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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Order of publication! I have a set from when I was in elementary school, they are numbered like your first list and that is how I have always read them. Reading chronologically destroys some of the magic of the first book, in my opinion.
  2. It is completely dependant on thos baby's arrival. If I get through the next three weeks....we will start July 30th, work for a week or two and take a little time off for the baby then start back up. My kids tend to overlook ;) I don't want to loose a whole.month waiting on the baby. If he is born early, we will start as soon as I feel up to it.
  3. Towels and clothes arr washed separate. Towels in hot, clothes.in cold. That is the xtent.of my sorting.
  4. The kids each have a desk that sits on either side of my desk, but we also use the floor, the kitchen table, amd the car. Both kids dance around when.I play the CC.memory work.cd.
  5. This is my favorite place to shop! We dont go often because we have Walmart, Target, and Aldi within a 1/4 mile of our house. We like the Crest in Edmond too.
  6. Email, Facebook, and here. I visit my dance forum every now and then. It is pretty slow lately and I keep up with friends from there on Facebook now. I won't add anything else. I spend enough time.on the Internet with the three things I do. I have them.all on my phone, so I check randomly throughout the day. 5 minutes here and there.
  7. These are.based on prices I have purchased the Items for in the last 2-3 weeks. Produce is really cheap at Aldi. Walmart is where we shop most often. If we go to target or Crest, it is a little pricier. We have a large garden that is starting to yeild enough to reduce our produce costs.
  8. I had mine done when my adult teeth came in, between 8&12 by the time my.last dollars came in. All still sealed, never done, and I have never had.one cavity in 33 years. I will admit, I had horrible dental hygiene until 7th grade. I rarely brushed my teeth, I just chewed trident gun constantly. DH has apprehensions about sealants, but I would liek the kids to get them. We will decide that in the next year or so as DS gets his permanent teeth.
  9. I can see that happening if you do nothing but honeschool your kids and take care of the house. If you don't get out and spend time with friends or do something fun for yourself. I work outside the home 3-5 days a week for a few hours in the evening. We go to a co-op with a purpose of providing mom's with social time with other qdults while the.kids are entertained and educated. I love being home with my kids, but I would be depressed if I never left the house and if I were not dancing anymore.
  10. Not all kids or even adults are readers. Use, he needs to be able to read and needs to do his school reading, but some people just don't read for fun. DH does not read novels or other books.for pleasure. He reads to educate himself. Every now and then is will pick up a novel, it is rare; but he reads gardening books like crazy! I am trying to find.books that my son will get into like that. He loves Star wars and Harry Potter movies and Wii games. He has all of the books for both series, but he is.not interested.in reading them. He has tried and cam read them, but loses interest. I may look for cheat sheet type books on his favorite games, I think he would debpur those, of I could find one. We traded off reading for six.months.before he was solid and comfortable. I make him read to me daily during school. If you think there is a problem - get his vision checked. Otherwise, read together and try different types of books that match his interests. One book DS did love was a paper airplane book and a.simple oragami book. Does he like to build and creat things? Get a book that requores him to read and follow directions to make something. Have him read the recipe while you make cookies or a cake. Let him find a new dinner recipe and tell ypu how to make it. My biggest advice is really not to push it. The jarder I pushed for DS to like reading, the less he wanted to read. If I just have a simple requirement and keep a large variety of books, he will read. My sister was a good reader in.elementary, but she hayed reading. She only read scripts for shows she was in and required school books until 8th grade. As an adult she reads.more than I do. My mom.never pushed, just brought her different books.until she found the book that made her fall in love with reading.
  11. Tonight....sleep!! I have been.awake for am hour and a half after sleeping for 2-3.
  12. My DS has to read every morning before he gets to do anything else. He earns video game time that way. He has to get up, get dressed, brush his teeth, and read a picture book/Dr Seuss book or 15 minutes from a higher level book. I don't care what he reads, as long as he reads daily. He is an excellent reader, but dislikes reading. I try not to push it so much that he starts to hate it.
