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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. No.. too much of a pretty-boy. Daniel Auteuil would have been perfect, IMHO.
  2. What is "exurbia"? I've never heard that term before. I'm sorry the agent had left... Isn't it usual to give some feedback?
  3. awww :grouphug: I'm sorry you were having an emotional day. I hope today's open house was successful. I'm feeling weepy today myself. Just got a bid for the last few things we had on our list. The bid was quite high and I'm discouraged. I was really hoping to get this stuff out of the way this week but now it looks like we're back to the drawing board. I'm starting to wonder how much we really need to do from this list. None of it is structural problems and only one or two won't pass inspection. The others are simply window dressing and beautifying. I'm tired of hemorrhaging money on this house though.
  4. LOL- I always used to wonder about that too... although I do love Cpt. Piccard. and I agree... the outfit is ridiculous. It doesn't even LOOK Indian, and I know next to nothing about such things. Is this a serious movie or a spoof?
  5. I've come to this conclusion too. But, I'm really, really surprised that Hollywood didn't find a First Nations actor. This just boggles the mind...have we gone back to the 60s??
  6. I've been helping a friend from church get to and from doctor's appts. and minor surgical procedures. She gave me a Kindle! I'm utterly surprised. But, it also wasn't something I was looking to get so I really have no idea how to use the thing. Books are obvious. I have a Tablet with the Kindle app. and I've used it in a limited way. I've been following the thread on Free Kindle books - but really, are you just getting what you pay for? What else is there to put on the Kindle? This is the little one with the wi-fi. I've got a few .pdf files and I'd love to figure out how to put those on there. Is it easy to do that? Also, how obvious is it to download free library loans? I've tried downloading audio files to my iPod, but it is always such a chore to re-figure it out. I guess I need a little hand holding. :001_smile:
  7. I like the colors. I think if you wanted to pare down even more you could cut down on the photos on the left.
  8. I'm sorry. I hope they decide on your house eventually.
  9. she sounds wonderful. I really regret picking our particular agent. She just wants everything to be "Homes and Garden" perfect.
  10. Ohhh... let us know how it goes. I hope they'll understand about the water.
  11. I didn't absolutely love it, but it was okay.
  12. thank you so much for sharing. What an inspiration.
  13. Those pre-sale inspections are helpful, but they can also be so discouraging. I think we'll clock in around 15k too. I hope you get it on the market in time. RVing...I always wanted to do that but my dh was never interested. His job wouldn't really lend itself to doing it either. I hope your dream comes true soon.
  14. I know what you mean. I've grown up doing without and making do. Now we have a nicer house too and I feel SO guilty! It really wasn't our goal. We wanted more neighborhood kids, closer to many of our activities, smaller yard, and NO POOL.! LOL. Is is this a woman thing that we can't do nice things for ourselves without feeling guilty?
  15. I think it might be best to look at where you know you won't fit in. Depending on where you live geographically you may find more who don't really care or will accept many different opinions on the subject. I think that many (most??) Christian traditions do not make a stand on this...but there are some who do and they can be quite vocal. As far as I can tell, in my tradition (Eastern Orthodox) we have no official stand on it. My daughter (who is a priest's wife) is a theistic evolutionist, I am more of an old-earth small evolution (within species) Christian. I'm sure there are 24/7 creationist within our tradition, I'm just unaware of them. It's just not something we really talk about much (except on the internet ;) ). If the liturgy is important you might be better off looking first for a church embraces that since that is getting more and more rare - especially in Protestant circles.
  16. I'm sorry. We had chickens at our old house too - although it has been nearly 10yrs. I was hoping to find a house where I could keep them again, but our new neighborhood has an HOA. Most neighborhoods in my county do unless you live with some acreage (which we didn't want). Are you hoping to get more once you move?
