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Everything posted by cjzimmer1

  1. I'm shocked they aren't asking for a co-signer if this is her first apartment. DS moved out last year, He could afford 50% more in rent than he is currently paying and still be comfortable. He had a credit score in the mid 700's and he STILL needed a co-signer because he didn't have rental history. Around here there is such demand for apartments that they are super picky about applicants. If your daughter's budget is that tight, I'm truly suprised they are even giving her a chance.
  2. The rescue I work with won't adopt two puppies into the same home for this very reason. Does littermate syndrome always happen? No but it happens often enough that we won't take the risk. The group also won't adopt a puppy into a home that has a puppy under a year for the reasons that were mentioned above. It's just too hard to train two at once. We have so many people who seriously underestimate and swear up and down "it won't be a problem. I'll put in the work" but those who have been in rescue far longer than me say it seldom ends well and they just won't do it anymore.
  3. I'm so sorry that you had to move Dean. I recently had to rehome one of my dogs because two of them have decided they are mortal enemies. One of the dogs was so triggered that simply saying the other dog's name in her presence (without said dog even being around) caused an immediate barking fest. We tried everything but we were living a life where the dogs had to be kept 100% separate and couldn't even catch a glimpse of each other. I was gutted when I moved the one but everyone is so much happier and calmer. I'm still amazed how quiet my home is and how relaxed the other dog is whenever I pick her up. You did the right thing even though I know how hard it was.
  4. I like what others wrote. I might include something like, 'I'm sure you were just joking about having DH "rest" with MIL while he is in such perilous (Can't think of a better word right at the moment) condition himself but comments like that only make him feel worse about his condition and his inability to help right now when he is already struggling so much. For his well being please refrain from insinuating that DH should come help until he is physically better." I'm sure someone can word it better.
  5. With my last I was at a 7cm with no active contractions (not even measuring on the monitor). For some reason they didn't want me to leave. Which was fine with me. Once it final started total labor was 1 hours and 15 minutes. If he hadn't had the cord around his neck it would have been about 45 minutes since typically it only took me 2-3 contractions to push them out and his took a lot longer because of the cord issues.
  6. I only buy grassfed and yes it is super lean. When I first started buying it the farmer warned me about it and that I might need to add oil to the pan because it wouldn't have enough fat to keep it from sticking. I don't make burgers but it certainly seems like low fat could contribute to your problem.
  7. I have a boy and girl born in August whose birthdays are 12 days apart and a boy and a girl in December whose birthdays are 12 days apart. I also had a girl in April. So when we learned my 6th child would be a boy, my kids thought it would be "funny" if he was born in April, 12 days after his sister. Since my due date was in January, I didn't find that thought nearly as hilarious as my kids did.
  8. I'm so sorry things aren't going well. No matter what someone else is going through, what you and your DH are going through is very difficult so please don't diminish that in light of someone else's troubles. I'm sure the realization that life will never be the same is very hard on your DH. WiIl keep praying for your family to find peace in where ever life's journey takes you.
  9. @saraha I've been thinking of your family all week and was wondering how is your DH doing? (Apologies if I missed an update somewhere).
  10. Inductions don't always work. I wouldn't look at them stopping the induction just that your body wasn't ready to fully respond. I was induced 8 times between 2 pregnancies, none of them sent me into labor. Or course no one ever told me that inductions don't always work so it was a huge disappointment when I discovered that the hard way. I will say that stripping membranes was very effective for starting my labor. 3 of the 4 times I had that done, labor started within a few hours.
  11. I paid $3.50 a pound plus processing. Mine is 100% grassfed which are more expensive than grass fed/grain finished. I don't buy it to save money because it is always more costly than buying meat at the grocery store. I buy it for better taste and quality.
  12. potato quiche/casserole spray baking dish, spread frozen shredded potatoes, whatever veggies you can handle (I think the bag of frozen onion/pepper would be good or broccoli if any of those work for you). beaten eggs (can add whatever milk sub you like to use or not). Salt and pepper. Bake till set. I personally would make a really large batch and freeze extras for another day.
  13. Yes they are! I cringed at the price when I first went looking but all the Parthenocarpic kinds are pricey compared to the regular ones and especially if you have to add shipping it can be hard to shallow. But after I've seen how well they produce, I feel I will certainly still be ahead moneywise from buying the same number of cucumbers in the store and these taste so much better. I get another packet thrown on the business order for next fall already (I'll plant normal cucumbers for the summer because I have plenty of pollinators outside to get them to produce. This is just part of the pot.
