he is "safe" because people choose to vaccinate when he can't. He has sadly been hospitalized with the flu when he couldn't be vaccinated, but now he has outgrown his allergies he can get the flu shot and does every year. I think part of the problem with the covid shot is how politicized it has gotten. The whole pandemic is a big scary mess. I have had both my shots now, and not had a good time, but so relieved at the same time. I am glad I will have less chance of getting the real thing now and hopefully if I do it won't be as bad. I would love to see everyone get the vaccine that can, because it would help protect my DS who may or may not be able to get it. We will find out after talking to his allergist in June. But I can't in good conscience as others to take a shot that has been seen to cause some fairly significant side effects and is not fully tested and approved. I myself am having tinnitus from it that has gotten worse since my second shot. While it may well be that I would have gotten the same thing from covid, to me it does make a difference that I got to make the decision to have the vaccine injected of my own free will. I am very sad to see the low rates of vaccine acceptance in my area. I think we are almost at the point where everyone who want the vaccine that is 16+ years old has it or has made their appointment, and that is not near enough for herd immunity. They are also fighting the lockdown, numbers are going up, ICUs are getting full, and people still have their eyes closed to the reality. Sorry for the rambling post, I am feeling frustrated and am not sure what my point is. I guess I want people to be vaccinated, but I understand why some don't or want to wait for more complete picture of any potential long term effects.
  10. If it shortens the phase between ovulation to period it can have a huge impact on fertility. One of my fertility issues when trying to get pregnant was a short luteal phase on the months when I actually ovulated (which was rare). I am not saying that the vaccine causes that, but if it did it could be a huge factor in fertility.
  11. I would look into getting a separate pair of glasses for the computer. They make a special glasses for computer work. My DH has a pair and he loves them. He just started to need glasses in the last couple of years. I take off my glasses for working on the computer. The screen is the wrong distance for my bifocals to work for either distance or close up. I should get a pair for when I work at the computer, but so far I can still see well enough.
  12. I got my second Pfizer shot this morning with DD. She is feeling great, not even sore arm. I am starting to feel yucky. The ringing in my ears is getting louder, but the pharmacist gave me some ideas of stuff to try. I am feeling a bit nauseous, tired, and sore. I was going to take DS for his first shot appointment this afternoon, but am not feeling up to it, so DH took time off work to take him. Really, he is 18 and could have gone by himself, but he hates shots and having DH there to drive makes him feel better about it.
  13. Princess Bride Avengers movies Captain America movies The Lord of the Rings movies Star Wars original triology Star Trek movies (mostly) Undercover Blues Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Singing in the Rain Rebecca Harry Potter movies
  14. Started homeschooling all of them in K. Oldest graduated 3 years ago, middle is graduating in a month, and youngest will graduate in 2 years.
  15. I wear one some of the the time, more lately than in the past. I got tired of stains on my clothes. I have been thinking about getting a new one, but never get around to it. I mostly use one DH got me as a present. It is a Wonder Woman design. I also have one my mom made me for Christmas baking that I use during the holidays.
  16. I don't really remember. I joined in 2011, and I am sure I was looking for information on homeschooling ideas. It would have been when my youngest was 5. I remember around that time wanting to find a better fit for the kids and I with curriculum, so possibly when I was googling for curriculum recomendations? I wish I would have found WTM (book and forums) sooner.
  17. I am 9 days past my first Pfizer shot and have developed a red painful itchy welt at the injection site. My whole arm is starting to feel a bit achy. I also still have ringing in my ears that started a few hours after the injection. Today it seems a bit louder. I hope it goes away soon. I was wondering if anyone knew about reporting things that develop, like covid arm, after the v-safe stops checking up on you. They only collected data for the first 7 days, and now I am past that with a new thing. Should I just tell the pharmacy when I go to get my second shot?
