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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. We interviewed 2 realtors...neither would talk to us about specifics about fixing up the house until we signed a contract. So, yes, we have contract with her. Thanks for all your words to stand strong. I couldn't believe the price. I was thinking about 20-25K. The bathroom is more than cosmetic. We've had tiles coming off the walls and put plastic up so the kids could shower. The flooring isn't in good shape either. It must be repaired. The other one is our shower stall. It has unslightly brown stain on the floor. I used to have a housekeeper- she tried for years to make it go away without success. The tiles just need a extra good scrubbing and cauking. But if you pull up the stall floor, the tiles come off too (because of the lip).... hence needing to replace tiles. We're going to get an insert. We absolutely would not make 76K back. Not in this market. Between that price, the landscaping, carpeting, and closing costs we would be right back down to the price we paid for the house nearly 20 years ago.
  2. The market has been okay and it's picked up. We live in the DC area and haven't been as nearly adversely affected by the collapse as other places. She even mentioned that she's had buyers looking for houses just below our price range and that all the houses they've looked at currently have contract on them. We do get comps. I think if we lower the price (she wants top dollar) it will sell. Houses without financial issues are selling in a few months with some even selling within a few weeks! That was surprising to me. We own the house outright so we are not desperate to get it out from under us. Although, we don't want to hang onto it any longer than necessary either.
  3. This is really stressful. Our house is 30 yrs old. It wasn't built in 2011!! Why do realtors (and buyers!) want us to make our house look brand-new! If they want a brand new house go down the street and spend 200K more for a 2012 edition. Yes, some of the stuff definitely needs to be done. We have a bathroom in serious need of attention and tile work. Our front stoop has come away from the house and sunk. Our HVAC died the week after we moved out and we're replacing the entire system (30yrs old anyway). These will not be cheap. But, we had our college boys paint all the "simple" rooms (rooms where there were no major flaws in the walls). Sure they didn't do a perfect job, but I can go back and fix some of their oopies. But she wants a professional to come through and repaint the entire house to the tune of 11K!!!! :confused: Our roof is nearly 15yrs old. It isn't perfect, of course, but it's fine... She wants us to install a new roof (15K). Anyway, that's just part of the list. Of course, she said "I'm giving you the worst case scenario prices" but then she wants us to do ALL of it. That isn't worst case, IMHO. And those prices don't include new carpet in some rooms and landscaping!!
  4. Yes! I'm finding more and more of those types of references in older books. In one of the Kristen Lavransdatter books she talks about the wedding crowns/wreaths (or bans)...and I finally knew what that meant!
  5. LOL - I love that movie. I have a question since you're Catholic. In the EO church we have a churching for moms and their newborn babies. Traditionally it is done at the 40th day. It's not for purification, but there are prayers for the mom and baby, the song of St. Simeon is sung, the baby is brought into the church and they are both welcomed back into the church family. I've read a bit about it's history and know that it was phased out in the early 20th century for Anglicans/Episcopalians. But I'm wondering if the Catholic church still has this tradition?
  6. A few years ago I blogging friend of mine (and former homeschooling dad) did a 4 part series about how Groundhog day, Candlemas and Presentation of the Lord all ended up on the same day. I thought some people here might enjoy a little history lesson on church calendars: Pt. 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 They're all relatively short blog entries so don't worry - you won't be reading a book! :D And I guess we could say Candlemas and Presentation are the same Feast it's just that the West and East call it two different things.
  7. can you try a different browser? Sometimes Firefox does this to me but if I switch to IE it goes away. I don't know why it happens....but it's usually just one or two blogs and not all of them. :confused:
  8. Well... I've been happy with the Montessori education my son (10) is getting. One downside I can think of is if you want a rigorous, classical education you will not be satisfied with Montessori. Sometimes I fret about that. The other possible downside is that they do not have parents participate in class volunteering. I was rather bummed about that. I wanted to help out and see what school looked like, but it's just not how things are done in Montessori.
