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Everything posted by UmMusa

  1. This is such an inside joke between my mom and me! During my 8+ years of having babies it came up very frequently :D
  2. I can see how it's convenient to make into an event instead of having visitors off and on for weeks, but I just never heard of it in the US and now someone I know is having 2 meet the baby parties after having 3 baby showers prior. I think she just has a wide range of friends and coworkers.
  3. When did this type of party come about? I don't remember anyone having them around 10 years ago, but it seems to be a 'given' these days. Anyone? Also, are gifts expected? (assuming there's already been a baby shower before the birth)
  4. You and your husband will feel most at ease doing what you feel is right whatever it might be. I second the suggestion to call Children's Hospital and seek a counselor. I pray for ease and patience for you and your family.
  5. If you've birthed a few babies be sure to wear a panty liner. You're welcome ;)
  6. That is exactly what I drink! I don't like most other coffees.
  7. I've uninstalled FB from my phone for a while and it helped keep me from pulling it out all the time at the park. Stupid phones.
  8. I bought organic unsulphured blackstrap molasses today from a health food store. I'm so impressed with your results that it's worth a shot for me. For anyone taking it, how did you go about knowing how much, how often to take?
  9. I already have an old Necci brand, but after a lot of effort and youtube-ing, and taking it in to a sewing shop, it isn't worth repairing. The sewing shop said it would cost $70 minimum just to send it out for repairs... so I might as well get a brand new one.
  10. Shall I buy a bunch of thread along with it? Does it matter really what I get?
  11. Sweet! I knew I'd get something good from my homeschool moms.
  12. I don't mind spending up to $200 but will happily spend a lot less. ;p My daughters are itching to make stuff for their stuffed animals, and I dream of learning how to hem pants. When I read reviews on Costco.com, a lot of them seem to break easily. There's no WalMart nearby, but I have Joann's, Michael's, and a local sewing shop (who is willing to take my old, busted Necci and let me buy a good machine at a 'discount' whatever that is).
  13. Been thinking of you a lot dear Rosie.
  14. After FLL 3 and 4 and some KISS grammar we used Hake for 6th grade. It was mostly hands off for me which we needed in our dynamic at the time. I am happy with it.
  15. I used the orange book a few years ago, and my son did send a letter of request to the state capitol. We got a nice package in the mail full of state information. It was neat.
  16. Good health is something easily taken for granted. It sounds like you are doing the best you can, and one day you will be over this hump, God willing. I hope you and your daughter find some ease in the middle :D
  17. Ok, more specifically, can it clear up brain fog and fatigue.. just the wheat elimination?
  18. Could you tell me what kinds of benefits could be had by eliminating wheat (only wheat) from one's diet? Let's say you don't have any digestive or such problems. Are there any other benefits assuming other carbs are still being eaten like corn and rice and potatoes.
  19. Are any current duggar episodes available online? I don't have cable!!!
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