  13. We would not have been able to pay our mortgage if we had dropped the rent that much on our house. If the owner lives out of town they have a Mgmt company because they cannot deal with the house from a distance. Mgmt companies are not likely to negotiate on trade for rent. At least that is my experience from working for one and using.one for a rental we owned, and renting from different companies for years. I would just look elsewhere for a house that is already in your price range.
  14. Toy shelf for the baby is done and my kids put all the baby toys away!! Very neatly! I have tackled the mountain of laundry and I am winning the battle :) We are working on the kid's bedroom today. It should not take long. I have a lot of clothes to pull out and box up for the attoc. Once their bedroom is clean, I can work on rearranging for the baby's arrival. I have a plan, just need a little muscle. DH is working in the garden trying to get the tomato plants under control. We have made good progress in the last few days. Adding to my.list: 1. Shop for cook out tomorrow 2. Make dirt cake 3. Email competition famcers who have not signed contracts....
  15. The doctor did look in my ears, and confirmed sinus congestion as the cause. I had an earache when I first went in. I think we have some Apple cider vinegar, DH took it.for heartburn for a.while....I will look around.
  16. I currently have beautiful thick hair!! I can do two braids and have them be a decent size. Normally my single braid is as thin as my four year old's braid ;) I know that when this baby is about 6 months, that will all change. Vitamin supplements or not, the hair will fall out, I will clog all the drains in the house as my hair falls out constantly. It is normal.
  17. I have been suffering with sinus Issues for over two weeks!! I have finished a round of antibiotics for the sinus.infection and definitely don't feel sick anymore. I have been taking sudafed and doing sinus rinses, most of my sinus problems are gone. No more jaw and tooth pain, I can breathe easily, I have energy. What I don't have are ears!! I have spoken with my docs and pharmacist, the sudafed is what is recomended for unclogging ears. Anybody have any amazing home remedies for clogged ears? My balance does not seem to be affected, just my hearing. Mainly on my left side. I tried heat yesterday, I think it might have helped a tiny bit. My docs said that being pregnant, the sinuses just take longer to clear....I really hope this clears up before I go into labor!
  18. I am dark haired, brown eyed, and more olive skin toned. I don't burn easily. I have only had a couple of really bad burns. My DS is blonde haired, blue eyed, pale white.skin!! I am good about putting sunscreen on, but I had to learn the hard way about how different sunscreen application is for my pale skinned child. He did not burn to bad, and not over his whole.body; but his poor little nose and shoulders :( Aftersun cream and aloe help a lot!
  19. 1. I only eat marshmallow on smores. And I like them on fire for a few minutes :) 2. We had a great weekend! DH has been working on the garden nonstop, I have slowly been cleaning and decluttering. I completed a few projects on my list :) but mostly....I rested and took deep breaths through some BH contractions....and we made it to chirch for the first time.in a few weeks, it was a great weekend! 3. I am hoping for a baby this month :) August 5th is the due date, but I am really okay with a week or two early!
  20. I put It all in the computer at the begining of the year, what lesson/pgs will be done each day in each subject. Then....I use the bump button....A LOT!! If we do more math pages than planned, I bump forward, less, I bump back. I check things off as they are.completed and I just go down the list. With Edu track, I could just look at lesson plans by subkect and ignore dates then readjust every week or two. I am trying the well planned day online system this year...we will see if it works for me. So I plan, to be sire we can complete everything, then we move at a pace that works.
  21. Oklahoma has great Homeschool laws. My kids have never been in PS, so I did not have to do anything. If you are pulling kids from school, you send a.letter, it does not even have to say you are homeschooling. I have nothing to report. I keep records for myself and just in case. You cam get money through online charters through the public school system, but you are then ps students and must take all ps tests and fulfill all ps requirements. You cannot play sports on ps teams, but there are Homeschool leagues for everything - football, basketball, cheerleader, baton, etc.
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