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Everything posted by cjzimmer1

  1. My nephew was ticketed for such an offense but my sister got it thrown out. Nephew was transporting his twin brother and one friend which was legal since it was only one non family member. However twin brother didn't have id with him and when the nephews said they were twins I'm sure the cop thought they were trying to pull a fast one. Because one is blond hair, blue eyed, fair skin, tall and lanky. The twin is brown hair, brown eyes, looks like he has a permanent deep tan, shorter and built like a football player. There is nothing that makes one think they are brothers let alone twins. But we still have a good laugh because the twin driving was known for trying to get away with things and then gets busted for the one time he was telling the truth.
  2. The "city" trees planted out by the road have been in need of trimming for a while. Once I got my two new beds built, I had planned to trim them and use the branches as filler in the beds. Turns out the city came through and trimmed not only the low branches but also some nice sized limbs up farther. And they even cut them in reasonable sized chunks (to make it easy for the crew that follows behind them to pick up). They were totally fine with me snatching some. I only had about 20 minutes before I had to leave for an appointment but I dragged as much as I could away from the curb and far enough onto my yard so no one would be tempted to take it. Would have like to grab a bit more but I ran out of time and by the time I got back from the appointment, they had cleaned it all up. Funny part is, when I put brush out, they never clean up all the little pieces and I always end up cleaning up afterwards. Today, when I would have happily cleaned up, they took every last twig to be found.
  3. Nearly all convenience foods. chips, premade meals, chopped lettuces (although to be honest even heads are too pricey so I've been growing my own), frozen pizzas, premade snacks etc. Pretty much all of it has gone out the window. I do buy a couple of shares from Ruby's Pantry each month (food manufacturers donate their extras and the Ruby's creates bundles and you pay a small amount for a share to cover their storage and gas costs, a share cost $25 but has a typically retail value of over $100 - even though most of the items I would never pay their retail value for it's still a good deal). I buy a half of beef and half of pig from my local farmer and then if I find a great deal on chicken we have that otherwise it's just beef and pork. But most of our veggies and fruit are things I can buy in bulk in the summer and process for long term storage. My grocery bills are actually quite low right now because most everything is too expensive to buy so I just don't buy anything. Trade off is come this summer I will have to put in some serious effort of growing, harvesting, canning, freezing and dehydrating to bring the supplies back up.
  4. On one of the "warmer" days (warmer being low 40's), I assembled the new raised bed I bought for my cage (aka protected from squirrels). I liked it so much I ordered two more to go in there as I'm going to grow as much inside the cage as I can. Anyways, the day after I ordered them, we got dumped with another 6+ inches of snow. They arrived yesterday but I'm still waiting for the snow to melt enough to be able to get in there and assemble them. I'd love to have them done in the next week because then I'm gone for 2 weeks for DS's wedding. April things ramp up so much in the greenhouse I work at that it's much harder to find time to do projects at home. Once I get them built, I've got to go through the process of getting them filled. I'm estimating I will need about 5 cubit yards of material for the new beds. My muscles are already complaining since I don't own a wheelbarrow. Just 5 gallon buckets and a shovel.
  5. As the person who is a deep sleeper and not a morning person and struggles mightily to move in the morning, I want to apologize on behalf of your renter. For some of us getting up is not easy and we really do need a long period of annoying sounds to reach a level of consciousness that we can even respond to the alarm. This is as ongoing "discussion" in my household as my DH can wake up at the drop of a hat and several of us do not. Waking up is like fighting through a battle of sludge in my mind, I can WANT to get up at a certain time all I want but being able to get the brain alert enough to notify the body that it needs to move is a whole nother matter.
  6. I'm probably the complete opposite of you. Planning, scheduling, structure leaves me so stressed out that I can't hardly function. We just wing it every day. Drives my DH hubby nuts because he's a planner and he is constantly asking "when are we doing....." or "what are your plans for ...." I just tell him, after 25 years of marriage you still haven't figured out that I don't operate that way?
