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Everything posted by Perry

  1. :confused: I've never seen any data showing a rise in scarlet fever. There has been an increase in rheumatic fever in the last 20 years, probably due to a more virulent strain of strep. But rheumatic fever is different than scarlet fever.
  2. Scarlet fever is strep with a rash. Scarlet fever used to be much more severe than it typically is now, probably because the strain has changed a bit and it's weaker. It's treated exactly the same as a regular strep throat. If your dd has any symptoms of strep throat, she should be tested.
  3. Other SSRI/SNRIs may also alleviate the hot flashes, and Effexor tends to have more side effects than some of the others. Personally, I'd want to at least try something a little milder (like Prozac, which also helps with hot flashes) before jumping right to Effexor. If it doesn't help, you can always change. But if it does, you may be saving yourself a lot of hassles. I haven't had many symptoms with menopause, but if I had to be treated with something, I'd definitely do an SSRI before doing HRT.
  4. No. Some SNRI/SSRIs are harder than others to discontinue, regardless of why you're taking it. I haven't taken Effexor, but have taken several others (not for hot flashes, but for anxiety). I had terrible side effects with one of them, and withdrawal was very unpleasant. I am now on Prozac, and much prefer it. Side effects tend to be fewer and it's much easier to stop. I have no symptoms if I miss a dose. I had terrible brain zaps if I was even a few hours late with the previous one. I wouldn't hesitate to use an antidepressant for perimenopausal symptoms if they are really bothering you. But I would STRONGLY recommend that you consult a psychiatrist-- not a family doctor or internest or gyn-- for prescribing and following you. They know so much more about the medications and side effects.
  5. What was the diastolic number (the bottom number)? Did they check your urine? Was there any protein in it? Did they recheck your blood pressure? Did they talk to you about symptoms to be aware of- vision changes, abdominal pain, swelling, etc.?
  6. According to wiki, it was 2005. They don't cite a source though, so can't fact check it.
  7. I would just assume she's interested and curious. When people ask me, I usually say something like "I've used a variety of things, and different curricula for different subjects. Are you familiar with any?". That usually gives them an opening to talk about why they're interested. Sometimes it's a parent wanting to supplement a certain subject at home, for example.
  8. Checking the WTM boards when I'm not at home. ;) It's kind of a hassle to post anything more than a brief message though, so I don't usually post from my phone. I travel frequently, and it's really useful for driving directions and finding restaurants and hotels. I also spend way more time than I should playing Angry Birds and Bubble Blaster.
  9. 1. I don't save money, because I was getting almost everything from the library. I still use the library a lot, but I buy many more books than I used to. 2. I haven't had any problems. 3. Also consider the environmental impact. I'm saving lots of trees. :)
  10. Me too. I forget it's not a "real" book. I find myself reaching up to turn the page....
  11. Kindle books now outsell paperbacks Do you have a Kindle? I love mine, although I never thought I'd say that.
  12. I would want to know what curriculum they use for reading instruction.
  13. It varies, but usually it's just a couple days. No fee.
  14. Oh, I get it now. I didn't realize you could do the supervising teacher option without using the HSAP but that makes sense. Sorry, I'm no help. :001_smile:
  15. I'm pretty sure that the teachers are paid by the HSAP. You shouldn't have to pay them. Have you talked with the HSAP?
  16. I've never done this option, but I didn't know they charged for their service. I thought it was provided by the HSAP. I'll talk to our homeschool coordinator today and ask her about cost.
  17. Congratulations! :party: I have no clue what you should wear though.
  18. :iagree: Does it hurt more than a typical pimple? Could be MRSA.
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