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Melissa in Australia

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Everything posted by Melissa in Australia

  1. I am pretty sure that there is a state wide mandate for all jobs
  2. Because I live in Australia, cases are very low, Melbourne had the longest lockdown in the entire world. Until a very few months ago we were working on elimination.
  3. What job in Victoria can be done without being vaccinated?
  4. There has never been a covid case in my local area. I do not consider myself to be fortunate to live in an area that had no reason to discriminate against the very few people who made informed choice to not get vaccinated. My state government is right now trying to have laws changed so they can further discriminate the very few unvacvinated, including being able to lock them up, take property, fine businesses that allow them to purchase things astranomical amounts. Fully vaccinated people here are extremely concerned about the current situation. Legal experts are concerned. Things are looking grim
  5. So glad you all are not living where unvacvinated not being discriminated against. They are most definately are here Vaccination Rates are well over 90% double dose from 12 up It is absolutely awful. The unvacvinated are no longer allowed to do anything except food shopping, they are no longer allowed to work in any job. some public toilets are closed to them, not allowed on school grounds, not allowed into any public buildings people are being strongly encouraged to avoid talking to them, avoid contact with them. There are covid marshels stationed outside shops checking vaccination status. Some areas, like mine have no covid cases at all and vaccination rate is 98% but the new enemy is the very few unvacvinated. Nobody cares about covid at all anymore All of you keep on laughing and talking nonsense. Don't bother looking up and seeing what is happening in other parts of the world
  6. My Canadian dh is terrified of snakes Though that might be because he wouldn't believe people when he first came to Australia that Tiger snakes chase you. So he stirred one up with a stick. He found out they really do chase you and has never really got over his fright
  7. We see snakes almost daily. Mostly red bellies. Cause we have a waterway right through our place A few tigers, but they are mostly to bee seen when it is warmer There are also copperheads and browns but they aren't so keen of the coastal scrub, preferi gto be slightly more inland
  8. here business would include a tie and a suit jacket
  9. My oldest son is a research scientest/aerospace.. He wears business casual which is ironed button down shirt and business pants. Work boots are fine or black shoes.
  10. I had all my bio kids toilet trained well before they were 2. then we were placed with the twins. They were aged 3 1/2 and not toilet trained(one wasn’t even walking). It took us over 6 months to toilet train them. It was a HUGE effort of both dh and I working on it. Firstly I had to teach them about rewards. They were not motivated by rewards at all and didn’t even grasp the concept. I guess 3 1/2 years of extreme neglect they didn’t have much expectation on getting things promised them. This took months I also shifted them to cloth nappies hoping to let them feel wet . bare bottom didn’t work at all. They were terrified and would scream and scream eventually they worked out whenever they either went to the toilet or went to a tree they would receive a lollie. Interestingly once they were daytime toilet trained they never once wet the bed. I really think it was 6 months before they worked out what we were trying to teach them.
  11. I tried them for 3 weeks. I found they are awful evil things. I was nauseous the whole time, and started having falls. I could not read at all, which was the whole point of getting them in the first place. I discovered that I read a whole line at a time(I am dyslexic) and only seeing one word at a time I couldn’t understand anything I was reading. The final straw was when I fell in the supermarket and people all rushing over like I was an old person. After that embarrassing incident I went back to the optometrist and had the prescription separated into reading glasses and seeing glasses. Much better. I can now see well enough to do hand sewing again, enjoy books again. I think they are pushed by the companies that make them on the optometrist. They made out like I was having an unusual response, but I have met quite a few that have had very similar responses, maybe not the falling, but defiantly not able to read , headache and all day nausea .
  12. I am not an expert in anything. But I am proficient in many many areas Including just about any skill that women were meant to be able to do 100 years ago. From making the family clothes, growing all the family food, preserving the food, raising and butchering animals for food. Hand milking a cow Etc Working with highly complex needs traumatised children
  13. You would get on with my oldest son. He is a research scientist doing a PhD on artificial intelligence and robotics
  14. Ohh. I have a cast iron wood stove. What care am I meant to do? All I do is sweep out the ovens and the stovetop once a month. And clean out the soot slot and ash tray every 2 months or so
  15. Not intentionally I did have a new dress, it did have tiny flowers on it, some were blue I wore my grandmother’s Pearl necklace I have never heard of the sixpence before
  16. We don’t either. The only time I buy paper plates is for craft I don’t buy many things in plastic containers.. I think ice cream . We use those containers in the shed. Occasionally when we need a new water bottle we buy soft drink. Not for the ghastly stuff in it, but just for the bottle. butter here comes wrapped in paper.
  17. Twin 1 uses each eye independently, flickering between each eye every half second or something. He also has a wondering eye. The developmental optometrist says that for him when his eye is wondering he isn’t using it. He has prescription glasses to blur his dominate eye, forcing him to use the other eye more. Unfortunately because of his disabilities and lack of self-regulation he often hurdles his glasses. twin 2 has nystagmus. A whole different eye condition where both eyes wobble constantly. .he apparently is completely losing vision every few seconds. He has multi focal glasses that help reduce the eye wobbling. If one eye is covered he can hardly see at all(doesn’t matter which eye) as he cannot focus and his eye wobbles like crazy. His vision is affected so badly that he will never be able to do things like driving.
  18. ohh. I had an old twin tub for the first 4 years of marriage. we still have it in the shed
  19. I use write shop for a couple of months a year as a sort of different approach to writing. I use Writing With Ease the rest of the time. When my boys get better at actually writing ( disabilities.) possibly by mid teens - we will eventually move over to IEW
  20. sounds terrific. can I give up the daytime chores as well one of my boys, when still living home told me I was fired ..... I replied that is terrific. and put down whatever I was doing at the time and said suits me fine. He said no mum I didn't mean it- you haven't even been hired
  21. I had a floral dress. with puffy sleeves. , mid calf. I have worn it as an ordinary dress several times since. I still have it. when my grandmother died last year and that obnoxious person she was married to had her cremated in the nighty she died in😲. I have commanded my children to make sure I am buried in my wedding dress. No old nightdress for me
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