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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I like both, but be prepared to hear her called Ellie Mae. Although maybe everyone else is too young to remember the Beverly Hillbillies.
  2. :iagree: Or call someone ugly. That's unacceptable in my house.
  3. Here are the things we found most useful. The first few chapters of the book Reading Reflex, by Carmen McGuinness, is extremely informative about the process of reading instruction. There are some assessments in the book that can help pinpoint what issues are present. I didn't use the book for actual instruction, because I think ABeCeDarian is better. It's the same approach, but much more user-friendly. We did tons of fluency work, but unfortunately my son is still a very slow reader. I think it helped him, but he is maxed out and at his limit. The Six Minute Solution is excellent for fluency, but very expensive. For comprehension, I like Reading Detective. There are many other programs and approaches. You might want to post on the Special Needs board. Lots of very experienced homeschool reading teachers over there.
  4. It depends on your state laws and district policies. I have two dyslexic children. Reading instruction in ps was an absolute failure for them. I would do a lot of research on your options before sending him to ps for reading.
  5. I don't know how accurate this is, but it's a very interesting article. excerpts....
  6. My favorites are Lydia, Elise, and Eleanor. I especially like first name Lydia, middle name Elise. Lyla Grace Lydia Elise Pretty.
  7. That's the kind of research I'm interested in. Do you have a link? I know that some scare tactics do actually backfire. Seems that for some risk takers, it's almost like a challenge, and it increases the behavior. But I haven't seen anything specifically about the graphic images on cigarette packages. One lesson that is clear from Evidence Based Medicine, is that you can't necessarily infer conclusions from "similar" studies. Results don't translate the way it seems they should. To know what the effect is from graphic images on cigarette packs, you have to study the effects of graphic images on cigarette packs. Smokers aren't the same as drinkers or meth users. Graphic images on tv aren't the same as graphic images on a pack of cigarettes. This may or may not be effective. I'm interested in research if you have any links.
  8. In general, research has suggested that scare tactics don't work. This is a little different, in that the message will be in your face every time someone reaches for a cigarette.
  9. I would love to see some research on this. My guess is it won't do much for people that are already smokers, but it may prevent people from starting the habit.
  10. We have a Cuisinart Griddler. My dd is making pancakes on it right now.
  11. You can also print 6 or 9 slides per page. Choose "what to print"-->"handouts"-->6 (or 9) on the print screen.
  12. Yes, if you check that box your printer should just print it in black and white. Try just printing one page first.
  13. For Christmas, my brother bought a cow for dd1, a llama for dd2, and a hill of beans for ds. They loved it.
  14. Like this? That would still be considered acne.
  15. And be sure to tell them your concerns, as it's often misdiagnosed at first.
  16. This was my first thought. I'd see your doctor asap, because if it is TN, there is some evidence that earlier treatment gives a better outcome. :grouphug:
  17. You can take it with ibuprofen, but don't take it with tylenol. Vicodin already has tylenol in it, so you can overdose yourself.
  18. That was interesting. I wish I would have seen that when I was 20. It's too late now. :crying:
  19. This is what my dd does. It helped quite a bit, but she was still having breakouts, so we started her on Tretinoin. As long as she is vigilant with the routine, her face stays clear.
  20. :hurray: I have a Fascinate, not a Droid, but I had problems with crashing at first. I was almost ready to take the phone back, when I discovered that it was because someone :glare: had put on a "live" background (animated, like a moving waterfall), and I had too many apps running. When I changed the background and found the task killer, all the problems were solved.
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