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Everything posted by RootAnn

  1. Bummer. 16 for a Bronze. Looks like NZ had three bronzes. Congrats to Ruth's son for getting two problems correct. Looked like only two kids got that third problem on the first day! (I actually only saw one, but the Stats say two got full credit.)
  2. I quoted tcb's post saying that they certainly felt so. I can't speak to that because 1) I tweak(ed) it too much to say we used the actual schedule & 2) DD hasn't ever taken an AP test & probably won't.
  3. Glad he made the decision. Just a note that Blue Tent doesn't have a 'live' component, so that would make a big difference for my prefers-live-interaction child.
  4. Do you still need this? If so, quote me and I'll dig it up tomorrow for you. I have it somewhere. I'll ask my girls on the Noble stuff, but off the top of my head, not much if any.
  5. OMG. This describes what I am currently doing for French in the fall. And I'm so sick of spending time on it that the 8" stack of books is just sitting on my coffee table staring at me.
  6. I have not btdt, but I would list it under courses taken before 9th and put the AP score down. Clearly, it would count as (at least) high school level (which is the important determining factor for putting it on the transcript, yes?), so that is what I would do. Some of us do that for math and foreign language. Science fits, too, IMO.
  7. I am so glad she was found safely. Just an idea as we went through some of this with my beloved dad. I would make sure to have a doctor appointment scheduled *soon* and ask for them to do a dementia screen to see where she is on that day. (We had a baseline & then they could check to see where he was at later appointments.) If they have a screening test, it is fairly easy for the doctor to determine a failure level. I'm not saying that they can make sure your MIL fails the test, but ... it can be arranged. :grouphug: Dementia is so difficult on the individual early on & the family later.
  8. I, too, have a child who I would say is naturally talented in the fine arts. (Subtract the mom-taught and I could have written the quoted part of the above post.) Work ethic and hours of practice and honing have helped bring her natural gift out and polished it. I have other family members who might have the same gift, but they didn't have the drive and determination to spend the hours to master the craft. Lost potential seems a good term. I don't know the line for gifted vs. naturally good at, but effort needs to be added to the natural gift, IMO, to cross the line.
  9. :grouphug: We, too, lost our beloved 13-yr old kitty last year at this time to a tumor. We are interviewing a kitten tomorrow to see about bringing him on as a new member of our team. It has taken a long time for some of us (and some were ready right away to welcome a new furbaby to the house) to be ready to open our hearts again. DD#1 is still in mourning, but perhaps the orange kitten will change her mind. Just know that you are not alone & I hope you can fondly remember all the comfort and good times you had together. :grouphug:
  10. We're giving ours away. One ding-dong-ditch so far, several friend giveaways using "do you want anys," one try at the leave-in-front-of-church-with-a-sign-to-take-as-many-as-you-want, and one try with the same sign idea at the library. The library was the best as I got rid of a bucket of them there. Church offered limited returns (only four were taken). One of the neighbors and a couple friends took six large ones each. We'll have more in a couple of days & will be giving more away. By the bucket load.
  11. Probably not it, but try this one: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/642881-how-do-high-iq-people-study/
  12. The cancellation is probably due to the listing in several places. They sell it in one place & then have to update all the other listings to cancel them. In some cases, they don't get to the other listings right away and they don't notice until you try to buy something they already sold. (I have a friend who did this with some used curriculum where the price one place was much higher than in another.) That's too bad that they cancelled it on you. I hope you find another one without too much more hassle or $$.
  13. Do you remember the board names of anyone who posted on the thread? Any other key words? Did you post on it?
  14. Well, if he does better with live, I would choose a live class for him -- which knocks out Derek Owens. If he can wait another year, I'd have him wait a year & get into the much beloved Clover Creek Physics. It fills almost right away when she (WTM board member Morning Glory) opens registration and is full for 2017-2018. It is my understand that it is worth the wait. I don't have any experience with WHA Physics, honors or otherwise. DD#1 did DO (honors) physics her freshman year. I've written reviews elsewhere - and you can find other board members who have written reviews, too. (Here is one thread that contains a negative review. Sue in St Pete posted her review here. Here is a thread with "the good, the bad." My dd does better with live classes, needs more review than DO's course builds in, hated it, and learned a lot. In retrospect, it wasn't a good fit for my kid. (Know thy child!)
