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Everything posted by antsam

  1. Currclick has some free bookmarks that have idioms on them with the explanation on the bottom. There are several available. Jodie
  2. Not much rain in st Pete, but terribly windy. We lost power last night but only for about 6 hours. Not raining today yet. Jodie
  3. I've been making small rag quilts for my friends who are having babies this month. Look it up on the internet. Easy to do and they look really cute when they're done. We are going to attempt larger ones for my sons this summer :o) Jodie
  4. Thanks for sharing the awesome resource! We will definitely be incorporating some of these over the next few years! Jodie
  5. The Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary on Indian Rocks Beach is awesome. It is free (donations if possible) and it doesn't take a lot of time (less than an hour). It is small and is located right on the beach. We love it- a lot of rehabbing Florida birds. You can see them all up pretty close, too. Have fun! Jodie
  6. We have a pet store where we live (near Tampa- definitely not the country) that is selling chicks and ducklings right now. My boys are DYING to get them. I'm considering chickens, but have to do a lot of research first to make sure we can handle them :o) Our back neighbors apparently have chickens (hens) and a pig (we just saw them walking it down the street yesterday). Who knew?? Jodie
  7. I voted 3rd because we've had problems like that fraction one in our Saxon 3 this year. My son can't figure it out algebraically (sp?) but can draw a picture and figure it out. Since Saxon spirals, we've had problems similar to the others as well. Jodie
  8. :iagree::iagree: My boys LOVED opening all of those envelopes! They loved the handmade ones, the paper airplanes, the tattoos, the candy, the stickers, etc. etc.! Thanks again to everyone who participated!!! Looking forward to the next exchange!!!! Jodie (Antonio and Samuel's mom)
  9. We were there over the summer and we all loved the Field Museum, the Art Institute and the Lego Store (well, only the kids loved the lego store :o) If we had had more time, we would've gone to some of the tall buildings and walk around the parks (we only had two days as well!) Have fun! Jodie
  10. Ours all went out today as well! The boys are waiting for the 14th to be able to open all of them at once. Thanks for everyone that participated and a special thanks for those who organized this!!!!!! Jodie
  11. Ours will be going out Monday or Tuesday. Already received a few in the mail. I've been hiding them so the boys will get a stack on Valentine's Day! They are so excited!! Jodie
  12. Glad to hear that we're not the only ones who had one of those today! Jodie
  13. I've done a small book with a booklight as party favors before (you can get small booklights at a dollar-type store). I think it's a good take home gift- even if someone already has the book. They can always trade with someone else or just pass the book on to someone else. It's a great thought IMO. Jodie
  14. My MIL sent that article to me to read... I recognized your name from here :o) Jodie
  15. We'd take him (and definitely send him on or back in a prompt manner) :o) We live in FL and there are a few interesting historic sites near our house. PM me for our address if we can help you out. Jodie
  16. Wow! What a great resource! I'll be starting in the middle, but the kids will love to work on this! Thanks for sharing the site! Jodie
  17. I don't think it's expecting too much. That's what I do with my guy. He's been cutting my hair for 12 years now. Jodie
  18. Wow! You guys work quickly! The results are beautiful! Great job! Jodie
  19. Wow... that brought back memories from 3rd or 4th grade... I still remember a lot of the words! Thanks! Jodie
  20. My two boys would LOVE to participate. Keep us in the loop!! Thanks. What a great idea. This is our first year homeschooling and I hadn't thought about the fact that they would miss out on that this year :o) Jodie
  21. I made a few wallets out of Starbucks coffee bags (found the instructions on-line). I thought they turned out awesome... the receivers were not as enthused (yet... I'm convinced when others see then, they will love them) :o) Jodie
  22. Maybe, just maybe, the OP has been waiting and waiting until someone from the boards (or some random someone who just joined the board because their google search for "Letter Factory Game" led her here) lets her know that they need the cards. What?? It could happen! :o) Jodie
  23. Yes, but not as Christmas presents. I don't usually shop during the year (especially for myself, unless I need something specific), so when I go out Christmas shopping I see plenty of things that I could use/ would love to have. Combine that with great sales and coupons and BAM! I'm set for another year. :o) Jodie
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