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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. here they are in reverse order Or in the reverse order, E, B, G, D, A, E: Easter Bunnies Get Drunk At Easter Even Buddy Guy Digs Albert Einstein Every Beautiful Girl Deserves An Eye Everybody Get Down America Early Every Boy's Guitar Dreams Are Excellent I think the first one is funny, but the last one is probably the best to combine with the other list
  2. here are your choices Every Adult Dog Growls, Bites, Eats Every Adult Dog Gets Bum Entry Every American Dog Goes Ballistic Eventually Every Average Dad Goes Bald Eventually Every Alligator Drinks Gatorade Before Eating Eddie Ate Dynamite, Good Bye Eddie Elephants And Donkeys Grow Big Ears Every Apple Definitely Gives Bob Energy Every Australian Dog Gets Burnt Eggs Eat All Day, Get Big Easy Every Architect Designs Good Buildings Everytime Every Acid Dealer Gets Busted Eventually Every Animal Deserves Gonorrhea But Emus Eat Apples Dig Graves Bury Everyone Every Alluring Daughter Gets Babies Easily Eat At Denny's, Get Bad Ebola. Eat A Dead Golfer By Evening. Elephants And Donkeys Grow Big Ears
  3. Ok so maybe it will take longer than 3 minutes for someone to get this today. But I know you all are very intelligent, and know how to goggle so maybe not. Todays question..... What state has the highest number of Hazardous wastes sites? see if you can get this without goggling!!!!!
  4. I am 45 and proud of it, although I think I look older. I have completely grey hair, although since I started coloring it a few months ago dh said I look 10 years younger....this won him major brownie points. The autoimmune disease I have , Sjogrens, has really aged me in the last 3 years. It has done a number on my eyes and skin. People tell me I have a wonderful attitude considering what I am up against, but some days the reality that I may never be "well" again really drains me. I have learned that battling something like this is as much mental as it is physical.
  5. Mainly I look for great curr. that I have heard about, but I have not been willing to shell out the money for it new. Now that we are on to high school work I order most everything new from Rainbow Resources, then once a year I sell a lot of things on ebay at one time. I have just about finished get this years auctions ready and I will have around 500 autions. I offer free shipping if the bidder wins 9 or more auctions. I really went through our shelves hard this year and decided to sell many old favorites I was just keep for sentimental value. We read a lot ( hence the reason for my name) and even I was amazed a how much I have to sell. I would prefer to sell it at a local sale but we just don't have any.
  6. Wahoo!!!! I can say I knew you when you only had one bar! And to give you a proper salute ........ :gnorsi:
  7. From an autoimmune disease I have. I know how miserable, frustrating, embarrassing etc. this is The following helps me Don' t scratch, scratching makes it worse. run a humidifier in the house take fish oil take baths in Aveeno Oatmeal bath (great stuff) use Gold Bond Medicated anti itch powder. Use a really good quality lotion my favorite is Bath and Body warm vanilla sugar. If none of this or other suggestions help I would consult a doctor
  8. Being a SAHM has been the best job of my life. I have cherished every phase of it. I would not change a minute of it. I feel very, very blessed.
  9. Here is a website for Tangier Island http://www.tangierisland-va.com/ It is one of our favorite day trips!
  10. OK here is a geography/history question for all the hive minded residents. Where can you go in the United States and still hear the residents speak in the accent of Devonshire England? I will check in about once an hour or so to see if anyone has gotten the answer, I will post additional clues if needed. The prize -----You can be Queen of Geography for the day!!!
  11. our thought and prayers will be with you and your family throughout the day. God's Speed for a successful surgery and quick recovery.
  12. My ds wants to learn the kings and queens of England in order and we were wonderfing if there is a song or poem of them. Thanks!!!
  13. The only place I ever see this work is G A Henty book. It just makes me smile. I have no idea why. Usually I am read the books aloud and ds and I both like the word and count how many pages we get into a Henty before it appears. As a side note Laura I like your British spelling of words. This is also another aspect of reading Henty books that is fun. The "u" must feel like a much more special letter in British literature than American
  14. I just can't swallow them. I can't even imagine what you thought when that arrived on your plate. I also can't eat raw oysters. My dad used to slurp them down as fast as he could shuck them. I always have fun teaching inlanders how to eat steamed crabs. after they get over the ewwww factor they usually enjoy them.
  15. This is a wonderful thread 1. Algebra I don't know why, but I think it is fun 2. Music especially playing the flute It is a gift I was blessed with. 3. Baking and I am not nearly as good at cooking 4. Being organized...I love to organize things
  16. Dh is currently watching serveral shows on Travel and food channels that center around eating strange...OK yucky , horrible , disgusting sounds food. So what is the strangest thing you have ever eaten on purpose? For me it would have to be raw octopus. I had it while I was living in Hawaii and it was fantastic. Now a lot of people would say the steamed crabs we eat here in Maryland are disgusting, but we love them, I guess it is all in what you are accustomed too.
  17. :iagree: Well my reading an audio book didn't sound real bright now did it. I struggle with audio books too. I usually fall asleep on them and then can't find were I was. I was desprite at the library though, because they didn't have it in book form. I will probably just request the book and wait for it to come in.
  18. I like the Albumen one best and then the Modern. The picture is a gem, thanks for posting it. I did a Sunday School class with a clown once and one of the kids was terrified of clowns and the mother raked me over the coals for doing the class. My thought was I had never heard of a child being afraid of a clown. I guess you learn something new every day....everyone is afraid of something. Personally I adore clowns!!!!!
  19. I have not read the book yet. I got it out on audio yesterday. I think our stage as a parent probably really affects how we view this story and the movie. One part of me wants to hold his parent responsible, and another can't even imagine the pain they must feel. I understand how it feels to not be able to emotionally deal with a parent and just want to run away and not have them influence our lives anymore. I have had some deeply painful personally experiences in this regard. I can't imagine taking it to the point that he did though.
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