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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. OK so James Blunt is not everyones cup of tea, but I like his music...there I said it. You can see the video and hear the song on You Tube it is beautiful. I also like some of the songs on the soundtrack for the movie Across the Universe. These are remixes of Beatles songs as song by the movie cast. They are wonderful My favorite is Something.
  2. The son and DIL of one the original owners homeschooled their children. They are grown now, but they used to be in our homeschool sports program. Very very nice people. We don't have to travel quite so far to go to Phillips. It's about a 2 mile trek :auto:
  3. Yes it is fun to research our family tree but, I think of myself as an American. What different countries my ancestors came from doesn't matter much to me. I figure they left there for here and stayed so here must have been better for them.
  4. This is an ongoing problem for my dh. I am at my wits end over it. I know you can't be responsible for someone elses happiness. But how can I help him feel like he has a right to be happy. Due to his childhood he only knows how to be unhappy and won't/can't give himself permission to be happy. All of his brothers have the same problem. I just don't get it. I had a bad childhood too(worse in many ways and I have no problem allowing myself to be happy and feel joyful) He is critical, sour and just hard to live with (his father was the same way) I used to take it personally now I know it is just that he won't let himself be happy. He actually realizes it too but can't seem to change the pattern. He doesn't like to play games, go to movies do anything fun. Please understand I am not rapping on him I really love him and want to help I just don't know how. I know he won't go for counseling (stubborn Italian family doesn't believe in it - yes this could be some of the problem) This has gotten a lot worse since his mother moved near us 3 years ago. Every time he talks to her (every other day or so ) it is like he has a black cloud over his head. I feel like I am always having to do backflips (not literally although that would be funny) to cheer him up. Do you have a suggestions or maybe books I can read. Thanks!
  5. This has been their pattern for years. It is when the new catalogue comes out. Usually they will post a cut-off date for the old prices on their website.
  6. The Cherokee I have never been able to prove, but I can't disprove it either. My father said his great great grandmother was a Cherokee and I can get back about that far and then nothing.... The German, English and Irish are easy. I used to think my maiden name(Beach) was Welsh but I have come to find out it is English.
  7. What a small world we live in. Have you been to Fisherman's Inn on the way to the shore. It is just after you cross the Kent Narrows Bridge. The food is fantastic.
  8. We love Guy's show. We often say it would be so much fun to just road trip and try different restaurants. This was my prompt for the original question. So I am so there for a Diner roadtrip.:auto:
  9. I read somewhere that it is of high quality. I had not thought to check for fillers. Guess what I am going to do now.........
  10. I would probably have to say Phillips crabhouse in either Ocean City Maryland or Baltimore Maryland. We can only afford to go there for very special occasions.
  11. I have spent most of my time is various places in Maryland though and 3 years in Hawaii
  12. She probably felt threatened (she could probably tell you are smarter than her) by you and used her longevity to get you fired. I am very sorry go had to deal with this though. It is so frustrating though. I tend to pop off at people, I call it expressing my opinions. This has gotten me in trouble more than once. I don't get along well with women generally. I think this goes back to deep seated issues with my mother (other time and place for that one) This makes me cherish my online friends all the more. I do better on line. I think you are a great lady and probably misunderstand often by those you meet face to face. I say this based on this post and others you have made in the past. Like I said we are in the same boat. Could you do work as a tutor? I find I am best with jobs where I work alone etc. I am considering tutoring as I have taught private music lessons in the past and it went well. You are very talented with your artwork. Could you teach a class at the library or give private art lesson? Please don't be too hard on yourself. We all know you very well and we think you are a gem.
  13. This is what I have done with my son and it has worked wonderfully. We do one list in the morning, and the other list in the afternoon.
  14. I have seen the Bollywood one and didn't last through the movie, just not my taste. The blogger is giving away a different musical version CD that has been created (no lack of Jane spin-offs) Here is the website with information on the CD http://www.prideandprejudicemusical.com/music_sampler/index.html
  15. Whatever the word was I clicked the other one so I got a 100% the first try. Technically was this cheating?
  16. There is a blogger with a contest and to enter all you have to list is who you would cast. The winner will be randonly selected. Your suggestions have to be singers. Here is the website http://janitesonthejames.blogspot.com/ So who would you cast So far I have Mr. Darcy - Jim Sturgess Elizabeth Bennet - Fergie Mr. Bingley - Dhani Harrison (George Harrisons son and a great singer/musician) Jane Bennet - Rachel Woods Mr. Wickham - James Blunt (this is my favorite choice he is Mr. Wickham) Lydia Bennet - Hillary Duff the following are my dh suggestions Mr. Collins - Clay Aiken Mr. Bennett - Willie Nelson Mrs. Bennett - Dolly Parton It will be fun to see who others see in these roles.
  17. The seller only has a rating of 1 feedback. They do take pay pal though.
  18. Like in he looks like he just got zapped with electricity. Hey it is the first thing that popped into my head and I haven't had coffe yet :001_huh:
  19. I like to combine great books with learning geography so this was a natural winner for us.
  20. New Jersey at last count has 108 Harzard waste sites Now that is scary.
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