  7. I had two different pregnancies where the doctors wanted to do something and I didn't so I just didn't since they can't force medical procedures on you. But in both cases, I had lengthy discussions about why I felt so strongly against the procedures they were recommending and factors that I was taken into consideration beyond the current situation. Both doctors while they would have preferred I follow their recommendations, understood where I was coming from and I think it made it easier to go forward as a team. But it's get trickier when you want something and they aren't on board because you can't just go order medical stuff yourself. At the same time, their hands may be truly tied by their group rules or the hospital rules or even your insurance rules. Just because one group recommends something doesn't mean that every group/hospital will choose to follow those recommendations. I doubt the doctor is refusing just to be difficult but he/she truly believes it a violation somewhere along the line or truly feels that it is more dangerous for you and baby to honor your request than to wait. In your shoes, I would go in with a clear explanation of why you feel this is the right choice. Make notes if you don't feel like you can articulate it well to their face and read it if you have. Find out what specific rules she feels likes it violates and then call and ask. Maybe she's right or maybe she misunderstands but then you know exactly where things stand. Because , if it's hospital policy, then yes you probably won't get anywhere.
  8. cjzimmer1

    Who wins?

    In our house that would be based on the cheapest option. Aka the cold person needs to put on more clothes or the hot person needs to remove some. However, I get that that only works to a point. For good or bad, our house has drastic different temperature between upstairs and downstairs. So our real solution is the person whose hot hangs out in the colder basement and person whose cold hangs out in the upper level. Temps doesn't get changed on the thermostat unless someone is absolutely not function due to the extreme discomfort they are dealing with.
  9. I find all the gadgetry to be very distracting so I just pretend it doesn't exist. I once had a young salesman trying to emphasize how great it was and I told him I found it distracting and it made me slightly dizzy trying to look at it and the road and I wished I could just turn it off but since I can't I just ignore it. He was pretty horrified that I didn't appreciate this stuff that he clearly thought was something special. But yes I have adapted some. I still don't use the backup camera at all (and it's been 8 years now) but I do appreciate the blind spot detector.
  10. Backup cameras have been around long enough that most everything we've seen have that. We are hoping for the auto braking features (to help prevent rear ending someone), lane departure warnings and she would love to have the blind spot detectors. Middle DS got dinged for using the camera too much on his driver's test. I drilled it into DD she absolutely couldn't use it on the test (and she didn't she had a nearly perfect score) but the test was like 10 minutes and honestly not really real life at all if you ask me. But yes, I want her turning her head and looking and just having the cameras as a back up in case she missed something (but then there is how she drives in real life which doesn't match what I would like)
  11. Soup bone go right in the pot frozen. Roasts/whole chicken go right in the oven frozen. ground meat or cuts I want to actually do something with, get stuck in the fridge, laid on the counter or soak in the sink of water depending on how well I did planning in advance. I know the counter method isn't recommended but frankly I've been doing it that way for over 40 years and never got food poisoning even once from home cooking (restaurant cooking is a whole other matter) so I'm perfectly content with that "risk", others may not and that's ok too.
  12. One of the other reasons for wanting a newer car that I forgot to mention upfront is the safety features. When I taught the oldest 2 kids we had older cars without all the fancy aids, they learned how to check and double check and triple check if needed before doing anything. I didn't have access to an older car when teaching DD and despite my attempting to teach her not to rely on those aids, she does. I am concerned that her brain will go on "auto pilot" and not perform proper visual checks because the car isn't beeping at her. I can and will continue to drive with her till I'm sure she acclimates safely to her new vehicle but getting something closer to what she is familiar with will speed up the process (and I'm so very tired of chauffeuring). Besides I know the extra warning systems have saved me a few times when I missed something and I have 30 years of driving experience over her. I can't fault her for liking them too. But I will keep a Mazda in mind if we find anything as we are hunting.
  13. We have 3 Hondas already so we know they are a good brand, just that it will take nearly all her savings to get into a range to find a nice one. And I'm not sure we want her finances to be that tight. Her getting a vehicle is far more important to my sanity than it is to her. I'm currently running out 4 times a day to move her to/from college and later work. Life at home (and schooling of younger siblings) has taken a serious hit with me having to run her around so much. So in theory it sounds good to just have her wait till she saves more, but I NEED her to get a car ASAP. The rental cars I'm looking at are being sold through dealerships. I didn't even know you could buy directly from car rental places. I'd have to look around for one of those as I don't think there is much here.
