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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. I don't think I would confront her, but that is just my opinion. Since you really believe that you haven't offended her intentionally, then it is either: the normal ebb & flow of relationships OR she is being childish. In either case, I would just treat her in a friendly but distant way. Smile and say hi, but no more. Don't let your self-worth depend on one person. Maybe after many months have passed I would try more communication, if I wanted to. But I don't think you have to be close friends with everyone in church. Focus on other relationships. Note to Chris in VA: never mind the pedestal. Sometimes sharing your true authentic self is more helpful than anything. :001_smile::grouphug:
  2. :grouphug: praying. My son recently had his first anaphylactic reaction too.
  3. Yes, TMJ is what I have-- a mouthgard and a thing called an NTI on my top teeth-- these protect my teeth but do not stop the grinding, but maybe I am a tough case!
  4. I saw the local ENT who specializes in bruxism & he recommended either an appliance or PT. the appliance cost $1,000 so I chose PT. it's just regular PT. all my jaw muscles are stiff from yrs of teeth grinding, so she presses on them to break up the fibers (not sure of the technical terms for all this) and then has taught me some exercises. I've been doing this about 3 wks & the pain & tension is much less,also my jaw snaps & clicks less. Before I saw her I tried exercises on my own I found online-- didn't help. I have one crown from cracking a tooth By grinding-- hopefully no more. Good luck!
  5. :grouphug: The only thing I can add is that I also grind my teeth but I'm getting physical therapy for it, and it is definitely lessening.
  6. Re: earthquakes in our state, I guess Nyssa is just showing her ignorance :blushing: Thanks for all the posts, ladies.
  7. Jar, we have all those things. :001_smile: Statements like "we are due for a big one" confuse me-- is that based on statistics or on seismic readings of pressure on the faults? If huge earthquakes have occurred roughly every 300 years, how do we know whether the next will be at the same frequency? Maybe it will be 400 yrs, and the one after that in 200 years. I wonder if you can explain this to me. Every so often I see something like this in the media, but they sensationalize so many things that I have gotten used to not taking them too seriously.
  8. Thanks! Yes, but it has 10 times less than California, and what about magnitude? Much less.
  9. My kids are 5 and 7, and they already know about WWII a little bit: they know the name Hitler, they know about his racism and his genocide. They do not know how that genocide was carried out. They know about the evacuation from Dunkirk, and D-Day, and Pearl Harbor. All these I can explain in general terms which they can understand without explaining, and I would not show them pictures. They also know about the defeat and occupation of Japan, but not about the devastation of the nuclear bombs. I think I will be teaching them about the very evil aspects of WWII little by little. And, it will depend on their temperaments. Definitely I would not have them read Anne Frank until high school. A book like Night I think I would leave to college.
  10. I don't think it would be wrong to travel to find a Scout group that suits you.
  11. Can you help us decide whether to get earthquake insurance put into our new homeowners' policy? DH is from an earthquake-prone area and thinks everyone should have it. We do NOT live in an earthquake state. Not at all! Of course, the unexpected could happen anywhere... but it's extremely unlikely that a giant earthquake would hit here. The policy costs $20/month and it has a $25,000 deductible. So, there would have to be $25K of damage before it would make any difference. Please, tell me if you 1.) have earthquake insurance or don't and if you 2.) live in an earthquake state (like California) or not and 3.) how can we all resist getting insured for every contingency, no matter how remote, once it is mentioned and we start worrying about it???
  12. Nearly every woman, no matter how pro-life, when she gets pregnant, thinks and considers whether this is really what she wants to do. That is part of the psychological task of the first trimester, when you are just getting used to the idea of being pregnant. You can reassure her that the worry and fear that she's feeling is a stage that so many of us pass through-- it doesn't necessarily mean that getting the Ab is the thing she wants to do. As for the in-laws, who cares whether they will be disappointed? It's not their decision. And even if they are less than thrilled, they may very likely change their minds when they see their grandbaby.
  13. Your daughter is really, really cute. But are you sure that the contest was legit and not just a way to get you to sign up?
  14. Louisa May Alcott's house is at Concord, about 1 hour away from Boston. The State Capitol in Boston has a gold dome, and a very large stuffed fish in the legislative chamber, I forget why. You can go to the top of the Hancock building and look at the view. Children's Museum. Cruise boat to the harbor islands.
  15. I never heard the expression before I read it in the other thread, but I agree with it.
  16. I have to say, I haven't read it and don't plan to, BUT: as far as I understand it, the book is about something dystopian and horrible, a totalitarian system inflicting suffering, and warping people. The lesson it teaches is that we should not allow such things to happen in real life-- we shouldn't allow a totalitarian government-- we shouldn't allow anyone in power to be a tyrant. I think that's a good lesson and not "deeply flawed" at all. I still don't plan to read it, though.
  17. I was able to find a pro bono immigration lawyer for a friend, just by calling a local immigration law firm and asking if they took pro bono cases. They interviewed her & decided to take on her case, and won it for her.
  18. There's a WA social group here, to start with... but http://www.washhomeschool.org/homeschooling/support.html might be more helpful (Wash homeschool organization with list of local groups). I'm on the other side of WA so not too helpful for you!
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