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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I felt that way about this year. Last year Ds would have been in preK, but this year, he would be in K. We don't have to do anything. Since he was never enrolled, there is no letter or notification of any kind, no record that I have a school aged child that we are homeschooling....it is nice, but at the same time, I have been nervous about being outside during school hours. I dressed a lot at the beginning of the year. We stuck to a strict schedule and I kept written records of everything we did. As the year went on, I relaxed. I did not keep track of wvey little thing. If any one ever questions our Homeschool, I will have a standardized test for each year and any workbook pages he has done. For this year we have our history lap book. I also realized that my neighbors really don't care why my 6 year old is not in school. :tongue_smilie: We have progressed beyond what I expected, I can relax. Breathe and enjoy the time you get to spend with your kids.
  2. None really. I play the chapter twice while the kids color the maps and other pictures, do any activity pages...if we listen twice, I let the cd move on to the next chapter. This way we listen to each chapter 3-5 times each over a few weeks. On the day dedicated to that chapter, we do the test as a worksheets. We do it together and discuss it. On Friday we do a lapbook page, I have printed every thing, I just pull it out and we cut and paste. Every few weeks we look back at the lapbook pages for review.
  3. I have my husband a silver harmonica from Tiffany and he have me a leather bound Bible with my new name engraved on it. He is a musician so he loved the harmonica, and I loved that the first place my new full name was written was on my Bible :) I know people who have done this and people who have not. We did not go on a big honeymoon because we moved the day after the wedding, then I started a new job and he started school. We did gifts instead of a trip.
  4. :iagree: You can also grab some math workbooks at the dollar store. I printed drill sheets of the internet. I don't remember where, just Google math drill sheets. It helped solidify our addition amd subtraction facts last year.
  5. My sister auditions for Annie and a big nonprofit theatre in the are when she was ten. There were 10 kids kept until the end, they were casting 6. They said they would ALL get a letter that week whether they were cast or not. My sister and another child never heard anything!! It was four kids and they could not contact them!! We have stopped giving exact dates for releasing cast lists, we stressed too much trying to make deadlines we pit on ourselves. Now we make sure to give a time range so that we have some flexibility and so we dont do to our students what they jave done to you all. It is not hard to send an email: "We are sorry, but due to the incredible talent we saw at auditions, our decision process is taking longer than anticipated. We appreciate your patience. We will announce the scholarship winners bathe end of the week." Took me a minute to type that. Surely they have a mass email list for all of theor students, 2 minutes and I could have that out to all of our students or to a group of selected students. It is ridiculus. I will be honest. We send things like this out after hours to avoid upset phone calls. Everyone has time to process. But, we don't tell people when of is coming;if they said Monday, most people would assume during the day or at least early evening. I do hope you hear something soon.
  6. I picked up a children's version of Homer and read the first chapter aloud...I greatly prefer the translation of the actual work we read in 9th grade! I loved the poetry. This prose version was blah!
  7. I have paid him in Wii time. He can earn pizza with book it. But he gets money for keeping up chores.
  8. I can tell a difference in my body and my energy level with sun exposure. I was exhausted all day yesterday but made the effort to go outside and sit in the sun. I just watched DH dig in the garden. My the end of the day yesterday my energy level had gone up, I slept better last night than I have in a week and I feel rested today. I vote for direct sun exposure (I was out between 1&4 a couple of times, 30-45 minutes each time.).
  9. The sequence at my high school (still followed by the school and it os a college prep private school) is physical science, biology, chemistry and then choose physics, advanced chem or anatomy and physiology. I choose anatomy and physiology because it interested me. Physical science for us, was basically intro to physics. It was lighter math. I think you had to be in calculus to qualify for physics, but I can't remember.
  10. My son was quick picking up concepts in math. He enjoys SM, especially the CWP books.
  11. I would have him checked out if he started backsliding. That is different than just needing a person around. I don't have specific advice about what to get checked, I would assume vision, but there could be other things to have checked out.
  12. We actually did more science, geography, and history than math! That is how we worked on reading. Our library has an awesome beginning reader section! We took a topic from What Your K'er Needs to Know and I picked 5-6 books from the beg reader section and we read them.together. He always read part of each book to me, when he transition to quiet reading, he would narrate to me after finishing. That was our daily reading lesson. He loved it that way. We did nothing but math, grammar, and reading for two months this year out of necessity, we are much happier now that we added the fun stuff back in ;) You don't need a fancy curriculum for science and history, but at least include them in your read alouds. There are experiments that are fun and cool and take five minutes: blow up a ballot with baking soda and vinegar, plant a seed and watch it develop into a plant, put food coloring dots in milk and add a drop of dishsoap! The most important thing is to have fun with it.
  13. At four my son would sit and do 30 pages of a kindergarten workbook, at 5 he would do half a page of math on his own and pages and pages of phonics. At six, however, I have to stay on top of him to do one workbook page total! Is the work too hard or too easy? Is he burned out from a year of school? Some kids don't play well alone, my sister needed a playmate through middle school. Then she would read and things alone, but preferred to be with friends. She was very social, still is. I always preferred to be alone. I needed quiet time, she needed constant social interaction. It was just the two of us....made for some crazy fights in the teen years ;) Don't worry, he will get better with time.
