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Everything posted by Riverland

  1. :iagree:My sister is a nurse at a hospital and she says the same thing.
  2. I just posted on an older thread about my dd's success with zinc and witch hazel. After only 3 days of 30mg zinc chelate 1x/day and witch hazel 2x/day, her skin has made a stunning improvement.
  3. Oh. My. Word. DD came home from college with horrible acne. Thanks to this board, I purchased chelated zinc & witch hazel. After just 3 days of treatment her face shows a dramatic...huge...improvement. This morning, she said "Mom, look at my face!" I assumed she had multiple layers of cover-up on because it looked so good. Nope, it was all natural. She did: 1. 30 mg daily of zinc chelate (Nature's Way) 2. Applied witch hazel 2x/day (T.N. Dickinson's) I don't know if just one of these treatments would be as effective, or if it is the combination that works so well. I will try to convince her to stop one of the treatments and see what happens. (I had intended to make the witch hazel/ green tea/ apple cider vinegar mix, but she didn't want that.)
  4. Pocket or backpack. (knock on wood) DS has never lost his and takes it everywhere.
  5. If I find something that we use that is a better price on Amazon, I buy it. I have found their prices fluctuate though, so I do stop purchasing when the prices goes up. I also bought quite a few food items (canned peaches, single serving oatmeal, etc.) from Amazon to send to my dd away at college.
  6. I would be beyond furious. This is a mistake that can not be "undone."
  7. LOL! I originally misread the title of the OP: "What's your least favorite poem?" I was ready to respond with "anything by Emily Dickinson." But I was never into poetry much. at. all.:tongue_smilie:
  8. We did that when the kids were younger (elementary age) and couldn't find a local team or club for them. It is much more motivating to run with others and have a good coach, but if that's not available then it is certainly doable on your own. One year my ds did quite well registered as an individual at a Natl Jr Olympics qualifier. The next year, a team from several hours away included him on their roster. He couldn't train with them, but they received the benefit of having another strong runner on their team, and he received the benefit of being able to place as both an individual and as a team.
  9. From the bottom of the order page (http://www.mcdougallittell.com/store/ProductCatalogController?cmd=Browse&subcmd=LoadDetail&ID=1007500000076253&imprint=hm&frontOrBack=F&division=M01&sortProductsBy=SEQ_TITLE&sortEntriesBy=SEQ_NAME#order): Titles marked with asterisk (*) indicate product is restricted from sale to individuals and may only be purchased by a registered institution. If you want an asterisk item, it couldn't hurt to call and ask. I have ordered a student textbook (no asterisk) from this site in the past without a problem. But, I have also found better prices on Amazon and Ebay.
  10. I know this is an old thread, but I came across an article in this morning's Wall Street Journal about differing perceptions of who won the war of 1812. I immediately thought of this old thread. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303410404577468423362089922.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
  11. My oldest dc are public schooled and take AP classes there. We did have to pull my dd out of an AP class because it was hours and hours of silly, useless, mind-numbing projects (AP Environmental Science). The other AP's my dc have taken were generally reasonable in their homework assignments. However, we have learned which teachers to avoid.
  12. My dc started as freshman, (14yo). Both started with AP Human Geography because that is what is offered here in our public schools for that age.
  13. Could she piece it together? There is a free YourTeacher summer math subscription from Homeschool Buyers co-op. Membership to HSBC is free. https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/yourteacher/?c=1 $50 would cover a section of Plato on-line science. https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/plato-middle-science/?c=1 https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/plato-high-school-science/?c=1 And I recently received an email from Homeschool Buyers co-op with this info: We have more excellent news to share this week about our PLATO Learning courses! We'll soon be able to offer online courses for Language Arts and Math. Details will follow but we're working hard to get these GroupBuys open as soon as possible, I don't know the price or when this will become available.
  14. Drats, I've been searching, but can't find a math-related thread. Somebody suggested to the OP that the first couple chapters of MM had great explanations for solving word problems. But, I can't remember if it was MM5 or MM6. Does anybody know? If it helps, my dd is working at mostly pre-algebra level (or lower), but needs to firm up her word problem skills.
  15. We stumbled upon that movie last year on Netflix. Loved it! I watched it twice then, and probably will watch again this summer.
  16. I was wondering this, too. We tried MM several years ago, and it wasn't a good fit for dd. I looked at it again recently, noticed several errors, and was concerned enough that I just put it aside.
  17. My dh has a company email, which is only used for business. We have a family email, which is 99% mine because dh doesn't use email for non-work stuff.
  18. There was a homeschooler on our local school board a few years ago. I wish he was still there, because I think homeschoolers are more open minded. If I recall correctly, he was not voted out of office, but rather stepped down after serving for multiple terms.
  19. Thank you! I even have the ingredients on hand for the Spanish omelet.
  20. DD needs to take samples of a Spanish recipe to her co-op class. Any easy suggestions that also transport well?
  21. I am familiar with Saxon and CLE, which are both spiral. Like you, TT didn't work for us for a variety of reasons. We tried Saxon when non-mathy dd was in 4th grade. She did not like it. I also did not care for it, but would have stuck it out had it not made dd cry. For the past several months, we have been doing CLE. My non-mathy dd really likes it & (I believe) it is more meaty than TT. It is hard for me to answer, though, about the ease of teaching. I love math, so I do not rely on a teacher's guide. I am constantly showing her multiple ways to grasp the concepts & solve the problems. I would be doing this, though, no matter what program we used. What I did do, was to back up my dd to a level that I felt would be comfortable for her. She is able to read the instructions, which are quite clear and simple, and do the work herself. It has been a huge confidence builder for her and she is really solidifying her knowledge. Even though I am heavily involved with CLE, I don't think it is necessary. I definitely think the program explains itself well enough to even a non-mathy student. There are placement tests here: http://www.clp.org/store/by_grade/21. If you open the PDF file, they are free. It is quite long, so I just scanned the problems and determined where I thought dd would fit best.
  22. I've listened to the audio. It sounds very much like what my dd described from her public high school days. Of course, this type of "teaching" did not occur in all her classes, but it was by no means out of the ordinary. We had to get dd removed from one of her classes because the teacher was very similar to the one on this audio. The teacher also graded the students based on how much their political beliefs aligned with hers.
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