  15. You can find it linked from the page here. It is not an AP-approved syllabus. In this case, it is a free schedule offering from the founder of the FundaFunda site - who is a WTM board member, BTW. :hurray:
  16. It is strange they didn't send you something. Perhaps they are waiting to announce the new teacher. (We had a communication issue with a different online provider who changed the listed time for a class after we registered and didn't notify us. I just found it this weekend and am not happy. The new time is during another online class that only has one section. The lack of communication is the part that has me upset. If they would have said something earlier, we might have been able to switch to another provider but most of the classes are full, I have already bought textbooks for this provider, and all the early registration deadlines have passed.) Sorry for the hijack and rant.
  17. Note to my offspring who reads this chat board more than I do: I want what is best for you especially when you think I am being the meanest. I am thinking of the future, your future, and trying to help you to make good decisions now. So, even though I am a horrible person now in your eyes, I love you and am very proud of you. And I will make sure to cackle and rub my hands together gleefully the next time I have to be that mean person that reinforces the expectations of the house. Because you'll have read this thread and will recognize that I'm embracing my wicked witch role instead of crying at your misunderstanding of the love I am showing by making you follow through on your responsibilities first.
  18. Well, our church is pretty small, but hardly ever full. DH and I take turns (with him usually doing it 2x for my one) sitting with ds#1 in a separate pew. Most of the time, they are in the pew behind/in front of us. I haven't been able to sit next to DH in church for years, so we both just suck it up. Eventually, we'll either move or the kids will grow up and move one by one. I dislike being squished, too, and we only just outgrew our pew recently (as ds #2 doesn't sit on my lap anymore and kids are still growing). DH and I discussed the problem and this was our solution. I'd sit down and talk to your DH first and see what his ideas are, too.
  19. It might be in the links posted already, but the easiest way to convert between SAT to the National Merit cut-off ("Selection Index") is to drop the zeros off the end of the SAT scores, double the English score and add the math score. So, for the OP, it would be 66*2+73 = 205. (If the two scores were reversed (yielding the same total SAT score), it would be a 212. IMO, there's some bias in how they come up with the NM score since they are giving double the weight to the English side.) You're shooting to beat the previous year's cut off for your state. They moved when the SAT/PSAT were revised recently, but usually they don't move more than two points in either direction. (There are exceptions!) Here are the predicted cut-offs for the class of 2018.
  20. The two that I have personally talked to both came from Eastern Europe. My DH would be able to tell you exactly what countries, but they were both definitely from overseas and only here to sell the books.
  21. From an output perspective, the Write at Home classes are pretty much it. Neither Roy Speed or Center for Lit are time intensive (with an emphasis on intense). If your student will be doing what is required in those classes and nothing extra (assigned by you), I would lump them together and assign a total of 1 credit. I personally might give a 0,5 credit of Composition and a 0.5 credit of British Literature (with a book list and course description that includes the Shakespeare play). You could also lump them together as English 10, especially if that is what you plan to do every year (English 9, English 11, etc.). You will have a better feel for it after your student has done the classes. IMO, they are great lit classes, but Roy Speed's class isn't 0.5 on its own.
  22. DD#1 likes math. She's worked roughly an hour a day consistently since Pre-A. (Abeka Pre-A in 7th, Abeka Algebra in 8th, Jurgensen Geo in 9th, Foerster's Alg 2 in 10th). DD#2 hates math. She's finishing Abeka Pre-A (rising freshman) this summer & spends roughly an hour a day on math. She'll be moving into Jacobs Algebra 1 in the fall.
  23. WHA sent course completion documents (to me in late June) with final percentage, grading scale, and what gpa equivalent they would give if it were them. I assume if my grading scale differed, I could use the percentage to give the grade & GPA that reflects my homeschool's policies. (No experience with WTMA.)
  24. I would have liked this, but it wasn't a silly question. :glare: It helps that I have a rising freshman DD who will likely have at least a credit of Creative Writing each year, too.
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