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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. Thanks :) I'm impatient to have it in my hands and discover for myself why everyone raves about the book.
  2. And I am super excited!! :D It should be here in a 2 weeks. I was at the new library this arvo (it officially opened today) and I put down TWTM as a request for the library to buy.
  3. :iagree: This forum can be extremely dangerous to you bank balance unless you quickly develop strong self control. ;)
  4. Ok, I'm going to post two. The only professional pics where done when DS was only a few months old. We are waiting until they are older to get more done. This was taken back in May this year. Here is one of me and the kids which we just took using the laptop cam... :lol:
  5. :lol: Hilarious!!! Thanks for sharing.
  6. :iagree: :lol: My DH keeps saying to me "I thought homeschooling was going to be cheaper than public school?" :blush: Gosh I love the Hive, but you guys are going to send me broke one day!!! :D
  7. What I have planned so far for DD next year is: Singapore Maths Standards 1 (plus CWP & IP) History Odyssey Ancients 1 Elemental Science grammar stage Biology Fitzroy Readers GWG WWW GD italics B AAS Of course that could change :)
  8. Thanks for the advice. I am looking at Singapore for DD next year. I had a US friend buy the earlybird maths for me via the singapore site a few months back and the shipping to their address was $14.95!! I will be looking at RR's prices now.
  9. Officially tomato sauce but casually/everyday it is just sauce.
  10. I am going to be honest and say that I did not finish high school. Does it mean I am not "qualified" (possibly wrong word) enough to HS my children through primary school (K-6)?? My sister said something to me a couple of months ago that has left me thinking about whether I can HS my children. Basically she said, in so many words, that because I never graduated high school (and she did!!)then I can't be smart enough to teach my children. I am intending to HS through Primary school. DH wants the kids to go to high school (NOT because of my education, but because he thinks they won't be able to do science and maths etc at home because schools have the proper equipment and rooms). I need opinions/thoughts/experiences please, good and bad :bigear:
  11. I'm a Jan-Dec schooler too. We will be following the Vic term dates next year so DD will start Grade 1 on Jan 31st. What DD will be doing: Singapore Maths-Standards 1a Fitzroy Readers (aussie phonics/readers program) Italics Book B (and either startwrite or buying the italics font) GWG 1 HO level 1-ancients Elemental Science-Biology We are still undecided about a few subjects. DD only has 10 days of her maths book left and then that will be it for Prep/Kinder!! I am so proud of DD and how much she has grown in the 2 terms she has been at home. Her handwriting has improved a lot, she is doing well with the maths and her reading is going well, slowly but well.
  12. I haven't read the 'bible of HS' yet but I fully intend too. I wish it was avaiable in a PDF download, instead I need to save some $$ to have it shipped over here. I am hoping after the new year :)
  13. Love looking at old photos. The guys are certainly dapper and I wish some of the guys nowadays would dress like this. I am sick of seeing underwear and butt cracks. They posted a link to the mens photos (which have captions!!!) and it includes the lady who pretended to be a man. http://twistedsifter.com/2011/05/vintage-mugshots-from-1920s-black-white/ Some of the ladies are actually portayed in the recent aussie show Underbelly:Razor... Click NEXT to see the other photos. http://channelnine.ninemsn.com.au/slideshow_ajax.aspx?sectionid=6678594&sectionname=showunderbellyrazor&subsectionid=7803891&subsectionname=Razorrealss
  14. People who "preach" that you should hit babies, toddlers and children with sticks, rulers, piping etc for discipline. That you should beat children into submission. :glare: It's not a good idea to bring their name up on this forum, unless you are like the original poster of this thread and warning people about a Pearl connection.
  15. Everything about this thread is wrong. The clip was insanely horrid. Some of the replies in this thread are just unbelievable. Either we have more trolls here than we thought, or else some people need to get help. Immediately. NO ONE deserves to be swung at with a THICK leather belt in hand. NO ONE deserves to be criticised for crying or "not crying enough" during a beating. People react differently to all sorts of situations and we don't know anything about this family apart from what the newspaper etc are saying. The girl is disabled and has probably been beaten most of her life and what you perceive as "suspicious" is most likely the way she has learnt to deal with the beatings. You know, be quiet when it's over or else get more beatings. Absolutely sickening...
  16. I 100% agree that you should take a look at pattern review. The review section is a goldmine of information as it has reviews of every brand of machine and there is also a section for pattern reviews. There is also a tips and tricks section. The forum/message board is really, really good too. You don't have to sign up as a paying member to look at all the sites different sections or participate on the message board. The message board is one of the 'tabs' along the top of the site and the easiest way (I found anyway) to find the machine reviews is to look down the left hand side where the darker column is and there should be a small section which has Sewing machine and Serger reviews. Click on it and you should see a list of all the machine brands and if you click on the name, it will come up with every review for that brand. I think the order going down is Sewing, Serger, Coverstitch and then Industrial machines. p.s pattern review is down at the moment :glare:
  17. Oh my goodness, ladies, you are KILLING me over here. Please kindly stop having fun until I am on the forum. Thankyou in advance :) P.S This lady http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=318197 needs to employ this one http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=318294 lol.
  18. Love op shops here too. My best book finds so far have been three different complete childrens science, nature and general encyclopaedia sets. $15 for all three 21+ book sets!!! Plus I found a set of Australian history encycopaedia type books. Missing about 2-3 but still happy because they cost me about $10 for 10. But my best, best BEST find was 2 weeks ago. I picked up a Husqvarna 6430 sewing machine complete with accessories and pattern dies for $25!! Took it for a service and it need $50 of parts. So all up $75 and these machines are very popular and can go for $150+!!!
  19. OMG, I had read that the video was bad. But it was worse, that poor little girl. And I ached inside when the rag lady picked her up and the girl flopped like she was a rag doll. I don't care which country it happened in, but ignoring someone (a 2 y.old!!!) when they are obviously hurt is f-ing wrong.
  20. Thanks for scaring the bejeevus out of me ladies. :lol: I'm glad I live in an area where the only things I have to deal with are daddy-long-legs and the occasional white-tail spider.
  21. Boy Bullies :glare: I never thought when we put DD into Prep (K) in Feb this year, that she would end up being bullied physically and verbally by boys HER age. I decided to pull her out of school life completely and HS (ignoring DH's concerns of 'socialisation' etc) because I didn't want to take the chance of her being bullied at a different school. I don't want my princess to grow up thinking it is considered socially okay or normal for boys to hit and degrade girls. I am a HS convert now and there is no way at all that DS is going to school. DH says the children have to go to High School, but I have 6+ years to change his mind :D
  22. Hi. I'm in Victoria but I found a couple of WA sites for you... Department of Education WA: http://det.wa.edu.au/ HS in Western Australia: http://www.det.wa.edu.au/homeeducation/detcms/portal/ Here is Western Australia tourism site: http://www.westernaustralia.com/au/Pages/Welcome_to_Western_Australia.aspx?CID=dgm:sem:au1112:Western+Australia+-+Intra:High+Traffic+-+Intra Here's a WA newspaper: http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/ Is that the sort of thing you wanted??
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