  18. Hopefully, all of us will be vaccinated by summer, except youngest who can't until fall. However, he is a high risk category so we will still be being cautious. DD20 is planning to continue her work from home job tutoring and getting ready to go away to college in the fall. DS18 is planning to join the marines if we can ever get the medical paperwork straightened out. DS15 is planning to hang out at home and play minecraft. We are looking at possibly letting him go to scout camp, but there are a lot of things up in the air with that. I have not been overly happy with how his troop is handling things or the council for that matter. Likely the boys and DH will do some camping by themselves over the summer. I am also hoping for some family hikes and things we can do socially distanced.
  19. My older two did: Ancient History - 9th grade, World History (starting with the Roman Empire) - 10th grade, and US History - 11th/12th split. My youngest is doing things a bit different. His 9th grade year we did History from post-middle ages to modern times. This year, 10th grade, he is working on ancient history. 11th grade will be world history starting the Rome forward, and 12th grade will be US history. For other social sciences all of them are doing/have done: Health, Economics, US Government, Personal Finance, Logic,
  20. We liked Andromeda, but I know that there is a two-part episode that would be a bit violent for younger children. I was thinking about Firefly, but that might be better for a bit older kids. It has been a while since I watched it.
  21. DD, DH, and I got ours at Walmart. We needed to bring in DL or other photo ID and insurance card if we had one. They did not ask about mother's maiden name, however, it is a question that I was asked recently at the doctor's office, which I found odd. I did have to fill out a form about how I was feeling that day and if I had any allergies or reactions to previous vaccines. I also had to fill out a form for why I was eligible for the vaccine.
  22. When I was part of a co-op years ago my boys were not fully vaccinated, mostly due to severe vaccine reactions. It was not something that was asked about or really discussed that I can remember. I do not consider myself anti-vax; I am cautious vax. However, my DD was part of an homeschool art group for several years in high school. The ones she keeps in touch with are mostly anti-vax and Covid is a hoax sort. It has made it so she is starting to unfriend some of them. It isn't just the anti-vax stand, it is the making fun of people who take this stuff seriously that is getting to her.
  23. DH got the Johnson & Johnson shot Monday evening. A few hours later he was feeling a bit achy. The next day he was achy and tired and slept all afternoon. Today he says that he is feeling almost back to normal. DD and I got our first Pfizer shot yesterday morning. DD has had no side effects. I have been tired, headache, dizzy, and my ears are ringing. No redness or swelling at the injection site, which I was sort of expected. My flu shot last fall gave me a horrible red, hot, itchy, swollen arm for almost a week. I am glad we were able to find a way to get them much sooner than I had expected.
  24. We have been thinking about this for months. My middle is graduating this year. When DD graduated, we did a lovely outdoor ceremony/party at my parent's house because they had a bigger yard. I was thinking we would do something similar for DS, but at our house now that we have moved and have the room, but then Covid hit. For a while I was thinking we wouldn't do anything at all except maybe an online "gathering" to congratulate him. But then I started thinking that he is planning to join the military after graduation and this might be the last chance he has to see family before he leaves for boot camp. Now we are thinking about possibly having a small gathering in our backyard. It would by my parents, DH's parents, and my siblings with their families which is 16 people total including our family. We would be masked and distanced. I wouldn't serve food, but would provide to-go cupcakes to send home with guests. We would meet up with DH's siblings another time since they are out of the area and we wouldn't want to ask them to travel here for the graduation. Of the people we are thinking of inviting all would be fully vaccinated except our youngest son and my niece who aren't old enough. I don't know if it will technically fit guidelines or not as they keep changing. The county I live in is set to go back a phase next week if cases continue to rise like they are, but who knows where things will be by June. DH suggested meeting at a park, but I think that would be more risky because most people around here are not being cautious at all. We went in a store last weekend, for the first time in months and months, and less than half the people were masked even though it is required. Numbers in our area are rising again and people around here don't seem to care. So meeting somewhere in public, even outdoors, is not in my comfort zone right now.
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