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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I eat it sliced. I used to do it with crackers but I can't do wheat.
  2. :grouphug: I was in a church once where I just didn't fit in. I did find another kindred spirit, but then a friend of hers went through a major life crisis and all her time was spent caring for her friend. I felt pretty left out and I really didn't fit in anywhere. I tried a few things, but it was pretty cliquish too. I felt pretty lonely during that time. Church was not really what I thought it should be (although I don't think it should be exclusively a social group - it is an important aspect of church community, IMHO), and I would come home crying. I don't really have much advice because what happened to me is that it, and a few other things, spurred me to find out what happened to the early church community... and I ended up Eastern Orthodox several years later. They take community pretty serious. :) I hope you find a friend soon.
  3. IIRC, I think that may have been the origins of the "Keep Christ in Christmas" but yes, it has definitely expanded to the way it is now.
  4. I make better butter too. I mix mine with canola oil and add a little bit more salt. I take 4 sticks and about 1.5-2cups canola oil and mix it in the blender.
  5. I agree. I'd love to try Pinterest but don't have FB or Twitter. Sadness.
  6. I think this is what we have in our new home. I don't like it. There are cracks between the planks and I'll never get the dust and little pieces of dirt out of those - never.
  7. Slept on the couch last night myself. A few years ago when we needed a replacement couch I purposely bought one that was comfortable for sleeping. With all the pillows off it's as big as an X-long twin bed. So I had a much better sleep. But, I woke up to a sick kid. I just can't win. I keep reminding my husband that I want my own room someday. He gets insulted though. I don't think he realizes how resentful I am when I don't sleep because of his snoring.
  8. I totally get this too. I'm not nursing anymore either- now it's a snoring husband and/or sick kids and/or college kids coming home late (and loudly) at night. I want my own man-cave.
  9. Our husband's must be related. I thought it was just me...because my mom is more of a hoarder in our family. But, I'm ALWAYS ready to toss stuff and my husband comes behind me and says "You can't get rid of that!". Sigh. I've learned that he has HIS stuff and I have mine.
  10. Thanks Eleanor, I agree with the chapter on the neural Plasticity... I skimmed a bit once it became obvious he was repeating himself. Thanks for the book recommendation. I'll have to add it to my TBR pile.
  11. This is interesting. Why do you think that "private points of view" are in danger? And why would those who believe Sola Scriptura and secular Enlightenment be at risk? I'm not following....at least how it pertains to the book. But, in any event, I do agree that I think it's a bit too late. The ship has indeed left port.
  12. That's a good point. One of my college aged boys has mentioned he has a very hard time reading his textbooks. At first I was worried it was some undiagnosed problem, but now reading the book, I wonder if it's all the computer time he does.
  13. PJ - I enjoy writing letters, although I don't do it nearly as often as you do. I started a few years ago when I realized how much I appreciated it when someone wrote me a note or letter. I've gotten a bit out of the habit, but I think I'll try again.
  14. I think he is going to say our reading attention span is one of the symptoms, not necessarily the only one.
  15. Actually, I just realized I finished the 2nd chapter. One fascinating thing from the 2nd chapter was Carr's story about Nietzsche. Because of health reasons Nietzsche went from writing with pen/paper to a typewriter... I find this type of brain function/change so interesting. It makes me wonder what my writing would be like if I used pen/paper in a journal rather than a blog. But, then again, I probably would never take the time to do it. If my adolescent diary is any evidence it would be sappy and egocentric. ;) Don't really want to go there.
  16. Has anyone read it or interested in reading it? I just finished the 1st chapter. I've long noticed that my reading attention span is almost nil. Now I'm finding out that my brain may actually be changing because of the internet! The first chapter was fascinating although it didn't really talk about the premise of the book. It was talking about brain function and how our brains are changeable and malleable but that "the possibility of intellectual decay is inherent in the malleability of our brains." pg. 35
  17. I love it! I saw one very close to our house the other day, but sadly, I did not have the camera nearby. I love birds.
  18. It could be the molars and the wisdom teeth together are giving her trouble. Has she had a recent x-ray to see what is happening to her wisdom teeth?
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