  14. I'm growing a Parthenocarpic variety called Picolino. I wanted the self polinating kind because I didn't want to have to mess with trying to do that myself. There are several kinds but I picked that kind for the simple fact that one of the vendors we order from for the greenhouse had that variety so I asked that it be added to the business order so I didn't have to pay shipping. But I sprouted them on a paper towel moved them to dirt and now they are growing on my plant rack under a grow light. There is also a large window there but due to the cold dreary winters we have, any natural light the plants are getting is minimal at best. The cucumbers are similar in size to those smaller kinds (4 -5 inches) that you find packaged in trays or bags at the grocery store but taste so much better!
  15. With a good foot of snow of the ground, I'm still only thinking about indoor things. But I've picked a dozen cucumbers so far and they seriously are one of the best tasting veggies I've eaten in forever (well at least since last summer when I had fresh stuff from the garden). Lettuce stuff is going strong but a couple of plants are starting to go to seed. I didn't plant near enough to keep up with volume of greens that we eat so will need to work out a system to get more planted as well as have a series so I've got new plants coming on board when the old ones are starting to lose their steam. My tiny tim tomatoes are about 2 inches tall and looking nice and green. I think I had the light to bright at first as they were very pale and looked a bit burned. I turned the brightness down and gave them a dose of fertilizer and the new growth is looking much better. My potato plants are now about 8 inches tall. I've never grown potatoes of any kind before so it's a fun experiment to see how they do indoors.
  16. My son has been trying to find a place for over a year. And while prices have come down a little bit overall, with the increase in interest rate, the cost is higher than ever. And rentals are absolutely insane. We are talking $1500-2000 a month for a 1-2 bedroom with 500-600 square feet in some cases. We are not in a major city. I only have to drive 6-8 minutes and I'd be in the land of cows and cornfields. There is a massive housing shortage so anytime something new gets built it gets premium pricing and there simply isn't enough older stuff to meet the demand of "affordable" pricing. And of course if you move out farther the cost does get a little bit but with the price of gas, it pretty much nullifies the lower price. I don't see prices coming ddown significantly anytime soon in my area.
  17. My son went to a college like this. Didn't close no matter what. I remember one year the actual HIGH temp for the day was predicted at-14 and windchill was something like -35. Yep they still had classes. The campus is huge most students have 10-15 minute walks even when they live on campus and more if they commute. We live close enough to campus that son wasn't even eligible to get a parking pass so he had to roam the streets trying to find a parking spot and it wasn't uncommon for him to have a 20-30 minute walk from wherever he could find space. Even though it was about 15 minutes away. I drove him to class and then drove down midday to move him to his next class (15 minute walk from the first) and then drove down again to pick up him. Even if the school thought that was acceptable to make everyone walk in that, I wasn't willing to do that to him.
  18. Yes to the bolded. My grandmother had something worded along the lines of no life preserving medical interventions (I don't know the exact wording but that was my take on it). Anyways, the way it was worded meant that even giving oxygen was not in her wishes. She ended up falling and couldn't make decisions anymore but her medical condition left her her gasping for breath and according to her doctors was basically in a state of feeling like she was being suffocated. As a family we decided that being suffocated was not what she had in mind when she asked for no medical interventions and overrode that and had her placed on oxygen. I don't know if it made a difference to her but it definitely made her passing more peaceful for everyone else to be around her.
  19. I'm actively teaching my 3rd (in fact I just scheduled her test today). I won't say it's stress free but it certainly hasn't been difficult/traumatizing as some of the other posters seem to have expressed. Perhaps it's because we wait until they are 18 so they can skip driver's ed altogether. The extra maturity might be making the difference or maybe it's the fact that none of mine are eager to drive so none of them have been aggressive drivers.
