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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. I have only seen the movie. The movie was interesting and disturbing at the same time. I have gotten the book out on audio as that was the only way it was available at the library yesterday. I hope to start listening to it this evening.
  2. I know she doesn't post much now, but she is kknowledgable about USNA. You could look her up in the member list and try e-mailing her. Ria is her board name
  3. Sorry it took me a while to get back and post good reps and figure out how to update my original message.:smilielol5: You have all given me a lot to smil about this morning.
  4. so she can stop feeling unloved. Can I call this a shameless self-promotion post. I saw the pity party smilie and thought yep that is for me:nopity: Help me get off of page 17 of the reputation points list Wow I am now on page 2 Amazing Update I have stopped banging my head sorry for the pain and now I am thanking all of you for sharing the love Oh my platform is that I will post a positive rep points for any one who gives me one until mine run out. Thank you for your consideration!
  5. To the Admistration of the board :cheers2: to the fellow members of the best homeschooling around :grouphug: and last but not least to the fact that my ds is understand Algebra 1 :party:
  6. made me want :banghead: I was really looking forward to it, because I really like the Lennon-McCartney songbook. The guy that went second was good I liked the rocker guy note neither made enough of am impression for me to remember their names. Michael Johns had been my favorite going into the night, I didn't like his version of Across the Universe. OK so I have watched the Across the Universe movie 3 times in the past two weeks and really really like the way it is done in the movie so this probably clouded my judgement. I thought the Let It Be was good. The country version of 8 Day a Week made me leave the room:leaving: Oh and the David that went last, well I did feel a little sorry for him, but I think he set himself up for failure. Oh and this the new smilies are fun!!!
  7. One tree feel and hit the house, branches became flying missles and damaged the roof and siding ds was always getting ticks large tree had to be removed cost $$$$ all this in 3 years. net result we moved to a treeless lot. We have been on our treeless lot for 8 years and don't miss the tree at all.
  8. I think there is a train you can ride on and an indoor waterpark. The waterpark is a Great Wolf Lodge. I have not been there, but I heard they have one.
  9. I watched this last evening. My dh wasn't interested so I watched it alone. Wow this gives you a lot to think about on a lot of different levels. I had a parent who did a real head job number on me, and I can understand the want/need to escape from that. Although I would not have gone to the extreme he did. My heart really went out to his sister. I am curious if anyone here has seen the movie and what you thought.
  10. I have the main board as my page in favorite to come to. If you scroll to the bottom you can see who is currently here. I have noticed that Susan is here at times.
  11. We did the forst level several years ago. This was/is the grammar suggested by Sonlight.
  12. Several others have mentioned this and it is a great book. One of our favorite Landmark books.
  13. Wow what a frightening event. You must have been so scared. Our prayers are with your family today. Please keep us posted on what they find.
  14. Mon ravioli/eggplant/meatball cassarole DH made and it was outstanding Tue ham sandwishes ds and I have dentist appointments a 3 so can't cook Wed Chicken on the grill Thur Chili Fri Salmon Sat/Sun Oven stuffer Roaster (purchased for 88 cents a pound on sale)
  15. Well it is 12:30 and ds is just practicing his guitar. Usually he does this around 11 am so we are really behind schedule. Oh well who needs a schedule anyway. Except dh will be home at 3 hungry as a bear and ds and I will not have had lunch until 1pm or so and won't be hungry in the least. Tomorrow is another day!
  16. I add in lots of books and don't use their Language Art but I love the history books and just modify it to suit my personal taste. For example I combined Sonlight 7 with Sonlight 100 to keep our history in chronological order. I am hoping to stick to their schedule more closely for level 300 and 400 so ds can do these under his own direction. I plan to skip 200 as we just won't have time for it. Although he will have to read Pride and Prejudice from Level 200 because I love that book!!!!
  17. We are having scones later. Ds is on a real British kick. He is reading about the Plague and fire of 1665-1666. He is playing a Beatles song on his guitar as I type. Oh yea and he wants to own a Bentley - I told him he needs new parents for that LOL
  18. I told him if he used better vocabulary words I would spell them. I know I may get tomatoes throw at me for this. But as a kid I avoided better words because I could not spell them. Note - this had a wonderful results and now as an older writer he can spell more of the difficult words himself. Even I have to go to the dictionary at times to find the spelling of a word he wants. I have also found reading literature by G A Henty has helped my ds writing. Henty uses wonderful vocabulary.
  19. The flu is nothing to mess around with, please take good care of yourself. I am so sorry you must feel terrible. Get well soon!!!
  20. I have to admit I didn't think about this connection much until I read Animal Vegetable Miracle. We are try to eat more locally grown food and also are growing a huge garden this year. When I shop at the market I try to buy items not prone spoiling in bulk (ie rice pasta etc) We eat a lot of rice and pasta. We buy very few convinience foods or prepackaged mix foods (ie no mac and cheese in a box mix, no hamburger helper, no chips or packaged cookies) I also buy meat in large packaged and split it up and freeze when I get home. I make most items from stratch. We don't eat out much and get Chinese take out about once every other week. We put the money we used to spend going out to eat toward groceries and this seems to be working for us. Our one treat at the moment is buying bread at Panera. Actually their bread is not that much higher than the grocery store.
  21. Although I don't pluck much. I did learn a neat trick from a neighbor last summer. To decrease the pain of plucking use Oragel. It works great too.
  22. is the grandmother of one of The Monkees. I would not quote me on this, but I seem to remember reading this somewhere.
  23. I started some seedlings to get in the spirit of sping. For me though the time change always messes me up for days. We have not had much snow here but the wind has been terrible. I so want to me outside enjoying nice spring weather. I find music is the best way to get me out of the doldrums.
  24. DH says I leave a trail of post-it notes around the house. These do not have notes on them I just use them for bookmarks. He said this in a fun way. I thought it was funny too and well it is true. I am considering taking this afternoon off from school to clean or I may create a trail of post it notes for him to follow that have funny messages written on them or something. :D
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