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Everything posted by antsam

  1. 14. Initially, I thought zero. Then I remembered My Dear Aunt Sally :o). Almost missed the minus sign though. Fun. Jodie
  2. I have put them on my iPad and iPhone to listen to with no problems. Jodie
  3. I have downloaded from them before with no problems. This looks like a great deal. If you go through the PP link, you can order it today. It was available today as a perk for those who had signed up for homeschoolfreebieoftheday.com newsletter. The deal was going live tomorrow for all. Jodie
  4. My 3rd grader (8.5 yo) and my 4th grader (10 yo) are both finishing level E. Like a pp, the 10 yo tested into F by one word, so I started with E to make sure we weren't missing anything. The boys are pretty good natural spellers. We do spelling first thing (alternating since they are on different groups within level E) to make sure it gets done. It usually only takes about 15 minutes or so for each one (they dawdle on writing the sentences). One boy works on vocabulary while the first is taking the spelling test. Jodie
  5. When I clicked on the link provided by the OP, I end up on the scholastic page called The First Thanksgiving. There are three pictures underneath: Tour the Pilgrim Village Now, Tour the Wampanoag Homesite (Nov. 9th 1 PM) and Watch the WEbcast Replay (Nov. 16th 1 PM). If you click on Tour the Pilgrim Village Now, the 17 minute video comes up. Like I said though, this is my first year doing this, so this may not be what you guys are even talking about. :o) HTH. Jodie
  6. If you click on "Tour the Pilgrim Village Now" picture, a 17 minute video pops up. Is that what we're looking for? I haven't watched it yet, but it seems to be working. Jodie
  7. My boys are learning some of "I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud" by William Wordsworth (FLL3). I'm looking for some fun Thanksgiving poems also. Jodie
  8. Have a wonderful day and try to enjoy every moment (even when it seems really hard (boys issues, not necessarily school issues)- I have 3rd and 4th grade boys- our first year homeschooling, too). Good luck. Jodie
  9. WOW! What a great day for science! I love nature stuff... but would definitely have had a little heart attack if I saw one of those. I would have screamed for the kids (and grabbed the camera) after I picked myself up off of the floor. Awesome! Too bad it died (although aren't those the ones they are shooting on site here in the Everglades in FL because so many have been released they've become a nuisance??) Jodie
  10. :iagree: My uncle just passed away last week and if it had been closer I would have driven there with my boys to just be around to help as needed... maybe get dinners ready for when people get home, pick up the house, etc. I probably wouldn't have gone to the hospital, but would have been there to support as needed. Your mom may appreciate you being there for her even if she's not saying it. Sorry about your uncle. :grouphug: Jodie
  11. I'd love to hear how others do this, too. I feel like by the time we're done with all of our schoolwork stuff, we're exhausted and I can't bring myself to want to read. I worry if I break to do it in the middle of the day, it will be hard to get back on track. I do check out tons from the library, but we rarely have time to do more than glance though them. :bigear: Jodie
  12. I might have expected that the expectant mother might have considered keeping some of the extra food (so she didn't have to cook that night!), but would think it was weird if another guest told me they were going to keep all of the rest. I might've said that I also liked it and was considering having it for dinner myself! Strange. Jodie
  13. I like blue jeans or khaki pants with white shirts. Also with red shirts. (Just saw that it is a dark background... I vote khaki and white). Have fun! Jodie
  14. Boggle, scrabble, monopoly, clue, life, UNO, double shutter, and a deck of cards. Jodie
  15. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Room looks great considering there was just a kids birthday party in there for two hours! Sounds like they were having a bad day. They would have to clean before another party anyway, so I'm not sure what they were complaining about (esp. considering the 50$ fee). Sorry it ruined your day. What a pain! Try to forget about it and move on. Although I would be tempted to write a letter to the person in charge saying everything you said here (including the pictures) and let them know that you wouldn't be recommending them to anyone. Sounds like they probably get enough business (sounds like a great place for a kid bday party) so they aren't worried about building it up by keeping the customer happy. Jodie
  16. I read that zac effron was supposed to be in this footloose remake but backed out so he wouldn't get typecast as the singer/dancer/actor. Jodie
  17. Congrats! :thumbup: It will be worth every minute of the extra time in the long run. Jodie
  18. My third grader is also 8 (May birthday). Jodie
  19. I've heard that putting wadded up newspapers in the container with the books will help absorb the odor, too. I've also heard about baking soda and cat litter for this use. Good luck. I've got a pretty sensitive nose, so I would hate smelly books :o) Jodie
  20. That's why I take about a million pictures of everything cool we see on our nature walks (or in our backyard)... I want to be able to show them what we've seen before if they forget :o) Jodie
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