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Melissa in Australia

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Everything posted by Melissa in Australia

  1. Brings images to my head of Don Quixote definitely a mental illness
  2. I read on one of the news yesterday that everything was set up for 6 monthly boosters, and when the gov made the announcement to shorten it they failed to up distribution or put on extra staff. and everything is overwhelmed.
  3. I don't have a good news thing but I do have a funny I am trying to live as environmentally economical as I can . To this end I purchased some woolen scrap material from the op shop. it was a few lengths in 2 colours, some a lovely olive green and some a browny red. it was lovely and thick. new, left over from someone's sewing project. there was only enough to make a sleeveless jacket, which I thought would be great for wearing gardening in winter . I decided to make the front green and the back red I wore it the other day twin 2 said to me mum I love that several hours later Mum that is really really nice I smile inwardly thinking it must look better than I thought for a 10 year old to comment on it then he adds Mum I love that top, you look just like a clown 😲 I wasn't going for the clown look. Maybe I will cut it down and make a vest for twin 2 and he can be a clown
  4. UK had 93,045 new cases in one day https://7news.com.au/travel/coronavirus/uk-reports-record-93045-new-virus-cases-c-4997826 😲
  5. That was why I said wrong ish i don’t think I had to teach my children anything I would rather not.
  6. You are wrong ish no other country needs to train their school children about gun shooting in school. We were also never trained about nuclear bomb threats. These things are very USA centric
  7. I have never heard of them before. Is it only in toileting that they are peculiar? or do they go all out in displaying animal traits, no clothes and no talking. is it some kind of joke or a serious mental illness , or something like the wolfboy https://apnews.com/article/b3c83af3022bae62d17e95231c1908c6
  8. Maybe the parents could clean out the litter boxes if they are insisting the school have them
  9. You are way more polite than me. I couldn’t think of a polite way to word basically that who is meant to clean out the litter box?
  10. I am not into conspiracy theories at all but I can see why some think it is deliberate. I think the government is either incredibly stupid or just wanting to keep their positions
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/dec/16/australian-adblue-shortage-2021-diesel-price-supplies-australia worse than I though. Some rural areas have run out of AdBlue, some trucking companies only have enough left until the end of December, widespread rationing and the tiny amount left has gone from60 cents litre to somewhere between $2 to $3 . Fuel trucks are going to be affected very shortly, meaning regional petrol stations will not be able to be filled. Food delivery may be impacted soon… all doom and gloom. I am starting see how my wacky neighbour comes to some of his crazy conclusions about the collapse of the world.😟
  12. 😲 nooooo…. and mask are only a suggestion in both states from today
  13. You would hope, but it doesn’t seem to work in reality my next door neighbour just had her brand new car written off by the dealer because a headlight sensor went off that was computer connected to the power control and nobody at the dealership knew how to fix it. The car had done less than 2000 km. One of my brothers whole dash was replaced under warranty (over$7000)because a computer chip that controlled the CD player malfunctioned. They dealer wanted to write that car off but my brother insisted they fix it as there was nothing mechanical wrong with the car at all. He didn’t realise that involved replacing the whole dash. all the Gwagons that DWELP use are equally frustrating. A stick flicks up underneath and touches something and the car automatically shuts down. A tow truck has to travel all through the bush and pick the truck up and talk it to the mechanic to reset the computer. It is a major problem for remote firefighters in Gwagons.
  14. Dh said that trucks etc. that use AdBlue when they run out go into Limp mode that reduces speed to 30 km hour.
  15. China is no longer exporting any Urea at all. this was the only supplier to Australia. resulting in Australia no longer able to make AdBlue. there is only enough stock in Australia for between 2 to 5 weeks depending on which news source you look at. it has been mentioned a LOT on the ABC country hour about the impact to farming. but now is on other news because it will affect trucking. I couldn't work out if it was a world shortage.. or an Australia only thing. if it was a world shortage that would be really bad, but if it is an only Australia thing then i guess they can source it somewhere else , just more expensively
  16. thank you . I had guessed that it was part of the Australia / China trade war that is currently happening but wasn't sure
  17. Yes When a child and my stepfather adopted us Jury duty Permanant care order for twins
  18. Is there an AdBlue crisis happening over in other countries or is it just a trade war with Australia and China thing? https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2021-12-14/has-the-adblue-shortage-reached-crisis-point/100700420 this news link is only talking about the trucking industry but it also is affecting the grain harvest because it is needed for tractors etc. basically anything that is modern and runs on diesel
  19. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-12-14/newcastle-covid-outbreak-could-become-highest-transmission-event/100697836 no masks, loud music, singing confined space. 650 in attendance, so far 150 have tested positive and others in the community have also tested positive connected to the people that were there
  20. one of my children once looked up owl sounds 😳
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