  9. My absolute favorite place to go when I start wanting to switch things up is Paula Begoun's website: http://www.beautypedia.com/default.aspx This is her reviews website. There are a lot of reviews! She does have her own line, which I've used some of and I like...but it's all online (which I don't like).
  10. Sarah, I used to tell my husband when I was in the worst part of the pregnancies that I wish there was a pill I could take to make the baby grow faster.... an "Insta-Baby" pill. :D I would have loved to have had 1-2 more kids, but I just couldn't face another difficult preg. with 6 younger children who needed a functioning mom and myself getting closer and closer to 40 with each one. And you're right, you're doing one of the most important jobs there is....growing a new human being. Don't knock yourself down if you need to take more breaks than usual. Pregnancy is hard work.
  11. :grouphug: All my pregnancies were bad but my 6th was the worst (and the last because of that). I think it does get harder the more children we have and the older we get. With my first 4 pregnancies I was in my 20's. There was definitely a difference with how my body could cope compared to the last two in my 30's. Hang in there...soon it will really be over and you'll be holding a little one in your arms.
  12. This is us too. I keep waiting for his to drop off - foolishly thought it would at around age 50, but that hasn't happened. I've been sorely disappointed.
  13. I don't think that there is a religious service for Eastern Orthodox divorces, however, there is provision in the marriage ceremony. A divorced person may re-marry in the church (up to 2-3x I believe)...but the service is slightly different from the first marriage. I've not been to one or read the service, but from what I understand, there is some admission of guilt and petitions for forgiveness for the previous marriage. It isn't anything specified (like I'm sorry I did xyz in my previous marriage)... it's more of an overarching "Lord forgive us for mistakes we've made..." And I think it's a priestly prayer FOR the couple coming to be married rather than a prayer the couple prays (they acknowledge with a "Lord have mercy"). It's an acknowledgment that divorce is not a perfect solution, but for whatever reason, and because of human weaknesses, sometimes it happens. BTW, in the Orthodox ceremony there are no promises made like in the Western services. The church realizes that it is potentially dangerous to ask someone to make a promise they may not be able to keep.
  14. oh dear. :grouphug: I hope the interview on Friday leads to something really good.
  15. I'm nearly finished the book.... It isn't necessarily a bad thing that our brains are being re-wired. The problem is how we are being changed. We are basically becoming a distracted society (in other words - we're all suffering from ADD!). We can multi-task and think quickly and we're all over the place. What we are losing is the ability to think deeply and to be focused. Those skills lend themselves to new innovations. Would Einstein been able to come with the theory of relativity if he had constantly been distracted and couldn't focus for long periods of time? Could Ford or Edison? So, we gain one skill but we lose another. I think it's still too early to see if this will ultimately be a good thing or not. I think that society, and especially education, will have to adapt. There's plenty of anecdotal evidence that kids off all stripes cannot concentrate like students could 15-20 yrs ago. Carr quotes even literature majors who cannot sit and read a book without being distracted. They would rather get information about the book in snippets online! The author also quotes people from back at the time of Guttenberg and their predictions of how bad all this bookish stuff was (something about being distracted by too many books to read!! LOL). We're still in the infancy of the internet. It will be interesting to see how things are in 100 years when we are long gone.
  16. This is right up the street from me. I'll put it on the calendar and hopefully will have time to attend. On of my college aged sons is quite interested in this subject and wanted to figure out how to incorporate his studies into a career volunteering in this area (but international).