  14. Our dog ate a chocolate Orange as a puppy. DH took him in the backyard and stuck his finger down the dog's throat to gag him. He threw it all up and is now a grumpy old man at 11 years old.
  15. She did not outright say it was mistakes, she said of was a list of reasons why she was not the perfect Homeschool mom. Saying she is not perfect is another way of sayong she has made mistakes. She was not saying to do those things. My dd was not learning her letters, I let her 6 year old brother practice them with her amd count with her....now she knows jer letters and does not skip numbers while counting. I still work with her, but big brother was more influential.
  16. I love Chick fil a! I do get concerned about the employees standing in the 100+ degree heat at lunch. I told a manager one of their guys looked really sick and overheated one time. But, their method does get you through the line really fast!
  17. What are her needs? Can she sit with you in service? Sit at the back and take her out If she becomes disruptive. Since your husband works at the church, can he talk to the nursery/children's church coordinators?
  18. For Kindergarten I bought What Your Kindergarten Needs to Know, School Zone's Big Math 1-2 workbook with cd-rom, and the First Grade Complete curriculum of Basic skills from Sam's. We read all of the lit selections from What Your K'er Needs to Know. We memorized poems and added to the fables and fairy tale units with books from the library. We read all the geography, history, and science then added more easy library books. I found a cheap book ofexperiements and we did the experiments from the Kindergarten book. We had a nice full year of science and history for about $15-20. The Big Math 1-2 book starts with number recognirion, adding and subtracting with pictures, includes lots of time practice, bar graphs, and then moves through addition, subtraction, up to two digit addition and subtraction. The last section Is intro to multiplication. We finished that book and DS tested into SM 2a. We could have started with 2b, but we needed a little more multidigit addition and subtraction practice before starting more multiplication. The Complete Curriculum of Basic Skills book had more math practice, lots of phonics worksheets, reading comprehension pages, spelling words based on word groups - colors etc. It is less about spelling, but more reading comp. It also has a basic grammar section. I would have gone with the K book if Ds had not already been reading. We had a very laid back K year, but we were more than successful.
  19. Go with your child's focus and attention span. I tried to push through everything I had planned for k, we had some.roigh days. Once I learned to stop when he was done, or tale a day off when he needed extra pastime or when I was exhausted, things went much better. We finished more than what I intended! Same thing this year. If I need to clean the house, we take a day off. The next day is much more productive! Teach reading first. Don't worry about history and science while teaching reading. We did a little of each, but mainly just reading books from the early reader section. We did not attempt a full curriculum until he could read ;) We still learned a lot of science, history, and geography; it was just all from books he could read to me. Math is much easier to teach through games. Some of our favorites are Monopoly, Yahtzee, Scrabble, and now math Bingo!
  20. I am curious about how he sleeps at grandma's. I would ask. Of he sleeps fine there, I think you need to look at thos differently. My dd wakes up in the middle of the night of she has not gone to the bathroom right before bed or of she had a drink too close to bedtime. She does not go to the bathroom, she gets in bed with us. It is the need to go to the bathroom that wakes her, but it is not bad enough to go, just to wake her. Now that we know, we can easily solve it. It does not always work, but we have had more success in the last few weeks. If he is sleeping fine at grandma's house, I think you need to reevaluate the reason you get in bed with him when I'd wakes up. Is it really for him, or for you.
  21. I am using all my empire waist summer dresses as maternity tops with denim.capris. It works and.is comfy.
  22. Her list of what mistakes she has made is that, a list of mistakes. I have seen posts around here where parents start the year without all of their materials. Do we not all have bad days where only one subject...or no subjects get done? I know I have had those. I will not finish all of our math this year. We will work through IP and CWP until we hit our 180 days and we will stop. I dropped the curriculum that covered Latin after Christmas this year. It was not a..."do this and you will be fine"...post. It was her trying to convince people that she is NOT the poster Homeschool mom. She shares nothing of her expectations for her kids, or even that she skips a whole math lesson, just that she has skipped tricky questions in math. I have skipped math problems in my first graders books...I took college level calc and stat, but there were problems that I thought were unnecessary. Many books have badly written word problems, maybe it was a bad problem and rather than spend time trying to figure put the author's intent, she just skipped it. I think too much is being assumed.
  23. Her list of what mistakes she has made is that, a list of mistakes. I have seen posts around here where parents start the year without all of their materials. Do we not all have bad days where only one subject...or no subjects get done? I know I have had those. I will not finish all of our math this year. We will work through IP and CWP until we hit our 180 days and we will stop. I dropped the curriculum that covered Latin after Christmas this year. It was not a..."do this and you will be fine"...post. It was her trying to convince people that she is NOT the poster Homeschool mom. She shares nothing of her expectations for her kids, or even that she skips a whole math lesson, just that she has skipped tricky questions in math. I have skipped math problems in my first graders books...I took college level calc and stat, but there were problems that I thought were unnecessary. Many books have badly written word problems, maybe it was a bad problem and rather than spend time trying to figure put the author's intent, she just skipped it. I think too much is being assumed.
  24. Even with a few minor issues, I loved my hospital stays! The hospital dd was born at, where I will have this baby, has gourmet meal service with give servings and lots of options. It was as food as home cooking! Bit more importantly....your baby is beautiful!!
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