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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Hmmm.. I've only been that burnt out once or twice so I'm not sure I'm the best one to answer. I've always felt that being part of a church community is very important, warts and all.. That said, I've never been burnt like it sounds you and your family have, so I probably can't compare my experience with yours. I definitely think there is a time for healing but I also think Christians need to find that healing within the community. I would encourage you not to give up, but also give yourself a chance to heal. There have been times when I've been very discouraged by church, but I always knew out there somewhere was what Christ intended as church. Keep looking and don't let go of Christ. Also, I've been part of many different Christian traditions (non-denom, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Eastern Orthodox) and my extended family represents a lot of different traditions as well. No one tradition is immune from difficulties or church politics (I wish it weren't so), but IMHO a church where the pastor has someone he is accountable to makes a difference. I know many people bash hierarchical types of traditions, but on the whole I think they have the potential for less problems when you have a district President or Bishop to go to to complain about problems. It's not a sure thing there won't be problems, but I think it helps to some degree. JMHO and experience.
  2. What do you mean by "what your family does"? Do you mean which church we go to or how we found our current church? Or how we deal with being burnt by people or leadership in a church? :grouphug: I'm so sorry you've been burned by previous church experience. It's not religion that does this its the sinners who do. We can all make big mistakes and sometimes people can maker horrible ones. I'm sorry your family was at the receiving end of a bad one.
  3. I am familiar but I hate to be a grump or start a controversy. I don't really like it. I guess it's just too long and flowery for my taste. Granted, I haven't been there for a very long time, but she just never did much for me. I do have her son's wooden Advent wreath and like it quite a bit.
  4. very cute! How do you join Pinterest and do you have to have a FB account? I tried to sign up weeks ago but they never sent me a confirmation thingy.
  5. I can't answer the first one, but for this...it probably means your husband's account was signed in. Also, if the blogger doesn't allow anonymous comments you'll have to sign into blogger or get your own account. I've seen plenty of commentors who have a blogger account but not a blog at blogger/blogspot (like me!)
  6. I nursed all mine up to about a year. Some were a bit less and one was definitely longer (18months I think).
  7. Oh, I wanted to also say that it takes a very special person to remain friends with someone with serious mental illnesses. Especially one where it seems to get worse over the years. Their needs are so great and they often get themselves into crisis situations. My husband has helped our friend out several times because there was just no one else. But, my husband has also had to back away for periods of time because you can easily get burnt out.
  8. my husband has a long-time friend who wasn't dx with this until he was in his late 20s, so I think it can happen. He definitely had a descent into the illness which may have been precipitated by extreme stress. Perhaps this is what happened with your friend. She could hold it together until something snapped. Unfortunately, our friend has gotten worse over the years.
  9. I agree. I've put 3 of my 6 in school for various reasons and the other 3 graduated here at home with me. I think in the long run what we all want is to raise them well and to have a good relationship with our children into adulthood, not just the little badge that say "I homeschooled through high school".
  10. We had a neighbor move in about 2 years ago, at our old house, and a similar thing happened. Her son (only child) came over about 10 min. before I had to leave and when I said we were going, he told me his mom told him to come play over at our house while she went out!! Good grief! I did have a little talk about how that wasn't acceptable. He was only 5-7 at the time. We didnt' even know them at all. Don't these people know about pedophiles??
  11. I haven't locked my doors regularly in YEARS. I live in the northern suburbs of Wash.DC. I just moved last week, but the old house was in a secluded area - large lots, on a cul-de-sac and off the major roads. We also had a longish driveway. I only locked the doors at night. The new house is closer in to DC and more of a traditional neighborhood. Houses are closer together, near major stores and arteries. It's only been a bit over a week so I put it down to habit more than anything. EVERYONE in this neighborhood has a security system. I hate the security system and am trying to figure out how to unplug it from the house (but that's a different problem). Anyway, I'm still not locking doors, but that may change with time.
  12. IMHO, that's not a pastor that's a preacher. I honestly think these are two separate roles. Although a pastor who can preach/teach well is a great blessing.
  13. Yes, my pastor knows me quite well. It's actually part of the Orthodox tradition to have your priest be your spiritual father so he knows a lot about my spiritual walk. We have about 200 people in our parish.
  14. I'm right there with you. I need deadlines, otherwise NOTHING would get done. We moved out of our house last Monday and need to get our house ready to put on the market. Here it is another week and we're still loading things up to get out of the house. Fortunately, now it is only stuff going to the dump. But, the thing is -- I'm pooped! I'm SO tired. I'm on my feet EVERYDAY going to the old house, cleaning up sorting and throwing out. Then I come home and try to find a place for the boxes of stuff we have here. I totally get why you wanted a break.
  15. I would not do a sleepover for a 7yr old. I remember my 10yr old sleeping over at a neighbors and I got the teary call that she wanted to come home at 11pm. Just imagine if you had to get in the car and go get her. This is what we've done in the past: We would allow our children to go to the party and I would pick them up super late (for them) sometime like 9 or 10 or 11pm. That way they feel like they're part of the fun AND get to stay up late, etc. etc. We've also done this with older kids who had something early the next morning (like church or swim team).
  16. thanks so much for the update. You've been on my mind. :grouphug:
  17. I agree. One can provide fertile ground for the faith to grow, but as parents we hope (and pray) that it will stick. This is true with many things we teach our children.
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