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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. From the list she gave I don't think her mother in law will like Broadchurch
  2. Miss Fisher's Mysteries Midsomer Murders If she doesn't mind real-life - she may like "Churchill's New Secret Agents" - which has lot of WWII history. It takes ordinary people and tries to train them like the British Secret Agents for WWII. It's not really a competition but someone is asked to leave if they don't measure up. The sad thing is that most of the ones along the lines you described are only available in Disk: New Tricks George Gently The Brokenwood Mysteries The Last Detective Doctor Finlay Jonathan Creek The other sad thing is that it is hard to find feel good shows on Netflix. They seems to be heavy on gritty and dark or funny or irreverent these days. For instance: When I put in Midsomer Murders the 2 of the other suggestions were "True Detective" and "Prime Suspect" uh...no. From the list you gave and from her not liking "The Good Place" it sounds like she wants something less gritty.
  3. my heart just breaks for your nephew.
  4. That's a great idea... except I'm not a member of any of those anymore. I hate to join just to get rid of the piano. You've reminded me though that I do have a friend who is a homeschooler and a music teacher. Maybe I'll reach out to her and see if she knows of anyone looking for a piano.
  5. As much as it pains me to do so, we just don't have the room at our new house and we're about to start the kitchen remodel which will take away a wall. The kids all played the piano but now it only sits and takes up space. I use it very occasionally when I'm practicing a choral piece. It's not an expensive or fancy piano, and we bought it used. I originally put it on Craigslist for $100, then lowered to $50. Now I'm giving it away, but still no takers. I've heard that it is hard to get rid of pianos... I still have a few more weeks before construction starts where the piano is sitting, so I have a bit more time. The thought of taking it to the dump just kills me though.
  6. I usually vote 3rd party anyway, so that would be my choice. If you do not have that choice then I would write-in. Or leave that portion blank and vote on other issues that may be on the ballot.
  7. Sounds like my old neighborhood. It was very pretentious. I was so unhappy there and definitely didn't fit in. The new neighborhood is very laid back (no HOA helps). It feels like home.
  8. I wondered if perhaps that was the case for some families - that it's the normal way you guys relate to each other. I've personally only seen it the way I described it though (within my own family - I haven't even noticed it with my other FB friends). I kind of suspect it is the way J-Rap has said... it's kind of like subconscience wishful thinking on their part. It's just odd, because I think you know when you're actually close to a relative or whether they're a bit more removed from you (like wide age gaps and/or distance). Oh, and it's men... maybe it has something to do with the way men think about such things. I dunno. I usually just roll my eyes and move on too.
  9. We just moved here about 10 months ago. We know our immediate right neighbors and one across the street. Although I don't see either very often, I have met them. I've waved at the other neighbor across the street and he waved back. His "welcome mat" says "Go away" so there's that. My neighbor to the left was a shutiin who died about 2 months ago. I never met her. We're getting new neighbors and I'm anxious. I'm hoping they are nice quiet neighbors. I've read too many scary stories here on WTM so my imagination is running wild. Our neighborhood has large yards and I think most people just want to be left alone and don't want to be friends with their neighbors. I'm okay with that.
  10. that the people who call you "cuz" on FB are your least favorite cousin and the one you're barely closest to? I imagine there's other little things like that..but this one stands out to me because two family members on opposite sides of the family use this "endearment" when I happen to know that neither person is close to that "cuz". Does anyone else have that happening in their family that or is it just me and my weird family.
  11. This is very concerning... I don't have any wisdom about such things... but I will pray and give cyber hugs. Be safe.
  12. oh man, that sucks. I would definitely try to find a solution. I'm assuming since dh is on a hunting/fishing trip he's probably out of cell phone range. But, what about a friend?
  13. yes, welcome out of lurkdom. Hope you'll be able to participate.
  14. Congratulations and welcome to the grandma club!! She is adorable. I also had a hard time deciding what to be called. I didn't want to be Nana because my grandmother was Nana. In my mind there was only one Nana. I kind of fell into Grandma. Lame, I know... but it's what stuck and nothing else really seemed to fit. I'm okay with it.
  15. I've only heard unconfirmed reports... so very sad regardless. That is someone's child, sibling, loved one.
  16. It's a tough time of year. Just got off the phone with a friend who dropped off her firstborn this weekend. My middle girl left this morning... My middle son got married on Saturday. I've been a jumble of emotions for some time. I miss my babies.
  17. no I don't like them tall. The artesian cupcakes ala the TV shows do not impress me. I've eaten at DC cupcakes and I was "meh" about it. There definitely needs to be icing, just not so much of it.
  18. may they both rest in peace. Hugs during this difficult time for your family.
  19. This is a fun thread. I hope people will share some recipes. I make my own soap and bath bombs. I've been doing soap for 20 yrs and all my recipes are in a 3-ring binder. I think you can find a bunch of easy ones online now. I've never made liquid soap as it seems to require different type of lye. I'm also a weaver so I make my own dish towels, napkins, cleaning cloths. Plus scarves and baby blankets. I've made my own bread - but only do that for church now. I've been doing some power tool DIY stuff. I made some of THESE for my son's wedding on Sat. Then I"ll use them here at our house around the fire pit.
  20. exactly. That is very disturbing. Gosh I may not cancel my Netflix sub, but I will surely be watchful of this particular director. I'm not usually very comfortable with blacklisting, but this may be an exception.
  21. These are some great ideas. I may go off to the shops today along with my dress... as I have time.
  22. two of those would be perfect... and one has almost the right color... but processing time is 7-9 days. Sadness.
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