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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I always got the impression (from the title, no less) is that people were reading a book a week. I knew there was no way I could do such a thing so I never looked at the thread or joined. The title alone is too intimidating for this slow (but eclectic) reader. If it is a group to encourage people to read, perhaps the name needs to reflect that?
  2. What I was thinking was if someone is doing some reflections or activities during Lent and they wanted other bloggers, who were doing something similar, to link up together at their blog and share their own reflections, ideas or whatever. a similar thing if it was just a Sunday Reflection or Sunday thoughts or whatever. Have you've ever seen Semicolon's Saturday Review of Books? Something like that- only more on a spiritual theme rather than books.
  3. I homeschooled my kids. Seriously. I am there for my kids. My mom was much too busy with her own life to be concerned with us (especially my younger sis and myself). She wanted to re-live her youth. :001_rolleyes: When homeschooling my middle daughter wasn't working out I put her in a good school. It changed our relationship for the better. So I guess I could say I don't try to pigeon hole my kids into one way of learning and living. I try to meet their needs and listen to them. I tell them I love them and I try to be affectionate with them. There wasn't any affection in my home growing up and I'm not sure I ever heard my parents tell me they loved me. It was hard to break the affectionate cycle - because it doesn't come naturally. It helps that my dh and his family is very demonstrative (although that often really bothers me). I don't really like PDAs...except with my kids. I try not to over discipline or protect my kids. I dont' want a home that is so rigid and authoritarian that the kids can't wait to get away. Now that I have adult children I try real hard not to be a meddling and nagging mom. I want them to want to be around me. We have some family members who are very naggy - it's irritating and makes us want to clam up even more about our business. I don't want my kids to be that way with me. I don't dump about my mom. The funny things is, the kids picked up on it on their own. "Why doesnt' grandma every come over??" Sigh. And when she lived with us they learned some other things about her. But still, I'm just don't feel comfortable throwing my mom under the bus. I guess there is a case for being honest, but when I tried to do it it just felt like I was dumping. They have their own relationship with my mom and I have mine. I also find myself spiraling toward being negative with my kids from time to time. It's good to notice this and nip it in the bud. When the kids were little I had to be careful who my other mommy friends were. Some moms were very negative about their kids or being a mom...and it would rub off on me! I just knew it would be too easy to slip into that attitude, so I avoided it when I could. I think it's good to be honest and say you know you've developed a bad habit but that you're trying to fix it. I think kids can appreciate when their parents admit they're doing wrong and trying hard to do the right thing. :grouphug: to you. It's hard to unlearn bad habits, but you can do it.
  4. no one does this kind of thing here or knows someone who participates? :crying:
  5. great... thanks. I just wanted some an affirmation that it could be done.
  6. I want to rejuvenate my blogging and I'm looking for a link-up that does something like Sunday reflections or even a Lenten Journey type of link up. I don't really want to join one on a blog hosted by a professional writer/blogger type - I want something done by a regular person blogger, KWIM? anybody have any good ideas? I've looked around at a few but they weren't what I was looking for. TIA.
  7. I agree completely. Although it is fun to look back and go "wow, I read that many books... I didn't realize." GoodReads is nice for that - and keeping track of my TBR pile. LOL!! That would be fun. I'm actually on a Wynne-Jones kick right now - she's a bit more serious than Pratchett and not nearly as unusual as Fforde.
  8. We have to re-tile our bathroom and I'm trying to save a little $$ where possible. We also have a local Habitat for Humanity re-Store (woo hoo!). I was there yesterday and they had about 15 unopened boxes of 6x6 tile in a nice matte almond color for $8 a box! I need 7. They didn't have any of the bulnose tiles that I'd need for the edges. I was thinking of going to Lowes or HomeDepot and getting something similar to use on the edges... is that possible?? It doesn't have to be the same color - maybe an accent color. I figure I need to find something that is similar in thickness for sure, but is there anything else I should look for. Can I mix and match from different companies. I only bought one box so I can take a tile to the store to match it up as best as possible. If I can do it I'll go buy more boxes of tiles.
  9. I simply cannot do a book a week. I read far too slowly and fall asleep far too easily :glare: I have read about 50 books in a year but that is often because I'm reading more than one book at a time and I sometimes include what I'm reading aloud to my son. But, I also can't just read "intellectual" books. I need my fun, fluffy books too. It's usually in the form of something silly & light - like Prachett or Fforde or a light Brit. mystery.
  10. My 10yr old has had this 2x this winter. I chalked it up to croup even though technically he's too old to get it.
  11. I never listened to her, but Good grief!! :eek:
  12. I hope you can take care of yourself. Feel better soon.
  13. me too! :tongue_smilie: Although, I was sure I hadn't written anything like that - I went back a few weeks too. ;)
  14. This is a very good point. I believe you that there was one or two (or three??) blogs from people here who took on a negative tone about their kids... I just personally haven't seen it. It's probably good that you pointed it out. Sometimes we all need a little wake-up call.
  15. I'll have to go find that one. I was just thinking of posting something here along those lines here at WTM. It was so much easier to be a mom to littles. I had way more confidence back then. okay - that's WAY off topic. sorry guys.
  16. I like your blog... that's not the kind I'm talking about. I mean the Ann Volkamp's of this world. (okay, now that might just get me into trouble.)
  17. Amen sister! I purposely didn't share my blog with many IRL friends. Not that I wanted to rat on them or anything, it just felt too weird. I have been pondering the OP. I wonder if the blogs you visited were done by people with special needs kids. I have a friend who blogs and she has an adopted adult dd with FAS. To say it is a trial would be an understatement. Does she dump about her dd? If you didn't know what was going on you might get that impression. But really, she's venting and just trying to make it through with her sanity intact. she has two younger kids too who she often shares their adorable antics and sayings. So she does mix it up, but she's keeping it real - it's just that her reality is sometimes very stressful.
  18. I'd forgotten about Outlander. I love time travel books and was SO disappointed with this one. Everyone told me the other ones are better, but I just think...um... no.
  19. Yes, I actually get more discouraged by the "my family is perfect, I'm a the greatest mom, an excellent cook, spend 5 hours a day praying and reading my Bible, AND I home decorate like Martha Stewart" type blogs. Oh, they don't come out and SAY it... but it just oozes creativity and harmony from their blogs. So unfair to be so totally talented. I still can't get my house together and I'm not homeschooling anymore! :glare:
  20. I haven't found that either and I'm pretty regular about clicking through to blogs in siggy lines. Maybe you just hit several bad ones or ones when mom was having a bad day.
  21. This... It's probably the reason I really don't like cooking. They wore me down.
  22. LOL. my favorite saying is, "What do you mean you're hungry, I just fed you yesterday!?" ;) While I don't hate it, cooking isn't my favorite task either. I know I should have had my kids help when they were younger, but I was never very good at getting them to help out either.
  23. oh sorry - it means Metropolitan. It's similar to Bishop. edited to fix spelling.
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