  20. My oldest is getting married this spring. It's in the middle of the semester on a weekday night. Between members of the wedding party and immediate family members, there are at least 5 college students (all at different schools in 5 different states). While it's not a destination wedding persay, it is because his friends and family are scattered all over the US so nearly everyone is flying/driving long distances. DD will be missing two days of classes but only one class session for each class. And it's mid terms. There was simply no way to accommodate that many schedules (and this wedding has less than 40 in attendance so there isn't this huge number of people to try to accommodate), Thankfully, everyone of her professors is willing to work with her. I'd be more disappointed in professors who inflexible than a student needing a day or two off for a family wedding or funeral. But then again, I went to a small college and had urgent surgery (not quite emergency but I only had 5 days notice from getting sick to having surgery scheduled) and had to miss the last 2 weeks of the semester and finals. I'm still grateful that my professors worked with me (and changed my assignments) because I was so miserable I would have hate to have been forced to give the group presentation I was suppose to give the day before my surgery even though I wasn't technically sick/hospitalized at that point.. Yes it totally messed up things for the group but everyone just went with. I know absences can make things harder for professors and I would agree that missing classes for vacations/awards might be pushing it but I appreciate a world where people understand that the current thing (class/activity/work) isn't the only thing on a persons plate and to make reasonable accommodations for people to miss things due to other life situations.
  21. In my pantry storage (stuff that will last a year or more) I have spaghetti sauce pasta noodle/rice mixes (think rice a roni or Knorr's) mac and cheese salad dressing canned oranges (or any other canned fruit you like) olives/pickles jam hot chocolate mix mayo, bbq sauce, ketchup mustard etc boullion, salt, peppercorns canned coconut milk any other sauces or condiments you may use (such as stir fry sauces or Worcestershire sauce) ramen/rice noodle packages freezer pops (the ones that are shelf stable in long clear tubes which have saved me innumerable times when a kid got sick and I have no popsicles ) Jello For 6 months+ items crackers chips juice rice, flour, sugar (these will last longer but I don't like to push it because I worry about bugs) peanut butter nuts chocolate chips gingerale (again sick kid item that I never want to be out of) granola bars My freezer stash (storage duration will depend on if you have a self defrosting freezer or not. The self defroster feature makes things deteriorate much faster. Without it most of my stuff will last for a year or more). blueberries grapes (frozen grapes are some of my kids favorite snacks) bananas strawberries french fries assortment of meats butter (I wrap it in plastic and then in a zip lock to help prevent absorbing odors) quick food/snacks for those times I just don't have it in me to cook. cooked beans (I buy dry beans and cook up 4-5 pounds at a time and then freeze, much cheaper than buying the canned ones) broth (every roast or hunk of meat gets boiled after pulling the meat and the broth gets frozen till I make soup, beans, or just needed for another recipe)
  22. I'm just so excited how my indoor cucumbers are doing. These "babies" are now 3 inches long. Won't be much longer and I will be able to start harvesting. There is easily 40-50 of them on the plants already. Continuing to pick lettuce about twice a week. Some of the downstairs greens are close to being ready. I think I'll be able to add some arugula in this week. I got potatoes planted last week but they still haven't shown any greens. I expect 10-14 days so hopefully I'll see something by the end of next week. The culantro, cilantro, basil and spinach are all starting to sprout. The tomatoes are really slow growing (they are only an each tall despite being planted 3-4 weeks ago) so it will be a long way off on them but I'm still hoping they will produce before it's time to move outdoors.
  23. Yes! I've been dealing with some extra hard things this year and some days it's such a struggle. I did do a winter garden this year and it helps so much, I really hate to think how bad things would have been without it. Between the extra light and simply seeing my little planties grow, it really does help boost my spirits and of course having yummy fresh veggies helps too. Even if you aren't into growing things, is there any botanical gardens you could visit. Just getting int he warmth and seeing greenstuff might help.
  24. When my sixth kid was born, our largest vehicle only seated 7. We couldn't afford a larger vehicle. None of my kids were old enough to drive at that point. But there wasn't that many places where everyone went together. Mostly we took two vehicles but when they was cost prohibitive, I jerry rigged an extra seat (not recommending this approach just stating what we did). It took about 3 years before we could buy a bigger vehicle. It honestly wasn't that big of a deal. Now with older kids and "only" have 3-4 kids with us, we almost never use the bigger vehicle since it cost so much more to run. In your case with older kids who already have other transportation, I would absolutely go for the smaller vehicle.
  25. Aldi was $4.42 a dozen today. Costco was $3.19 a dozen. They had them in 5 dozen boxes or 7.5 dozen boxes, limit of two. They also had some in 2 dozen container but they may have been organic, I didn't look that closely since the price per dozen was quite a bit higher (but I don't remember exactly just that it was more than I was willing to pay)
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