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Everything posted by Zuzu822

  1. I was coming here to point this out too. The Kindred Spirits email list has blown up about this, and all of the LMM scholars there (both professional and amateur) are horrified. However, someone also pointed out that throughout the 20th century there have been other similar instances of marketing Anne to teenage girls that involve covers that are questionable. I don't know that any went so far as to change Anne's hair color, but there were certainly liberties taken with dress. I found several examples on Etsy (more if you search for "vintage Anne of Green Gables"): http://www.etsy.com/...-l-m-montgomery http://www.etsy.com/...tion/107467087? There's a CBC interview with Mary Beth Calvert here about the cover: http://www.cbc.ca/as...pIds=2332585901
  2. Yes, I do. Homeschooling mom of six: http://ourseasonsofjoy.com/ Her posts regarding her heart: http://ourseasonsofjoy.com/category/ppcm/ She is quite active in PPCM awareness now, and I'm sure would be happy to contact you. All the best to your friend!
  3. I was going to post this too. I'm 5'3" and look normal at 112-115. Not stick thin or sickly. And I WAS a dancer on the fringes of the professional world, but I was no where near thin enough to EVER have been a professional ballerina (too short too) or really even a modern dancer for more than small regional companies. Since having my third, I settled out at 120 or so, and frankly on my frame, it looks a bit chubby.
  4. I've nightweaned three without tears. Each was between 18-20 months. I didn't stop co-sleeping, and they each accepted it when I told them they could nurse in the morning. With the youngest, I was anticipating tears so I had a water bottle to offer if he got very upset, but he was fine. He's 26 months now, and basically sleeps through the night unless he needs to get up for the potty. I'm familiar with Dr. Gordon's method too, and while I didn't follow it exactly, I definitely liked his ideas. That or the No-Cry Sleep Solution is a good place to start too.
  5. My Green Mountain prefolds have been used by four babies so far, and soon to be used by two more! They still look brand new! I also like their Workhorse fitteds (made from prefolds).
  6. Ours was 50% off at TRU when I got it, but retail was $100.
  7. For toys, my six year old is getting: Space and Airport Legos: Marbleworks Hexbugs Squishy T. Rex Troy Extra Muros Lego City Game More Snap Circuits If you don't have Magnatiles, I would also really recommend those. We have four sets of varying size and color, and all my boys love them!
  8. I'm in agreement with most folks (especially Tibbie!) Slider-downers go first unless the climber-upper was in mid-climb. If it's really busy, sliding down only is probably the way to go. Unless it's a big group of folks we know. Then whatever as long as everyone is working together. Also, all of my boys learned to climb UP the slide before they started sliding down. I have pictures of all of them under the age of one climbing up the slide at home (not a Little Tikes size) and at the playground. In bare feet. ETA: There is a school playground here with equipment that is on the newer side, but definitely not no-fun-ultra-safe. Lots of metal and very high slides. The kids find it exhilarating.
  9. My niece will be 4 in a month and we got her the Learning Resources Cash Register. She is also VERY into dinosaurs, so I'm planning some of the Schleich dinos for her fourth birthday. You can't go wrong with Duplos either. For over a year, that's been tops with her too.
  10. Definitely worth the money and then some. My three are playing with Magnatiles as we speak. We have two sets of 100, a set of 32, and a "deluxe" set with doors, windows, and a set of wheels. It still isn't always enough to go around when each of them has a "building" in mind. We have both the jewel colors and the solids. The kids don't seem to have any preference. If you ask my four year old his name, he'll tell you he's, "Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx, King of the Magnatiles." :laugh:
  11. My husband's company does a lot of work for Green Mountain and Keurig, so we got our machine for a steep discount. He doesn't use real K-cups either, but instead has several of these: http://www.amazon.com/Ekobrew-Refillable-Keurig-Brewers-1-Count/dp/B0051SU0OW. Maybe that would be an option for you; coffee on demand, but without the cost/waste of K-cups.
  12. Can't add smilies on the iPad, but I agree with previous posters. In addition, are you drinking enough water? I started getting daily headaches during pregnancy and eventually figured out that even though I thought I was drinking enough, I wasn't. A cup or two of water and I'd start to feel better after a few minutes.
  13. My husband is a music director and organist at a church (ECLA) 25-30 minutes away. This is a huge improvment from the 45-50 (in good weather!) that it used to be. We aren't finding it too hard to be involved since he is so entrenched in the life of the church as a staff member. It sometimes is slightly awkward because all the other families live in that area, and no one else homeschools. It means that the boys aren't forging friendships outside of church, but they do enjoy the other kids in their Sunday school class. I can chat with the other moms about neutral topics. There is also a slight barrier there because DH is an employee and we aren't "just" members/attendees.
