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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. me too!! Why does every show have to have a story arch for the season/series? I guess ever since the popularity of Lost it's become a "thing". But, it's hard to keep up with all the different nuanced meanings and references to past episodes. "Bad Wolf" goes way back to Ecclestone... do I really have to keep that in my head for 8 seasons people?????
  2. I'm like this too... but it's something I've become after having children. When we were getting married dh and I took one of those personality tests (Woodcock Johnson???) anyway, I was off the charts introvert. I've moved a little more toward extrovert. I think that had something to do with having kids *and* being more isolated all day, every day... I started wanting a little more interaction. But, I prefer small groups or one on one (except I have a very hard time inviting people over - too much potential for rejection. I hated...hated lunch time during co-ops... way too stressful for me. I'm not sure how to answer the question though. I'm a retired homeschooler (after 19 yrs)...... so am I a "non-homeschooling parent" or a "homeschooling parent"???? I don't know which the OP is trying to flesh out.
  3. where do you find such bubbles??? I'm pretty clueless about the fanfic stuff, except that I know it exsists.
  4. It would be nice if they brought Donna back, even for a few episodes...and fixed her ending with the Doctor. I think what makes that so sad is that, compared to the almost all the other companions, she seemed to be the most redeemed or healed (however you want to say it) by her experience with the Doctor, and then she lost it all.
  5. Oh yeah, I agree about Rose. The romance was too ick & sappy for me.
  6. I feel the same way.... I have not really enjoyed the last two companions--- and I like her even less than Amy. It's funny, when I mentioned it to my dd... she said, "Hmm...not a problem..she was annoying.. but when people start dissin' Donna, I get mad." LOL. I don't know how but a conversation about Clara moved to Donna. It's funny that Donna comes up a lot in our house when Dr. Who is discussed.
  7. just seeing this now as I was out of town all this past week. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your little one. I'm glad you were able to spend time with him...what a bittersweet but precious memory you will carry with you. Take care of yourself. Many prayers. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  8. What little I know of Rosie, I think it's a beautiful poem and appropriate.
  9. I don't have one and don't like them. I wish I were more ambivalent about them on others, because it's really none of my business.... but there you go. I think they look tacky. I'm thinking now that it will be considered more non-conformist to NOT have a tat. We were on vacation with all the family (me, dh, 6 kids, 2 spouses, and my dad)... none of us have tattoos... and, from walking around the park on a sunny day, I think it was unusual. I felt pretty proud to be an outlier. ;)
  10. I start my day with decaf tea w/ Splenda... and usually nurse it most of the morning, adding hot water to heat it back up. Otherwise I do water the rest of the day. Sometimes I'll have more decaf tea in the evening to deal with my sweet cravings.
  11. I can't believe he can't let go.... good grief... I'm so, so sorry he's still harassing you.
  12. just seeing this... have no idea what you have, but it sounds serious. I hope the surgery is very successful. Praying.
  13. I asked a similar question a year or so ago: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/493898-used-minivan-opinions-please/ HTH.
  14. I voted yes because your dh has a strong opinion. I did not circ. my boys, but if my dh had felt strongly about it I would have done it. It wasn't a hill I was willing to die on, if you KWIM.
  15. What a lovely tribute. I'm so sorry for your loss of him. May he rest in peace.
  16. Is it possible there's some paperwork at the diocesan level?
  17. Thanks everyone... Chrissy - thanks especially.. I did a google search but none of your links showed up.
  18. My 13yr old wants to get GunCraft. It's similar to Minecraft but with guns. It's building weapons and using them but the graphics look similar to that chunky Minecraft style. so, it doesn't look very realistic. However, one reviewer says its like Minecraft and Call of Duty mixed together :scared: Does anyone have any real experience with it? How much "like Call of Duty" is it really? thanks
  19. we're all one big happy family - eh? LOL
  20. I've wondered that myself...glad you asked.
  21. welp - I don't want to go into details since there is a no dissing our spouses rule on this forum... but yeah, I totally get everyone's complaints and frustrations. I've been on the edge of tears for days. After 28yrs you realize it's never going to change...and it feels pretty hopeless. It's actually comforting to read everyone else's and know we're not alone. Maybe the male species just didn't get a conscientious gene or something? :confused1: It must be attached to the gene that keeps them from finding things in the pantry & refrigerator.
  22. J u st remembered we tried The Office and Parks and Recreation. ..I realized quickly that I don't like that kind of humor...but I did enjoy Community. ..go figure
  23. I'm not a big fan of reality TV either, except Deadliest Catch and even that has started to grate on me the last few seasons. So much of TV just doesn't grab me. I've tried several and given up... Tried watching Duck Dynasty once just to see what the appeal was...nope, couldn't even make it through one episode. Tried Falling Skies and Walking Dead..ho hum. Lately I've been wishing they'd start another Star Trek series.
  24. I understand more than I wish I did. :grouphug:
  25. What an adventure! I've lived in the same state all my life too --- I'd *love* a chance for a big move like that.
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