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Everything posted by KristinaBreece

  1. Our 4-year-old has the same problem, almost exactly. We caught it on what we thought was a "routine" eye exam shortly after his 3rd birthday. He hadn't been able to see anything clearly for his whole life. The best thing that DH's optometrist did was refer DS to a pediatric ophthalmologist. They've gotten him to 20/40 with the glasses so far. So.... definitely take him to a specialist.
  2. Yes! A "note-banger" can learn musicality. It takes time and dedication. If he doesn't develop a passion for it, he may not want to put in the effort & I wouldn't force it. But if he wants to, he can learn it! And sometimes boys take longer to develop a real interest in "sit down" activities. I know professional musicians who were "note-bangers" (or trumpet over-blowers) once upon a time.
  3. I'm a full-time photography student, working on my bachelor's. I take what I can online, but between shooting time, lab times, and the kids? I've stopped doing ANYTHING else. I do most of my work while they're sleeping, which isn't going over well with DH. However, he's not willing to put in more at home so I can have time during the day... so I have to use the time I have.
  4. This sounds like my 2. DS (4) would supervise the building & DD (2) would make sure Barbie was decked out for traveling. (Around here, Barbie is always in Ballerina mode these days, though!)
  5. We currently live in the house that I grew up in, which is also the house my mother grew up in, and the house my grandmother grew up in. My grandfather was going to sell it after she passed, but pretty much let us have it instead. I love this place.
  6. We don't have to report for DS' kindy year, since he will be under 6. But for the next year, Ohio requires that you include assurance that the student is receiving instruction in all of the following areas: (a) language, reading, spelling and writing (b) geography, history of the United States and Ohio; and national, state and local government; © mathematics; (d) science; (e) health; (f) physical education; (g) fine arts, including music; and (h) first aid, safety, and fire prevention. This seems like an intensive list. I've looked at other states, and this seems like a lot-- I'm sure we didn't cover each of these subjects every year when I was in school... which wasn't that long ago. (Less than a decade!) Do I have to cover all of this EVERY year, or is this what the summation of their education over time has to include?
  7. I didn't find it offensive-- I found it honest. I attended a Christian college, and these could have been my classmates. All of them. The self-righteous snot that was Mandy Moore, the confused girl trying to hold onto her faith in spite of her own stumblings, the gay teen who was being "rehabbed" by his parents, and the rest of the cast. Even the adults who were supposed to be guiding these kids. No one's perfect, and this movie was clearly satirizing that.
  8. For lunch: Leftover Spaghetti & green salad with peaches. Driving me crazy: DH is home. Realllly throws off our routine to have him around all day on a week day. Pleasantly surprised by: DS (4) washed all of the downstairs windows & DD (2) dusted everything her little self could reach. He was BEGGING to be allowed to wash the windows for me, & DD loves the feather duster.
  9. I always use unsalted unless the recipe calls specifically for salted, because DH has sodium issues and that's one less source of sodium.
  10. DH tried to do DS' phonics with him today. Awful experience all around. DH lost patience, DS lost interest, I almost lost my mind.
  11. DS was begging for a doll that looked like him. We got the Bitty Twins from AG (one boy, 1 girl) and gave 1 to him & 1 to DD for Christmas. Cheaper than the full-size dolls, same AG quality, and the only way I could find a boy doll that looked "like him" (not a plush toy or a soft CPK) that didn't totally creep me out.
  12. Your K curriculum plan looks almost exactly like mine for next year, so it's nice to have some reassurance that I'm on the right track. We're going to start SotW 1 & HO Ancients level 1, with the intention of making HO last through 1st grade as well, so we can just take it easy with that & follow any tangents DS wants to go off on. And we're going to do random science experiments from a few books we have & several special science days at COSI (the local science center). Otherwise, my plan looks exactly the same!
  13. I can't guarantee that it would, but I'm a photographer, and I do love me some iPhoto. I use Adobe Bridge when I'm editing, but I love the organization of iPhoto for my family files. I was a PC all my life. I bought a Mac Mini 2 years ago & never looked back. I've added a MacBook since then, but I still adore my Mini.
  14. I got an education price on a Mini directly from the Apple Store online. They just ask if you're affiliated with a school. I think it knocks $50 off of the price. And you can use your old monitor if you would rather. I got a bug one as a Christmas gift from my mom, but before that I just used the 21" from her PC.
  15. Mostly I see. Like, when I read Power of One (ok... the 47 times I read Power of One), I had the whole novel played out in my head. Movies are often a major let down for me.
  16. I'm buying a new camera body. But it's definitely a business necessity, or it would be going into next year's property tax fund.
  17. What a sweetie! And I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that has taken a bumpy road to get to a good point in my marriage. DH & I got married because we "had to." (The pressure was in our own minds-- our parents would have accepted DS just fine, married or no.) And it's been a long haul to get to where we're really loving each other. Totally worth the effort, IMO.
  18. I can't believe Mao has a Wiki! I tried to teach DH... looks like I'm out of the Mao loop until DC are old enough to get it.
  19. Let me start by saying that my oldest DS is the same age as your youngest. I was a music education major. So most of my friends are now teachers on some level. Some of them think it's great that I'm HS, and I'm sure some would call me crazy. My family thinks I've gone completely off the deep end. I think they're waiting for me to put the kids on an all-raw diet, and join an eccentric religious commune. Fortunately, DH is finally won over. It took me all four years of DS's life, and the worst public education stats I could find, but now he's all in. Oddly enough, though, I found encouragement in the least-expected place. My own first grade teacher, who wrote my curriculum on her own because the school wouldn't cater to my precociousness, has been one of my strongest supporters in this undertaking.
  20. I was probably 6 the first time I saw Labyrinth... and it's still one of my all-time favorites. I won't let my littles watch it yet, but probably by the time they're 8 or so they will definitely have seen it.
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