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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Yep. What she said was no more offensive than what you said to her.
  2. Wow. It's the lead story on MSNBC. He goes to the same school as my dd! She doesn't know him though.
  3. :grouphug: I'm so glad you got good care and are getting back to normal. They are just making a distinction between chest pain resulting from trauma (car accident, baseball bat to the chest) vs. non-traumatic (MI, aortic dissection, etc). It was traumatic for you! And us!
  4. The swelling of mumps isn't behind the ear, it's more along the jaw and makes the child look like a chipmunk. Google mumps images.
  5. No. I am very literal, and it took me a minute to figure out what the problem was. :confused: I would have written 17 too, because that's what I thought you wanted. I know people think I'm sometimes being obstinate or obnoxious, but the truth is I often don't "get" hints or nuances. It certainly isn't deliberate.
  6. Oh, rats! I wish I would have had this yesterday. I spent $30 on Tamiflu for my dd, who has Influenza B. She took one pill, and was so sick we decided not to give her anymore. That was an expensive pill :glare:. And yes, she did have the vaccine, just in case people are wondering if I'm a hypocrite. :D
  7. Danestress is a voice of reason and has great advice on relationships. I'm always thinking WWDD? Ester Maria always has such well thought out and philosophical statements. I love to read her thought provoking posts. Rosie just cracks me up. I :001_wub: Rosie. I miss Hornblower.
  8. I agree with you, and I am a big fan of shortcuts. But since the OP didn't know how to do these types of problems, taking a shortcut with this one won't help her generalize to other problems of this sort. Your way works in this case, because you can easily turn .8 into a fraction with the numerator being a perfect square. In the real world, that would be unusual. Maybe it isn't unusual on a test though. It's funny, I was thinking of EM too. And one of my big issues with EM is that they don't develop the general algorithm that is useful in *all* situations, but use "pretty" numbers that turn out not to be very useful in the real world. It reminds me of the article Where's the Beef in the Turkey Problem?
  9. Also, it works with *any* number, not just an "easy" number like .8=4/5. You sort of have to do it the long way if it's .8/sqrt .68
  10. Your way is definitely more efficient! But I can do it my way in a few seconds because it's so familiar to me and I do most of those steps in my head, so I'm sticking with it. :D
  11. :iagree: Although I would have done it differently. I would multiply both numerator and denominator times sqrt .8 (.48) * sqrt .8/ (sqrt .8)^2 since (sqrt .8)^2= .8, you now have (.48)*sqrt .8/ .8 Since 8 is a common factor of .8 and .48, you can simplify the .48/.8 as 6/10, or .6 Now you have (sqrt .8)* .6 You can further simplify the sqrt .8 as sqrt (4*.2), and since the sqrt of 4 =2, you now have (.6*2) *sqrt .2 =1.2*sqrt .2 Although maybe it's not considered simplified if there is a decimal inside the radical. It looks confusing, but I think if you write it out with the radical sign it will make more sense.
  12. Wow. $1000 to pull a molar? That seems excessive. My dh had one pulled a few months ago, and it wasn't anywhere near that. Sorry. I hate having dental work done. :grouphug:
  13. I looked at your other posts, and see that you've had trouble with pain in your face and legs, too. I really think you should see your doctor.
  14. Dh sees everything. I don't. Drives him nuts. :D
  15. And another... The Body Odd If it comes and goes, I wouldn't worry about it. But if it's persistent or worsening, it's definitely something to have evaluated.
  16. This describes my 16 year old daughter exactly, except she never slept more than 2 hours at a time during the night. And we didn't do polka clubs, but she liked loud music. :D I didn't think we'd get through it without at least one of us being institutionalized. She's now a sweet, good natured reasonable teen. Somewhat on the high maintenance side though. :)
  17. There is no control group and the doctors weren't blinded (they knew the patients were iron deficient). Under those conditions, I don't think any conclusions can be drawn from the study. A prospective, multidisciplinary evaluation of premenopausal women with iron-deficiency anemia.
  18. Unfortunately, it seems the more schools focus on "problem solving" and "critical thinking", the stupider the kids get.
  19. Wow! Congratulations, Molly! I can't wait to see it.
  20. That's probably right. I'm not in Georgia, so I probably shouldn't be commenting here at all. In our area it starts in elementary. Hate, hate, hate it.
  21. Yes. Starts in elementary. Emphasis on calculators, group work, multiple ways of solving problems. De-emphasis on algorithms, mastery, and sequential skill building. :cursing: :banghead: Mathematically Correct NYC HOLD Kitchen Table Math
  22. We had dark hardwood floors installed last year. Love them. They do show dirt and hair, but that's okay with me. If they're dirty, I want to know about it.
  23. Thank you for letting us know. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Sending healing thoughts, RC.
  24. I can't answer your question, but :eek: That's terrible! Of course they can taste!
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