  14. Hanna shipping hurts, I know. I got an email today for an additional 15% off, if that'll help!
  15. I don't want to either! The boys are happily playing Legos right now, and DH is going in to work late, so I'm ready to wave the flag and it's only 8 AM! Tomorrow we probably won't school due to a several appoimtments and next week we have three days in a row of co-op and appointments, so that'll be more time lost. Therefore, I KNOW that today, and Wednesday through Friday we MUST get our work done! Ideally, I'd like to go until the 21st, but I have a feeling the 14th will be our last day.
  16. Generally, DH takes over co-sleeping with the toddler when a new baby arrives. We have full, queen, and king size beds so it's been Dad and toddler in one room and me and baby in another (musical beds some nights). I usually nightwean during pregnancy which makes the transition to Dad a little easier. IIRC, is your daughter's DH in the military and possibly deployed at times? If so, that would make it harder, and Dad not so much of an option. If she and her DS aren't ready to nightwean, I would keep toddler on one side and baby on the other as suggested above. Even with my DH co-sleeping too, there were nights where I did just that. Sometimes I felt a little squished, but the kiddos were safe and happy. I've also thought of having a twin mattress for the toddler next to the "big bed," then he can have a little space away from the baby. Have to run to help one of the boys-- sorry if this is a little disjointed! Congratulations to your DD on the impending arrival! I'm sure it'll all fall into place. :grouphug:
  17. Our boys and my niece are getting the St. Nick pajamas complete with Santa hats this year! They are expenive, but we usually buy ours during the fall sale. I agree with the PP about their durability. Some of our Hanna's have been worn by all the kids. They also have resale value. My oldest also has polar bear PJs from Osh Kosh (he's tall and size eight, and I think they to up to 12. I don't think Carter's is that big.) I haven't looked recently, but they usually have a few good options.
  18. We did it last year, and the boys loved it but we're careles with it. Your kids are a bit older, so it'd probably be all right. I've removed it from canvas bins, carpet, quilts, and hair over the past eleven months and finally tossed it. My DH still has his magnetic putty, though, and he's really enjoyed it (and is responsible, lol)!
  19. Sounds like we celebrate similarly! We do St. Nicholas on the 6th, and the 12 Days ending with an Epiphany cake on Jan. 6. (Ack! Which reminds me I need to think of Epiphany gifts!) Anyway, we have an Advent Spiral! We don't do much associated with it since our prayers/readings go with the Advent Wreath, but we love moving Mary and Joseph closer on their journey, and the sight of all the candles lit as Christmas approaches is beautiful. I have a picture from a few years ago here: http://thisordinarytime.blogspot.com/2009/12/midway-through-advent.html
  20. We picked out our ornaments for this year (to go in St. Nicholas stockings) yesterday, but that'll be about it until Advent starts next week. DH and I did watch part of Love Actually after the kids went to bed. During the week, I'll wrap 24 of the Advent/Christmas books and put the rest out in baskets. Saturday I'll get out the Advent wreath, the spiral, and we'll start building our Lego Christmas set. My oldest has his first piano recital next week too (holiday themed) then it's the Christmas Pageant 12/16, and we can put up the tree! Excitement is building here, but the season starts slowly as we ease our way into Advent.
  21. Not sure if it's too late for the sale, but I've always liked the cash register. We also have the wall calendar, the Mix and Measure set, and several of the "Smart Snacks." I think your kids would be on the older side for those, though.
  22. The Sno Stompers are very cool! My DS6's feet are nearly too big, but the 4yo would go crazy! Our oldest is 6.5 this Christmas and he's getting the Lego Education Space/Airport set, a marble run, books, new Hanna Andersson pajamas, as well as a few Jim Weiss CDs in his stocking (plus random stocking stuffers). I'm thinking about more Hot Wheels track as well, but we'll see. I also just ordered him the Schleich Giganotosaurus, but I probably won't be able to wait until Christmas for that!
  23. St. Nicholas Day: Chocolate coins Ornament Build-a-Bear reindeer antlers and sneakers for his monkey (2yo) Fire engine and pumper train for train set (4yo) Jim Weiss Christmas CD (6yo) Christmas: Food treats: organic juice boxes, cereal bars, maybe organic "pop-tarts", whatever looks good! Holiday Smencils Jim Weiss CD (older two) TBD (for toddler)
  24. Do you leave this set up all the time? I think the boys would love it, but it old take up a lot of space? We have this set now, and it is a lot of fun.
  25. I use a wool felt blend for the most part, sometimes 100% wool. My sister and I just had a discussion about durability, and she hasn't had any issues (and it's NOT because I'm a great sewer!) I don't think it'll take you very long to make up a few pieces. Some of the things in my link above were time consuming, but a whole apple, carrot, banana, tomatoes, whole loaves of bread, etc. are simple. Are you going to work by machine or hand? If you sew by hand, I recommend using embroidery thread. That will help reinfornce the stitches.
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