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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Moby Dick Lord of the Flies Catcher in the Rye :thumbdown:
  2. I'd be a little concerned about the incarcerated owner. Is he on board with this? Is he going to come looking for his dog when he gets out of prison?
  3. From the Terro site: My dog and cats sniffed it then left it alone. Can you put it behind a bookcase or under furniture or something? I also left a couple outside the house, where I knew the ants were coming in.
  4. Here's what we use. This is the only thing that has worked for us.
  5. These are our favorites Quinoa and Black Beans Quinoa with Chickpeas and Tomatoes
  6. Does your cell phone provider have any parental controls? I have Verizon, and for $5 a month I can block numbers, set limits on time and numbers of texts/calls, etc. If you can block them, I'd try that first.
  7. I think if it were my child, I'd have him tested by a developmental ped or someone else qualified to look for learning and behavioral disorders. He may be just fine, or he may have issues that can only be identified with testing. I don't think I'd put a lot of stock in what my friends say. They might be right, or they might have concerns they aren't comfortable discussing, or they might be missing things a professional would pick up.
  8. One easy thing you can do is add an avatar. It's much easier for me to recognize someone's avatar than their name. Doesn't have to be a picture of you, just something unique.
  9. My mil has about 10, just for her and fil. She doesn't seem to get that they don't last forever. She once put a bottle of dressing on the table that had expired 5 years earlier. It was probably fine, but :ack2:.
  10. Apple Cider Vinegar is working great here! My dd has had molluscum on her legs for several years. We were waiting it out, but last fall one of the bumps got infected, and we decided to start treating. Tea Tree Oil was somewhat effective, but it gave her a raging dermatitis that had to be treated with steroids. Athough it got rid of some of the bumps, others popped up in other places. We also tried freezing them off, but they came back. Last week we started ACV baths, and now they are almost completely gone for the first time in years! I am really amazed at how quickly this worked. I added 1 cup of Epsom salts to the bath (softens up the skin and opens the pores), then added about 2 cups of ACV. Afterwards, when the skin is really soft, you can gently scrape the top so the central core can come out. We've done this every day, and after just 3 days they were noticeably better. Today they're almost completely gone. :party: Although now I'm really irritated that we didn't do this years ago.
  11. I use the password backup add-on. This only works if you've been saving passwords though.
  12. Traumatic perforations are usually very painful, so if she actually caused it there would have been lots of pain. Irrigation and removal of wax with a curette are both used, but you wouldn't want to irrigate an ear with a hole in the eardrum. So in this case, it's a good thing she didn't irrigate. Holes in the eardrum often heal by themselves, but I would take her to your regular doctor, or an ENT, to find out what's really going on. Sounds like they need new office help.
  13. Do I live under a rock? Does everyone know this already? Many (most? all?) flat screen tvs have a USB port and you can do a slideshow or just put one picture on and it looks like a framed picture, instead of looking at the ugly blank black tv screen. Yes, I am easily entertained.
  14. Not really. But I read them anyway. I prefer Elizabeth George and Ruth Rendell.
  15. Well, SOME type of flu will be back, and it will probably be this one. Historically, when a new strain appears, the previous strains go extinct and the new one becomes seasonal. When it will be back is anyone's guess.
  16. My son got the flu before the vaccine was available. Dh was on the priority list and got the vaccine early; he didn't get the flu. My girls and I got the vaccine, but by the time it was available the flu had come and gone in our community. We didn't get sick (although it's possible they had a very mild case at the same time as my son). I answered your poll got H1N1 vaccine, and have not gotten the flu so far, but I really should have checked other.
  17. Huh. I must be a subscriber, but I didn't have to login. Strange.
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