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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. wow, I haven't been to Vegsource in YEARS! I'm sorry to hear it's mostly dead. But for everything there is a season. I also like the The Homeschool Library. Been there since nearly the beginning. It's really what I'd consider my home. But it has been very slow and I've found that the discussions aren't nearly has lively as they are here :D What is MDC?? Besides here and THSL... I frequent an Eastern Orthodox information forum and Weavolution. I mostly go to Weavolution for their projects page. I get so inspired there. But, both of those are mostly a one-topic forum, and I prefer the diverse conversations I get here.
  2. I agree. Do you have any other family that can help you financially with his needs? We pulled our money together and got a companion for my mom during the day 3 days a week for a few hours while my dad is at work. This really takes a lot of stress off my dad, who is the primary caregiver and my sis, who lives nearby and is always "on call."
  3. I'm not in No.VA, but in in the DC metro area. This has been an unusual winter so who knows exactly what April will be like. You are right, there is often a 20degree spread as we go through spring. But generally it is chilly/mild (50's) and wet. It can get up into the 70's and be nice a sunny too. But usually that is just for a day or so and then back down to chillier weather. I would bring light layers and a jacket. As your trip approaches, I would recommend checking the weather sites and looking at the 10day forecasts.
  4. that does not seem possible unless his college not an accredited college. I've had 3 kids transfer (out of 4 college students). 2 started out at cc and transferred to an in-state college. Most credits transferred - perhaps a few didn't... I can't really remember. My other dd transferred from an out of state state college to our local cc. I think just about everything transferred. She hopes to transfer again in the fall to another 4yr college. We'll see what happens then. In all cases the basic 1st year stuff (English 101, etc.) transferred.
  5. Church this morning - went extra long because we had a special service ushering in Lent for EO (starts tomorrow). Teens had a fund-raiser curing coffee hour. On my feet for nearly 3.5 hours by the end of it all. Whew I'm tired. Bible study in less than 30min. Ugh, this is the wrong week to have Bible study on Sunday - what with the extra service after liturgy today. dinner relax & watch something mindless. I'm not into the Oscars, but we've been enjoying Stephen Fry's "Kingdom" on live streaming lately.
  6. I've never had a migraine, but I am sorry you're suffering so. :grouphug:
  7. I would consider both solutions. It might not be a bad idea to speak to a professional about what this person did to you, hash it out, and figure out why you have such a bad response to being around them. There may be some healing in it for you. But, I also would use avoidance. If this person has harmed or hurt you, and there's no particular reason why you need to be around them, then why force it upon yourself? Or at least, why do it any more than absolutely necessary?
  8. Yes, as with just about everything in the Church - we journey together.
  9. Thank you very much. Just writing it out made me so excited for tomorrow. I've been in my church long enough to see little things annoy people, probably hand out a few myself, seen friendships frayed, and basically see how Satan tries to sever relationships. Tomorrow is a fresh start for all of us... I can't wait! There will be tears... but lots of joy too.
  10. :iagree: There is a benefit to understand the 2000 year practice of Lent.
  11. :grouphug::grouphug: Believe it or not, but I know *exactly* how you feel. Last spring I had two cousins (same side of the family) die within a week of each other. The funerals were 2 days apart. It was emotionally exhausting as both died young and unexpectedly. I felt a bit like I had mini-PTSD I was so stressed out. Talk about it, for sure - whether here or with a friend. It will definitely help.
  12. I knew just about nothing about Lent too until I started attending a church that participated in it. I didn't grow up with any tradition of Advent or Lent, so I've been learning a lot myself over the years. We gotta start somewhere. Lent is a joyful time yes, but it is also a struggle. Just like a mom anticipating a birth. She has to go through the struggle of labor, but always knowing that there is beautiful life at the end of all the sweat and tears. We Orthodox always have our eye on the Feast of Feasts: Pascha (Easter in the West). It is a glorious and wonderful celebration of Christ's resurrection. All things in Orthodox liturgical worship point towards His resurrection and to Pascha.
  13. I accidentally left out an unopened package of smoked salmon. It vacuum packed but does say to keep refrigerated. Would you toss or keep?
  14. What does he keep his tire pressure at? I just upped mine to 41/39 in hopes of getting a few more mpgs.
  15. I considered a diesel car, and also little Honda or Toyotas (Matrix??), when I was looking. But, one of the things I really needed was leg room for kids and then storage for their stuff. The Prius was able to do that for me as well as provide great gas mileage.
  16. In the Eastern Church we do not do Ash Wednesday... although I think its a lovely tradition. We begin our Lenten season with forgiveness. Lent doesn't begin until Monday for us so on Sunday, directly after service, we begin what is called Forgiveness Vespers. It is when the music changes to the more mournful Lenten setting, the vestments are changed to the Lenten color, and we ask God to help us through the Lenten Season. Then we file up, beginning with the priest, and we stand before each person in our parish, bow before them, take their hand, and ask them to forgive us if we've ever wronged them this year. They do the same and then we kiss each other on the cheeks (3x in the Russian tradition). Because we cannot begin the Lenten season without love. "Love is the doorway to Lent" as one of my favorite authors said.
  17. I can only speak from my own tradition in the Eastern Orthodox church. We don't really look at it so much as giving up but rather as training. By fasting we are training our bodies that "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." We are "dying to self", as it were. We also see fasting as a way to take us back to our original relationship. In the garden, sin entered the world because Adam basically disregarded the fast (do not eat from the tree...), so we fast to bring ourselves back into relationship with God. That is really the goal. Communion with God is the goal of our whole Christian life. Fasting is just one of the the tools the Orthodox church uses to gain this goal. Others, of course, would be prayer, acts of mercy, loving our neighbor, turning the other cheek, dying to self. Because of course, fasting isn't just about food...and it isn't the goal of Lent - it is the means to an end. Andi, it is amazing. When I begin to fast... some of that ugliness and selfishness come right out. Fasting is like a little spotlight shining on all those areas God wants me to work on. It sounds crazy, I know. How can what we don't eat really affect us that way. But it does. Of course, we don't pick and choose what to fast and we all (Orthodox Christians) work through this together. We are a community. If I can't fast the way it is prescribed then I talk with my priest. He is my spiritual counsel. This is key in the discipline of fasting within the Orthodox tradition. No man is an island. We're all working through our salvation together. And, that makes an amazing difference. I've tried fasting when I wasn't Orthodox... and it was totally different. Anyway, probably more than you asked for. But, that is my understanding of Fasting from an Orthodox perspective.
  18. What a beautiful gift you have received. May your nanna rest in peace
  19. The battery is not what most people think of. This is the special hybrid battery and it's in the back of the car. It should last nearly the life of the vehicle. But of course, it doesn't always. I can't remember the mileage on it, but it should be high because your constantly recharging it when you break. I've only had my hybrid about a year (got a 2009) so I can't speak to the price of maintenance other than regular oil changes...which is no different than my other car. I too got tires last fall and they were no different than if i"d gotten them for another car.
  20. wow! Tell me his secrets. I can't seem to get above 48mpgs with any regularity...and lately it's been much worse! I just hiked up the tire pressure, but it's barely made a dent. Do you live in a flat part of the country?
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