  17. We moved into our old house when my 4th was 2months old. We had two more kids and continued to homeschool through the 19yrs there. Those were my full-time jobs. I totally hear you about having the energy to do the things needed to be done. I just wasn't there. I felt I was doing good if the house was relatively clean and the kids got some schooling done during the day. But, now that the house is empty and being fixed up I find myself saying "I can't believe we lived with that so long." I hope everyone sells their house quickly. I'm glad this thread was started. It IS nice to know I'm not alone.
  18. No, you're not alone. :grouphug: I've been gone almost all day at our old house we're trying to get ready to put on the market. It has been an ordeal. We moved for similar reasons. We'd been in our old house for 19yrs and our youngest son really didn't have a lot of neighborhood friends. Since his siblings are all older than him, he was quite lonely. We hope that moving to a more traditional neighborhood with a pool and playgrounds and lots of kids will help. Of course, it isn't a guarantee.. The old neighborhood was more spread out with fewer houses and older. We also had an inground pool I am SO happy to be rid of. I've been dealing with a lot of emotional issues over the move. Like you, we didn't *have* to move, we chose. Now I feel so guilty. I could have put up with the house for another 5-10 yrs (even though I've always disliked the house & pool) but I just had to go and get selfish and move into a pretty house. Anyway, that's what my mind tells me at 3am. Then I worry about my son really making any friends and wonder if I've made the worst mistake of my life! It's rather pathetic. Right now we're trying to get the old house ready to go on the market. We owned the house out-right (15yr mortgages are a wonderful thing) so we'll be okay if it takes a bit of time. But, my realtor wants to turn our Ford house into a Cadillac house. She wanted us to spend 75K to get the house ready. Is she insane??! I think I'm going to come in under 20K as there really were some glaring problems that needed addressing. oh and then a week after we moved out the HVAC died. :glare: And then we had a pre-sale home inspection and discovered a crack down our chimney. :glare::glare: One of the bad things about living in a home for nearly 20 yrs is you really do live with a lot of problems without paying attention to them. Sigh. It makes me feel bad for not being a better home owner, which then adds to my guilt about ripping my son away from the old neighborhood (even though there weren't really a lot of friends, etc. etc.). Oh my tale of woe. Sorry to bore you with it. But, that's what I'm dealing with on a move. I thought it was going to be an exciting adventure. But there's been a lot more angst than I ever thought I'd have.
  19. I did of sorts. I started a blog. It started out with my spiritual journey. I just didn't want to forget some stuff. What happened was I started doing a serious search in 1999, then I set it on the back burner early in 2001. Came back to it in 2005, but really forgot a lot of the issues I had been wrestling with back in 1999-2001. It was weird. At the time they were HUGE. But then I had another baby and more homeschooling and poof! It was like I had amnesia. Anyway, I didn't really start back at ground zero, I knew by that time where I was heading... but all those "issues" just didn't seem so important. But, I didn't want to forget what the journey was like so I started a blog. I didn't publish everything, but a lot I did. I wasn't really angry with my former traditions either. I've seen some of that with other people and it really isn't nice to air all that anger in public. KWIM?? Anyway, the thing that helped me - the thing that was my issue from the beginning was "What do they believe (Christians) and when did they believe it?" I wanted something that could be traced to the faith of the Apostles and not some "new" theology where someone was basically thinking "We know more than the early church, and we've come up with this new way of looking that this or that passage or doctrine". Anyway, the thing that helped me was starting at the beginning with the Apostolic Fathers. It's not hard to find copies of it online or cheap via Amazon. The nice thing about the book I got is it went into the history of those particular letters or writings. Many had been lost to the West until the last 200 yrs. So sad. The other thing that helped was reading other people's journey's too. It was nice to know I wasn't alone and that other people were asking the same questions. Well... that's my rambling answer. :001_smile:
  20. I put 6 down: UK, Italy, Portugal, Israel, Canada, Mexico . I've been to the UK 2x but only counted once. oh, I just realized I forgot Vatican City, Costa Rica, France and the Dominican Republic. oops. This is what I get for answering a poll on less than 5 hrs sleep
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