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Everything posted by bcnlvr

  1. Which kit did you use? Also, before I read TWTM, I was also going to use SOS as our literature. You know, modern literature. :lol: I just really wanted this series for some reason. There is a local private school (grades 6-8) here that uses it exclusively for science. I would like to get my hands on the teacher's lesson plans. ;)
  2. I would. It's a long story, but my oldest dss has type 1 (dx at age 13) and lived with his mom until he was 18. Now he is on his own and just like the person the op describes. He is already having sequelae related to his mismanagement. I love him to pieces but fear that I am also going to bury him one day. I have to practice love, tolerance, and detachment with him now. :confused:
  3. Let's see... MM Aha!Science + nature notebook Bringing Up Learners (Mosaic) World History (with narrations) HWT WWW, GWG, SSV (between these and HWT, there is plenty of writing) My k-2 homeschool is really very basic and focuses on 3 Rs. I don't do a whole lot.
  4. A&F uses that type of advertising because it has worked for them in the past. The A&F ad, to me, is just as offensive as those kiddie ads on children's channels. (Hence we have no tv. We can watch whatever we need on streaming, dvd, or hulu. We are also surrounded by fabulous Goodwill stores and don't shop in malls.) My point is that one is exposed to that stuff if one goes where that stuff is known to be.
  5. Well, there ISN'T one. Kids are still "innocent" without the santa phenomenon in their lives, imo. My kids came to me at a very young age and asked if santa was real. I said, "What do you think?" They said they thought not. We have fun "playing" santa, but they know that it is in the spirit of the season and that a rotund man doesn't really fly around delivering presents. In the article, what shocks me is the perpetuation of a lie after the teacher told the class about santa. Oh, the TEACHER is LYING!! There REALLY IS a santa. To me, that is the worst part of that whole situation. :glare:
  6. I have given it to newborns, but I am also comfortable do so. Here is a dosing chart from a pediatricians website if you decide to do it. http://www.longpondpeds.com/htdocs/RESOURCE/resourcepgs/benadryl.html Also, I would try a trial run first before the trip, just in case it causes irritability instead of the desired effect... Good luck!
  7. Left = wedding band and 10th anniversary band on 4th finger. Right = personally significant ring on 4th finger.
  8. Cheese/hard meats. On soup night, we like to have like 3-4 types of cheeses and meats on a big cutting board. Crusty bread would be good (served with olive oil or butter). Bread is always great for DUNKING (my mother just cringed). mmmmm, I'm hungry now!!
  9. Hmm, I have half-a-mind to use SoS for history and not science per se. Your post makes it 3/4-a-mind. I have the first book and it wasn't going well as "science" for ds. I didn't want to sell it and now think that using it for history instead will make use for it. I think I just talked myself into something here.... lol
  10. Yes. I raised my own ACT more than 4 points by studying and taking a review course. (that was "back in the day"...1988, so hopefully you still can!)
  11. Worst: wheat and corn I experiment sometimes with other grains (oat, quinoa, polenta) but they all seem to do the same thing in my gut. I *can* safely eat rice and potatoes. Those are harmless to me and I eat them almost daily (rice krispies, jasmine rice, potatoes made a hundred ways...). It was a lot of trial and error, though. :)
  12. I eliminated all grains. I haven't had GERD since. When I *do* eat them, I pay....yep, within two hours, here come the acid burps. Blech.
  13. We had TWO Subaru Outbacks when we lived in Mt Shasta, CA. Would never buy another car for the mountains. Subaru is IT.
  14. Lunch is one hour. They may eat, toilet, and play. No electronics during lunch and no "non-school" electronics during school hours (9a-3p).
  15. No money. Period. Groceries, some extra furniture, clothes/shoes, yes. I was on the receiving end once and my mother bought us some groceries and clothing. It really helped us.
  16. dh's degree = history, job = program manager, defense industry mine = medicine, job = homeschool mom
  17. OMG my sons SLEEP with theirs....and there is a new rule: no ripping them on the counters or tables!!!
  18. They are all PG except for the 3rd one, which is PG-13. Mine have seen them all, with parental guidance. We love this series. It provokes a lot of great discussions.
  19. Hey, there's an app (err, quiz) for that! http://www.beliefnet.com/Entertainment/Quizzes/BeliefOMatic.aspx Even my mother took it (she's Catholic) and she scored Catholic....
  20. Article talking about just that (3 pages): http://health.yahoo.net/experts/menshealth/why-joe-paterno-did-nothing?page=1 I know what I would have done. I would have intervened.
  21. I voted 14. Multiplication first, then addition and subtraction (watch out for that minus in the middle). Hope it's right. I am not on Facebook.....
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