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Everything posted by RootAnn

  1. Vaccine hesitant groups by education level are PhDs, less than high school, and some college according to a study conducted by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh. https://www.upmc.com/media/news/072621-king-mejia-vaccine-hesitancy https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.20.21260795v1.full-text Racially, the hesitant are likely to be native American, multi-racial, or black (top 3). Region-wise, Mountain, Midwest, and South are all pretty much tied. And by Trump vote share, the highest quartile.
  2. @frogger Hugs! This whole thing has been hard. Hopefully it'll be fine there with masking on campus. I hope your ds got in with a good group of guys. I don't know of any of my dd's friends who didn't get vaccinated last spring, but several work part time in retirement facilities & such so they do have more exposure than just the other students. There seems to be a consensus that they will do what they need to in order to keep in person classes and activities. I hope that attitude pays off.
  3. @bibicheI don't think there is a plan for regular testing right now at that school. Last year, all students were "required" to test every other week if they wanted to get into certain campus areas like the cafeteria and the library. Professors were supposed to be checking to see if their students had a green (tested negative) page on an app at least once per week. In reality, this was rarely checked (never for most students, only a couple professors were known to check) so I know several students never got tested second semester. Testing upon arrival is "required" for on campus residents and athletes, but not if you are vaccinated.
  4. Quoting myself to update that school starts the 18th & 23rd, respectively, for my two college students. The latter one has two covid cases already & has requested mask usage in two areas on campus (athletic space, food service space), probably because that's where the kids on campus are right now (athletes move in early). It'll be interesting to see if they move to requiring masks again.
  5. Well, not essential, but my kid always unpacks & puts up her string of LED lights almost right away. I got her a portable cooling desk thing for her laptop but I don't think she uses it. She uses her Bluetooth speakers. (Her dorm room has always been suite-style so she has a Bluetooth speaker in her private room & I think she also puts one in the common room so she can switch between them.) The handful of books she brought with her because she thought she'd reread them were mostly untouched. She reads ebooks on her phone. A small sewing kit, burn cream, tape, envelopes, & stamps are things she's either been sought out for, used, or requested from other students. She always says she should bring less t-shirts because she picks up 4-5 free ones in the first few days alone.
  6. I really wish there was reliable info on which vaccines the people who have the breakthrough cases received -- even if it is only for the hospitalized cases. I wonder if it does come out that Moderna is slightly better at protecting against breakthrough if they will be able to determine why-- 4 weeks between shots vs 3? Higher amount in each shot? Or the actual "formula"?
  7. Not for the qualifying PSAT score, just for the confirming (SAT) score. But I guess you didn't even need that due to Covid, "IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to the global pandemic and the resulting lack of available test administrations, SAT and ACT scores will not be required or considered for Finalist standing in the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program.
  8. My dad likely had Parkinson's but died as a result of his Alzheimer's first. He was never treated for Parkinson's but it runs in his (my) family and he had many of the symptoms.
  9. I'd be ok with it. If he suddenly need a 3rd credit senior year, he could possibly find a university to take one semester of Japanese from (maybe online). I have seen several people give credit for Foreign Language At Home 1, Foreign Language At Home 2, and then College 101 Credit. It wouldn't be the end of the world...
  10. I get it, @crazyforlatin. Our usual ACT site is just over a mile away, but eldest & I did an overnight trip to get access to the SAT for National Merit (before they took the ACT as a confirming score). It just isn't offered rurally here. I have to call tomorrow to see about getting my dd#3 a PSAT spot this fall if the school dd#1 took it at is even going to offer it.
  11. Was it ACT that tested online exams? I know one did because our state had high schools have huge tech issues with online state-mandated ACT/SAT testing a couple of years ago (pre-covid). Anyway, time limits are by section & you can't work on another test section than what everyone else is doing (or I mean, you can try but you risk getting kicked out). When you get near the top scores, it gets harder to increase your score. Good luck! :)
  12. My brother tested positive less than two weeks ago. Of the other four people in his household, only one other tested positive (so far, I guess). All of them were presumed to have had covid in December/January. (They didn't test the toddler but assume he had it based on symptoms.) Both are doing OK. My bro is still a bit tired.
  13. It has been over five years since I had a kid take DO Physics. I think she should have spent five hours a week watching videos, doing homework sets, taking quizzes, etc. Plus, there were some labs that could have added to that. I know she didn't spend that much time first semester. Additionally, I personally had to build in review for her second semester because she did not learn the material well enough to pass the cumulative midterm the first time. It ended up taking her almost an entire calendar year when it was all said and done. But, had she put in the time to follow DO's suggested schedule, she could have been finished on time. Separately, I believe DO's PreCalc has the most practice problems of any of his courses. But that info is several years old. I have a kid who will be taking DO Physics this year but not PreCalc. I'd love to touch base occasionally on how it is going!
  14. I'm so happy to admit that I was wrong. I didn't think he'd resign in a million years.
  15. If the Ibu doesn't do the trick, have her take some acetaminophen. (The handouts I was given said Acetaminophen, not Ibu, for post-shot issues.) I'd have her alternate the water & Gatorade just to get as much in her as possible although anecdotally, over- hydrating the day before & day of the shot is much more beneficial than trying to play catchup. And yes, I'm with everyone else who suggests she stay in bed. Do encourage her to come home if she feels worse as the day goes on.
  16. Soy makes it much worse in some women. An acquaintance started consuming more soy and actually had the multiple period thing occur at that point. When she cut out the soy as completely as possible, her cycles went back to normal. YMMV. I hope you find something that works!
  17. And didn't @LisaK in VA also have swimmers applying to colleges a couple years ago? [Also hasn't been on in a year!]
  18. My recommendation would be to start him on something I have on my shelf. I personally dislike Saxon, but if that worked for him, I'd toss him into Saxon Alg 2, going as quickly or slowly as he is comfortable with. I'd worry about the transcript later. If he has time, I'd do math twice per day -- doing Saxon Alg 2 in the morning & Jacob's Geometry in the afternoon.
  19. Leslie Smith left WHA a year ago & teaches at a college now. It has been too long since I had a kid who wanted to do live classes for me to know the latest good ones. Sorry. But, good luck, @macmom28! Tough to find a spot in an good class this late in the year!!
  20. Well, I would think that dd23 doesn't have a member of her household going to college if she's independent. Can she remove that info that dd18 is in her household?
  21. By grade but there was room on the same line in another column so it also had what year that grade was. So, individual classes did not have a semester or year listed but you could tell what year that grade corresponded to.
  22. I think it could have been either border she was referring to since the article quoted didn't mention people crossing over in Australia. I just interpreted it that was since they (Australia) have been locking down between areas.
  23. Could the testing rate account for some of this? Or perhaps the people who traveled to the border might potentially have high rates due to the travel itself? Mexico has a cumulative testing rate of 67k/million population [worldometer] where Texas has a cumulative rate of 1.2 million tests/million population, Louisiana 1.8 million tests per million population, and Florida 1.6 mil/mil. But, I think @TravelingChriswas referring to Australia's border based on the quoted post????
  24. It is a bummer. I know of a few people waiting for Novavax. But, I think it is good that there is some amount of checking on manufacturing situations (in the US) to make sure the vaccine doses are made correctly. I noted that someone quoted in the article mentioned that Novavax might be important as a booster, "Mamtani expects the Novavax shot will play an important role in the United States as a booster for currently authorized vaccines."
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