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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. :grouphug: The long commute is temporary. If you have to do the worst case scenario just remind yourself that it will end when you move. I hope this situation resolves in a way that is best for you and your son. Is it possible to get your son to document some of this - or have a friend document it?
  2. I think you did the right thing by talking with the parent first. I'd hold off changing the carpool to see if things are corrected. however this...... This is very serious threat. This one needs to go to the school.
  3. I agree with this, esp. the last. If terrorists want to pick a Western target, France is a very likely choice. They have a very large N.African population. I think that part of the Levant was also under French rule for some time (places like Iraq/Syria).
  4. Also, the Cohokia Indian Mounds. They're in IL, but not far from St. Louis.
  5. 6.7 earthquake. In the sea off the coast of S. Japan
  6. hostage crisis appears to be over, but no other details. Lord have mercy!
  7. Yes, be thankful.. I'm sure it tasted awful!! My son is a chem. phD candidate. I've heard a couple sobering and sad stories.
  8. praying for this situation and hoping they find those responsible.
  9. thanks for the tips... and yay! Dicentra! I'm not alone. She's also working me through Concone...along with Solfege. Thanks everyone for the ideas and PJ- I look forward to what your friend recommends. Definitely NOT doing Queen of the Night - no, no way!
  10. yes, I probably should, but finding one isn't as easy as it sounds. Most teachers seem to work mostly with actors and acting. I got this teacher as a recommendation. My main purpose is for voice strengthening though, so I'm not quite ready to give up on her yet. I'm planning to continue with her until after the new year and then decide what to do... ugh.
  11. Keeping this for later. I have lots of ground beef in my freezer from the 1/2 steer I bought this past spring, but I'm tired of meat loaf and tacos
  12. I started taking voice lessons this past summer to get my 51yr old voice in shape after years of not doing much but singing in choirs (soprano). I've always preferred singing in a choir and am not much of a soloist. However, since I'm taking voice lessons I need a some solo pieces to work on. The one downside is that my voice teacher is most knowledgeable about show-tunes and Cabaret styles. It's okay, but not my absolute favorite. I did work on "I have a Dream" from Le-Miz. - easy peasy and nice too. Now she has me working on a nightclub piece and it's not really suited to my voice type and my personal style either. But, I'm doing it to stretch myself and learn something new. I'm almost finished working on "Song of the Nightclub Proprietress" (which I have privately dubbed "The Song of the Aging Housewife" ;) ). I would like to move to something a little more pastoral and/or ecclesiastical. This summer we tried working on "Quia Respexit" from Vivaldi's Magnificat, but she couldn't find an accompaniment recording and we gave up working on it. That is what I enjoy working on. Anyone have any suggestions?
  13. Well.. I never thought there was anything extra special about 16 and I still don't. I think for a couple of the kids I let them have a sleep over with a few (like 4-5) friends... but I didn't do any kind of big party.
  14. BTW, did you try any of the other game recs? Or did you find something else just as good?
  15. Yay! Except I lost my tablet in Cardiff, Wales and now it's at the police station there waiting for my college daughter to pick it up. I won't see it until she comes home for Christmas.
  16. just seeing this. Praying it goes well.
  17. I've never gotten that one either.
  18. See... that's what I keep thinking. It must be a joke.. who would get their panties in a twist over that??? It's a cup of overpriced coffee for goodness sakes. Besides, isn't it a bit early for Christmas designs on our disposable coffee cups???
  19. send her an occasional card telling her you're thinking about her. It can be quite lonely, especially after a few months have passed... it's always nice to know that someone cares.
  20. How awful. I feel so very sad for the family. Praying. As to them not knowing. They're probably knew, but didn't know how to ask. My maternal grandfather died suddenly when I was about 13yrs old. My sisters and I were all away on the annual week-long beach trip with our paternal grandparents. The trip was suddenly cut short, we were piled into the car, and headed back home without explanation. I remember we were goofing off in the back seat and my grandmother was very sharp with us - something I had never seen happen before. We *knew* something was up, just not what it was, and somehow it didn't even occur to us to push the topic. I'm pretty sure my mom wanted to be the one to tell us herself so my grandparents were probably under instructions not to say anything. Must have been hard when we were off having fun and they knew what awaited us when we got home.
  21. she had implants in her eyes, IIRC. Something like a mini-computer.
  22. I know very little but I've heard about it via SciFi stuff - Orphan Black has elements of Transhumanism as did Continuium (I think that was the name). It seems fringe to me and makes for good Sci-fi story-lines :) Then again, I bet Scientology seemed fringe back in the 70's.
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