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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. Llama the Lamb is in my closet. She hasn't spoken to me since I cut her tongue out for talking too much when I was about 3.
  2. Five Crowns - we've put two decks together to accommodate a larger group Phase 10 Scattergories Ticket to Ride
  3. Oh that would drive me nuts as well. I would try to have a frank discussion with her - though I would approach her as gently and winsomely as possible. I would reiterate how much you appreciate her doting aunt aspects toward both your children and the other family.
  4. 1. SWB 2. SWB 3. SWB I've head her speak 3 times, and those were my favorite convention speakers (hey, you asked :D)
  5. She said above that her ds is married and living out of her home.
  6. I went 9 months, then 9 months again…. then I was done. Agreeing this is nothing to see the doctor about, you might put a call in to your nurse if you are concerned. One thing my doctor wanted was a bone scan when I had gone a year without a cycle. And I was so happy to get on the other side - "use it or lose it" and I sure wasn't going to use it again. :D
  7. Thanks for those links - the photos are great! :)
  8. Then there are those of us who think some books ARE contraband - or are at least addictive as crack :)
  9. Thanks for mentioning the map, I should have mentioned it in the OP. There are several in our (fairly large) city but none close to where we live. I'm going to make a note to look for them now. Maybe you could start one! This made me smile, Jane.
  10. College Girl was walking through her town with a friend (they've got 15 inches of snow) and they saw two of these. She had never heard of them, but her friend had seen them in his hometown. He was excited to see them in their college town - they're seniors and had never come across them previously!
  11. I totally get this. Later you spend 15 minutes changing your password, because you forgot what it was. Lather, rinse, repeat. :grouphug:
  12. I'm confused. What would shopping at Target would have to with her passwords to twitter and gmail getting hacked, and a utility company not accepting her new address?
  13. Here. As with all things Buzzfeed, there is some language. I love the US - "Freedom *terms and conditions may apply"; Switzerland - "Sure, we'll take your money" and Italy - "We were really important, now we make shoes." :lol:
  14. To me, this sounds a bit passive aggressive. I can't think of any vacuum that wouldn't require lugging up the stairs. And for a purchase of that dollar amount, I would NEVER presume what another person wanted.
  15. Have you ever told you dh you would like an Amazon gc or an Ulta gc? I have several family members who think a gc is more of a copout than generic flowers or a generic gift from the drug store...
  16. You're living in the land of gelato and you want Hagen Das? Living in a hotel that long would drive me insane. Trying to homeschool in a hotel would drive me over a cliff. I haven't kept up with your transition but I guess you haven't found suitable housing? Where is your stuff being stored? And my dh once navigated the Etoile in Paris without blinking. Drivers in Naples made him break out in a cold sweat.
  17. I have found mail (some for me, some for my neighbors) dropped in my front yard on many occasions. My mail carrier is constantly on his phone so I'm sure he's easily distracted. I'm sure it's a boring job but I'm appalled at his lack of attention to it. My dh's renewed driver's license never arrived so we requested another one. When I called the USPS, the rep said they don't ever lose any mail :huh:
  18. not a website per se (though it does have some tips on the website), my dd liked FiskeGuide - for every college it lists similar colleges the student might want to investigate.
  19. Maybe if "aries" (one post???) gets deleted, the rest of our "replies" will get deleted as well.
  20. We followed Kareni's excellent example the year after she wrote it.
  21. Thanks for letting us know that, Moderator. Could you all possibly install one of those things that require new members to put in a unique word or number code? Would that deter some of the new member spammers?
  22. Kareni, I don't know whether there is Groupon in your area, but I get offers for mattress sets all the time, might be something worth investigating. I don't envy you - I really hate to shop for mattresses!!
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