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Everything posted by UmMusa

  1. I'm sorry :( I pray for your better health.
  2. Wow congratulations! More homeschooling :)
  3. I can't find this one thread from a year or two ago with a lot of great suggestions for 'for fun' mamma reading. I even checked out a few that were about some vicar... I couldn't get into those. I can't handle funky sci-fi or disturbing subject matter, so I need Mary Higgins Clark style novels. Any suggestions?
  4. I've never heard of Firefly and everyone here loves it!
  5. I'm sorry you're struggling. I find that 5 HTP does help me at 50mg doses. I just recently tried it at night because it was recommended here, and I did find it gave me a better sleep. Taken in the morning, it takes the edge off the sadness and bad mood: I feel normal. Talking with friends helped me out of a sadness last week that had me lying down out of my sadness.
  6. Take care, and I hope the 8 weeks pass quickly.
  7. True. I thought about that, too. It's all for the best. I think I just had a nice summer.
  8. Yes. also, there's an app for that ;)
  9. thanks for the encouragement. change is hard. for both of the older kids, they really want to be out of the house for now academically and socially, so I need to keep my eye on that rather than just feel sorry for summer vacation being over (meaning us all being together). you helped me see that this is about change and about them doing better out of my homeschool for now, especially the 7th grader who I've asked advice about frequently when she and I clashed over schoolwork.
  10. I have two older kids in public school and two younger ones home. Even though this arrangement was agreed on by all, I was not ready for the sadness, angst, and dreariness when the two big ones went to school this week. It was like I got punched in the stomach; my family was changing. I think we had the best summer ever, so it felt like the plug was suddenly pulled, and on top of that, my life and routine were being dictated by the school schedule. I was having a huge pity party the first two days, but today is lighter. Why does it have to be 8 hours? Can't school be like 4 hours and then they have the rest of the day to be with their family or doing things they like? I'm going rogue!!! Even though I homeschool, I am very restricted by their coming-home schedule since I want to be here for them. If I'm free 45 minutes before they get home I can't really start any outside activity with my younger ones. Our plans have to fit the school system. Grrrr. I just wish we could all homeschool, but the older ones are craving the outside interaction and outside academics. Anyone feel the same? Pity party here... I'm not looking to change anything, just bummed out at how much "school" really does split family life.
  11. I like to read the 'what went right' topics.
  12. I wanna waaaatch!!! No TLC here. I have felt that Jessa just isn't that much into Ben from previous episodes. Why are they treating him like he's family so soon?? I that might be putting pressure on them to act like a couple.
  13. I agree with Cosby or Full House. There were a lot of kid-friendly sitcoms in the 80s.
  14. I was thinking the SAME thing last week. I was shopping in a Fred Meyer (do they have those where you are?) and I notice a whole lot of long skirts on the racks for the season. Then I thought about the Duggars and wondered if they still shopped at thrift stores or not and how they could possibly find all those cute skirts there. My consignment shop here stinks.
  15. I let my kids have tea around age 8. Not daily, but if they ask, and it's not near bedtime, I'll let them. Coffee.... they've tasted mine a few times, but no one wanted more :)
  16. Wow, I'm having similar issues. Iron, RLS, and recently considering giving up coffee. But I don't want to!!! I'm trying half decaf. Could you work with that for your daily brew? I should track my blood levels, it's been a year.
  17. I'll also take this opportunity to show my gratitude. This is a priceless treasure for homeschoolers. Thank you for bringing us together.
  18. Oh yes, we have a few of those! Thank you, I'll check out the others.
  19. We need to spice up bedtime stories. What are some great books I'm missing? We've read and reread the following just to give you an idea: The Grumpalump Caps For Sale Tikki Tikki Tembo Where the Wild Things Are Brown Bear Brown Bear I don't want to do chapter books, really, just nice short stories.
  20. The Speed Queen part made me lol!
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