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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. My parents grew up in an area of Baltimore, HIghlandtown, around a lot of Greeks. Now that is interesting. My parents and brother are no longer around so I can't ask them.
  2. and I guess they brought it out to the county with them. My parent both grew up in Highlandtown. I grew up in Carney. Do you know where Careny is? I could walk to the Mighty Fine Snowball stand on Joppa Road from my house.
  3. that you might be German. I have a lot of German ancestors and I think that might be where this comes from. OK now I am going to have to do a bit of goggling to find out.
  4. I think this is a regional thing. I grew up in Baltimore County and outside of the area people look at me like I am an alien when I mention dueling eggs. My son and I each carefully select our eggs and then the fun begin. First you duel tip to tip, then butt to butt, and then winner to winner unless one egg already broke both ends of the other egg. The ultimate winning egg is proudly displayed in the frig and eating it is not allowed. Obviously these are hard cooked eggs.
  5. cool water, then put in the eggs(about a dozen per batch), bring to a gentle boil over medium heat, turn off as soon as starts to boil, remove from heat and let sit for 12 minutes, run under cool water and then refrigerate.
  6. I throw a kitchen towel in with the other whites. OK there I said it, and I feel much better having that off my chest. I have been feeling guilty about this since the washing kitchen towels thread:001_unsure: Oh and sometimes I wear white after Labor day but.....that is a stupid rule!!!!
  7. We just finished the first DVD, and it was wonderful. Although we all did get a little sleepy, not because it wasn't good, but because his voice is just so soothing.
  8. 7 years ago I received an e-mail from the girlfriend of my BIL saying how we should make sure we went to MIL's for Thanksgiving dinner Yada Yada Yada. They had been dating 3 months and it was just September. Dh and I had been married 10 years and know that MIL always wants us at her house for holidays. At the time we were having to be very compassionate with my Mom because my brother had just died 2 months earlier. The girlfriends e-mail really rubbed me the wrong way on a wrong day and I blasted her via e-mail. I immediately regreted my e-mail but of course I couldn't take back. Well, she apparently printed out my e-mail saved it and has refused to attend family functions that I have attended for the last 7 years This dispite the fact they I apologized in several ways, via cards and letters, I sent her a gift of chocolates and a collectible and expensive book I knew she wanted etc. Dh also apologized in person and tried to explain the situation to his brother and to the girlfriend. He was told that the girlfriend hold grudges for a very long time ----ya think ---- now they are coming to MIL's for Easter dinner and we are going too and I am a stressed out mess. I hate confrontations. I hate drama. Oh how I many times I wish I had not sent that e-mail. Oh she is still just a girlfriend and her mother is also coming to the dinner. We know via MIL that both the girlfriend and her mother like to shoot off at the mouth and don't care what they say to people. I am going to need a lot of bean dip!!!!Help!!!!!
  9. Urban legends breath holding rats. Now that is one I would watch. We enjoy watching Mythbusters.
  10. So you thought you could take this trip alone, guess again several of us are going along too. But I promise not to discuss the trip unless you start the conversation. Wow a literary tour of the British Isles that just sounds delightful. OK I am already working out what I want to see in my mind. Absolutely lovely idea Dayle.
  11. MAth Chalkdust Algebra 1 Science - did 6 Science Explorer book and a unit on ecology History started at late 1500's plan to finish at 1700 using grueber texts, SOTW, and reading lots of living history per Sonlight, Veritas and History through the ages. Most of our reading is based on history. Spelling Sequential Book 4 and 5 (only because he really needs it) Grammar Winston Advanced Vocabulary Wordly Wise 3000 book 6 Writing - Igniting Your Writing and various report writing based on history or science Outlining exercises Language Smarts from Critical Thinking press to help with spelling Music Guitar and Essentials of Music Theory Art Artistic prusuits but didn't get very far we are art failures :tongue_smilie: Critical Thinking Logic Puzzles (Logic Safari - this really helped him with math) and various other critical thinking exercies from Critical Thinking, Fallacy Detective, and Critical Thinking Through US History. We are also doing a number of great crasfts through Colonial Times with a Cd called Colonial Life Time Travelers History Through the Ages that I purchased from Home School in the Woods - this is wonderful and has a lot more than use crafts. Rosetta Stone Spanish we have now complete our Spanish studies.
  12. For a while his atitude was driving me crazy. Praise the Lord he has emerged from his 13yo mood. I think too things have helped, playing guitar and finding a friend that has a lot of similiar interests (computers, engineering, robotics etc) They spent 5 hours last week building desk at his friends house and the first thing they did when thye finished was call me over to see it. They are a lovely family and his mom and I have a lot in common. Ds and I also talk a lot more now about non-school things.
  13. We have gone through game cycles. They like Trouble, Monopoly Jr. and Stock Market Tycoon (played this a lot this winter) They won't play logical or spelling related games...so if any families want to adopt me I love logic games!!!
  14. I would put tomatoes 2 plants one early and one late and use cages I would plant sugar snap peas to grow up the cages around the tomatoes - these will be finished by the time the tomatoes are getting bigger peppers - we are growing an heirloom variety this year that looks very interesting Zucchini - also grow these on cages to utilize the vertical space. We also do a hot pepper and then dry them for winter use. A basil is also nice to have I also grow some salad greens This is basically the garden we grow every year.
  15. I started with paperbackswap over a year ago. Some books I have had on my list since then. I have found this depends on how popular a book is. If the book is on the bestseller list then more of them seem to get swapped and thus they come on more quickly even if you are number 100 and something. What I did wha track a few of the one I wanted most. Once a week I would note where I was on the list (I made a chart because well that is just me) Some of the more popular book I have gotten have been Harry Potter books 5, 6 and 7, Salt, Short History of Everything, Twilight, . For most of these I was 100 something when I put them on my list.
  16. Even though this is a bit of work....it is so worth it. I often substitute chicken for the turkey. http://www.wchstv.com/gmarecipes/turkeypotpie.shtml
  17. My MIL will continue to cook an oven stuffer a half hour after the popper pops. Then she wonders why hers are always dry and mine are so moist. Go figure . Oh and guess what we are having at her house for Easter dinner.:tongue_smilie: Also even though MIL knows my dh does not get along with his brother, his brother's girlfriend and his brothers girlfriends mother, my MIL as also invited them to dinner also. She invited them after she had a conformation from us. I know the fireworks are going to fly. It is just so frustrating.:sad: It actually makes me want to cancel holidays. They just seem to always have to include drama on my inlaws side.
  18. If you like rice pudding that would be a good thing to make. I have found lots of great recipes via the interest just search for rice pudding recipies.
  19. My dh works in eletronics, he maintains a large 911 system and mobile communications for the town we live in. Our ds wants to go into electronics too. So we spent a lot of time researching the best educational materials on the topic. He did not like snap circuits because the components when not the real thing. He thought they were too childish for a highschooler or middle schooler even. We have used Mr. Circuit 1, 2 and 3 and have been thrilled with the materials and results. Dh was amazed at how complete and accurate the materials are, he is not often amazed. Just our 2 cents on the subject.
  20. Mainly because I tend to see bad outcomes from situations like this. If the boy knows he is in the video he will probably talk about it and the parents will find out. Or as you said the other parent will inform them. You really open yourself up to personal attack if you get involved. Now if that doesn't bother you, and you feel you need say something for you own peace of mind then do it. Boy I am good at giving a none direct answer aren't I.
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