  17. Yes. I had that experience. I had a bestest friend who moved across country. It was a very long time of no real friends. I tried but circumstances or differences were always in the way. I learned to embrace the lonliness and become independent and happy with myself. I'm already somewhat of a loner. But, after several years (10yrs) I did start to pick up a friend or two. It takes work! When I was first married and starting a family it was easy to make friends. But, as the kids grew older (and we got pickier as we matured) it got harder. Now, everyone's schedules are crazy...so it takes effort to work on the friendships. I did change churches 3x at that time. The first one I just couldn't find a kindred spirit friend - long story. The 2nd on was pretty set in their ways and no one was really looking for a friend. They were nice, but there was just no way I could break in. But, the 3rd church takes community pretty seriously. I'm actually quite taken aback at people's concern and care for me and my family. Anyway, I have a few friends through the church, but I've also developed friends outside of the church. Those, of course, take more work because I don't see them on a regular basis. But ,we talk and do lunch every month or so. Its easier to do that now that my kids are older and mostly out of the house. It was MUCH harder when most of them were in the elementary/middle school years. :grouphug:
  18. I believe you and your kids too and I would take it very seriously. I was exposed to this type of stuff as a child because my mom loved dabbling into that. I have had experiences similar to your son. I would definitely have your house blessed and/or exorcised - whatever it is that your Christian faith prescribes (I am going out on a limb and assuming you're a Christian from your avatar). I would teach your son the Lord's Prayer and the 23rd Psalm... also a good one is Ps 121 which the Orthodox pray as part of our morning prayers. I would give him an icon of his guardian angel to hold when he is frightened at night.
  19. those sound great. And, you will be AMAZED at how quickly your time fills up. I still don't know what happens to my day sometimes but I know I *feel* busy. ;) . I had a working friend at church ask me "What do you do all day?" When she found out I wasn't working or homeschooling. I was rather embarrassed that I hemmed and hawed. I do volunteer 1x per week and I weave... I carpool the younger ones to-from school. But none of that equals 40hours a week. :001_huh: And i don't even have grandbabies added to the mix- yet. :) And yet, my day fills up. Of course, I can't imagine how productive my day would look if I would stay away from the computere more. :D
  20. This is what I was thinking. We've both changed in the 25+ years of marriage...some good, some.... not so much ;). I don't really understand the original poll. Are you asking my religious beliefs in this matter or that when I got married what was my motivation?
  21. You used a strong word in the title: "Disgusting". Perhaps this is where part of our divergent opinions come from. Disgusting is strong word to use against someone. That word, to me, evokes spitting in someone's face. It's as though she raped her sons, sold her daughters into prostitution, beat her husband to near death, and then shacked up with another man. I believe that most people here would agree that this is far, far away from a perfect situation. None of us would wish this on our enemies. But, I just think that many of us don't find it "disgusting". I dunno, does that makes sense?
  22. I heard a brief interview with her on the radio a week or so ago. I agree. I might not be what I would chose to do but this is a very difficult situation. I don't feel I can sit in judgement. I've known a few people (or their families) who have had devastating brain injuries...it is a very difficult life for the family.
  23. I have a parakeet and love it. I did a lot of research before I bought one. I vacillated between a cockateil and a parakeet but decided on the budgy because they weren't as loud or messy. A couple of things I learned: birds are flock animals. If you get one bird - you are its flock. If you get more, then they form their own flock and may not be as friendly towards you. It is really important to get a bird which has been handled from birth and to continue handling it. I don't always hold my bird everyday, but I do talk with her and her cage is next to my computer, so she see me a lot;) Even the sweetest bird can be moody and will not like some people. I was fortunate to find a local homeschooler who was hand-raising budgies. The first one we got from her was pretty friendly at first, but then got less social as time went on. She wanted her cage more and more. Unfortunately, that one got out by accident and I never saw it again. I got another one - it wasn't as pretty, but I asked the seller (homeschool girl again), which was the friendliest bird and bought that one. Because I feed the bird, am around the most, and care for it, birdy likes me the most. She is okay with my teenaged daughter but will nip and bite my son. The older kids aren't around enough for the bird to care. When I'm out for the day and come home, she immediately starts chirping and calling for me. She'll get on my shoulder and groom my chin. She'll eat off my plate (or anyone's plate) if we let her but we usually lock her in the cage at dinner time. She must think she's a dog! I have vet friend who told me that a bird can eat anything we eat, and birdy does try. Enjoy figuring out what you want. I do enjoy my parakeet.
  24. Last year was my first year not homeschooling. Take it slowly and consider what you want to do. While I do miss my kids during the day (I have 2 still at home in private school), I don't really miss homeschooling anymore.
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