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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. 10,000. It is a dice game with 6 dice. Let me see if I can find directions online. We used to play it all the time. http://www.dicegamecentral.com/index.php/Dice-Game-Central-Home-Page/10000-Scoresheets-Rules-Free-Download-Printable
  2. I went last Thurs (3/30). The shelves were fairly well stocked. Eggs, meat, milk, fruit/veggies. Actually the only noticeable absence was pasta/spaghetti aisle and the paper-goods aisle. I've heard that if you ask at the front desk they do have TP, but I didn't try to see if it was true because we're still okay. Frozen veggies was slim pickings but not awful. Everything else was pretty well stocked.
  3. I don't know exactly but my DIL's grandmother had a stroke yesterday. She is in a hospital here and no one could visit her. She doesn't speak English. One daughter used to work at the hospital and was able to go visit her last night. But, word came about an hour ago that they are sending her into home hospice care. They've given her 2 weeks. I was told that the plan was that only direct children of the deceased (not their spouses or children, etc) will attend the funeral. There will be a larger memorial at a later date. It is very, very sad. From what I know, she is the matriarch of their large, close family.
  4. I'm also going to miss Wimbledon. It's the only sporting event I truly enjoy watching.
  5. An empty house being in church and hearing a choir trips to the store and not thinking people are infected. going to the plant nursery and picking out plants myself
  6. My sister was supposed to come here for her 60th and my other sister (lives near me), my aunt, and my birthday sister were going to go on a spa weekend. That was in May. We hadn't even gotten to booking anything yet, so nothing lost. But, we have my daughter's wedding in mid-July and our big family vaca in Aug. Still crossing my fingers that we will have both.
  7. I was thinking the same thing. @Harpymom I love Maine! We haven't been since our oldest was about 19 or 20. She's 31 now. It's time for another trip.
  8. no, that's exactly what I thought. Don't you still have to dry off?
  9. I'm pretty sure mine has done it. I live in Maryland. My daughter lives in DE and she said that she won't be coming here because DE has similar travel restrictions.
  10. It applies no matter how you got there. They should not come for Easter unless they plan to stay for 14 days. They may have to quarantine again when they get back to their home state.
  11. I was on NextDoor today and someone was desperately looking for TP in our area. I know we haven't seen it anywhere either. But, someone in the comments said they went ahead and ordered theirs off Amazon. I wasn't supposed to come until the end of the month - but SURPRISE - it came in less than week!. So I hopped over and ordered mine on Amazon today. The earliest mine will arrive is April 14th, which isn't too bad. I'll let you know. We only have about a week or maybe 10days worth of TP left so i hope this person is right.
  12. I thought I'd take advantage of this time of quarantine to change up the color of my hair. I'm not doing anything super radical as I generally play it safe. But, I've always wanted reddish/auburn hair.. so now I've ordered it on Amazon. I don't know what will happen to my roots, since they are gray... but we'll see.
  13. I know a few people who don't think it's a big deal, but they are all over 75. 😕 I don't personally know anyone with young kids who don't think it's a big deal.
  14. Can someone link to the American Korean guy who talked with the head of one of the hospitals in S. Korea about masks? I think it's on the big CV thread and I'm not willing to sift through 100 pages to find it. I've already tried a youtube search without much luck.
  15. I haven't read all the replies. But, two very different things come to mind.. 1. In the past people knew how to do without until they could get something. I never had blueberries all year long and I certainly never just went and replaced my phone if it broke. We had to save up as a kid. We are such a throw-away prosperous nation that we are used to getting what we want with 2 day delivery. We're losing the ability to play the long game. 2. We (America) were much more racist in the past. I think that is something we're starting to do better at.
  16. I've been weighing the same thing, only mine is plants. I wanted to do some plant shopping but now that is not possible in person. I don't know what my local nurseries are doing because their websites are out of date so I have no idea if they offer delivery of plants.
  17. Somedays it feels too close to home. lol
  18. I read it last year for my short story course. It was quite good but I don't remember a lot of the details. I will have to read this thread to jog my memory. If anyone wants to "read" it you can listen to it via Youtube
  19. I suspect if they look more closely he may have had an undiagnosed underlying problem. I think we will never know, but I hope the family is able to receive more information for their peace of mind. How awful for them.
  20. Can I live alone with my stuff or do I have to share this space with a loud-on-the-phone work from home dh, 3 adult kids, and babysitting duties for another adult child? Asking for a friend.
  21. This came across my feed and i thought of this thread. They may not fit what you're looking for, but you never know: 10 Most Important Russian Books for the 2010s
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