  14. Not exactly "spring" flowers but my potatoes in my indoor garden are blooming. I had no idea potato blossoms were so pretty.
  15. Rather than doing a bottle, I would like into supplimenting while nursing. I can't remember what it was called but basically, it was a small tube of supplimental food that was inserted into their mouth while nursing. So in essence syringe fed and nursing at the same time. That way kiddo still had to do the "work" of nursing but got the extra boost of calories. Doing the separate bottle afterwards not only takes more time and energy from mom, it encourages the baby to wait for the easier bottle food which will only create a downward spiral with nursing.
  16. I'm glad to see such agreement! One more question, would any of you consider purchasing a vehicle that had been used as a rental or is better to stick with vehicles that had been used for personal use only?
  17. DD is going for her road test this afternoon and with hopes of her passing, I have starting hunting for a car for her. She is almost 20, will be paying cash for the car. Goes to school about 10 minutes from home and work is about the same distance. So it's mostly local driving, she is not likely to have many other people in the vehicle with her so not really worried about space. She does prefer smaller cars as she finds them easier to drive but will adapt to whatever we find for her. We are looking at newer used cars because she doesn't have a lot of extra money to sink into car repairs at this time plus we would like to have her drive it for a good long time if possible. We are looking at model year 2019-2022. These are the cars that are consistently coming up in her price point: Chevrolet Spark Nissan Versa Ford Fiesta Mitsubishi Mirage Anyone have experience or knowledge of these cars? Or have other suggestions (We are not considering Kias and Hyundais at this time due to the easy of theft that has been rampant in our area)? ETA: We are a Honda Family so that's all I really know but they are out of range for her. ETA2: Just thought of another question, Would you consider a vehicle that had been a rental? Or stick to only those owned personally?
  18. Did she collect anything, make anything, have any specific hobbies, favorite books, special recipes? Obviously flowers can easily be done but springing off Spryte's idea is to incorporate something that was meaningful to MIL.
  19. I'll be honest that seems quite low to me for the extent of damage (of course you may be in a lower cost area than I so that may be affecting my perception) but I would expect that number just for cleanup, removal and soil and replacement and regrading with fresh soil (for the entire property of course!) forget the value of the plants, food/income loss, labor etc.
  20. I will concur with this 100%. My relatives own a greenhouse and have had 1000's of dollars of damage done to vegetables plants due to the careless use of lawn pesticides by certain neighbors. They are actually about 1/4 mile away but when they put in on when it's really hot, it does aerosolize and blow into the greenhouses. We have had the plants tested. It's absolutely lawn spray but we don't have proof of which neighbor is applying it.
  21. Is it possible there is a risk? Yes Is it probable or common? No. Like everything with parenting there is a risk versus benefit and each person is going to have to weigh that out for themselves. "They" say don't co sleep with your baby but my kids would wake every 10 minutes or oftener when we tried to have them to sleep alone. The risk of me losing my mind from lack of sleep was greater than the risk of my rolling on them in my sleep so I chose to ignore the "expert" advice. Your DD is going to have to do that assessment for herself. But for me personally, 2 babies in one crib with no blankets, stuffed animals, lovies etc, I would be comfortable with that risk versus the stress of trying to separate them. But your DD may feel differently and that's perfectly ok too.
  22. A friend of mine had monoamniotic twins. They are 8 they still share a bed. They don't NEED to be in separate cribs.
  23. I have no idea what the pay rate of lawn architect is but since you are above that pay grade, make sure they are paying you well above that rate and for a truly accurate number of hours of your time that it will take to restore things. Based on your descriptions, I would definitely be looking at finding a lawyer yourself or through your home owner's insurance. I truly think that will be the only way you get anything even remotely close to fair compensation. THey may admit fault but i sincerely doubt that will easily agree to the true value of your loss.
  24. I would agree. Also consider the future profits that you are foregoing since you can no longer sell those fruits and veggies. I would also consider if there needs to be any remediation done to the soil to make it safe to plant edibles again.
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