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Everything posted by Zuzu822

  1. I would also recommend reading Dear Miss Breed: http://www.amazon.com/Dear-Miss-Breed-Incarceration-Difference/dp/0439569923. Appropriate for students as well.
  2. Oh, I forgot Happy Little Family, Happy Times in Noisy Village, The Children of Noisy Village, and A Bear Called Paddington. Let me know if you want me to email you my read aloud database. I know we talked about it once.
  3. If you didn't read The House at Pooh Corner, definitely follow up with that. Teddy Robinson, Mary Poppins, Socks, The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Henry Huggins, etc. Otherwise our list covers everything already mentioned.
  4. There is also Little Saints. I haven't used it, and have heard it's intensive done full out. My friend and I plan use pieces this year at our co-op, however.
  5. Some anti-Catholic sentiments also appear in her work. Not surprising, considering the bias against Italians and the French. :glare: Now, this I had forgotten about so thanks for the review. I always skip the Big Sam/Little Sam storyline when I read A Tangled Web since it's weak and irritating in general. It's also interesting to note that it was recycled from a short story (several novels are like that), and I think the short story was actually *less* offensive. I'm going to have to dig through the short story collections now to verify.
  6. On an Apple device, that will redirect you to Hulu+. Not sure on an Android, but I suspect the same. The site can detect a mobile browser. It's definitely a disappointment.
  7. :iagree: I cannot wait for our subscription to end. The boys like them, but even they have been disappointed with quality. For example, we got magnets in one kit that were mislabeled so N-N/S-S didn't repel but attracted!
  8. Hulu is only available by subscription (as Hulu+) for mobile devices. I canceled a few months ago, but I don't think it's changed. Sorry! :(
  9. The Simply Charlotte Mason Organizer does basic reports, but no, not to the detail (grades, weighting, etc.) as others. CM doesn't do grades in general, right? I use SCM since its perfect for the ages of my kids and our current goals. I've been able to make it work very well for our needs and a variety of resources (including PE classes!). It is, however, pricey. :)
  10. Now this is interesting to me! AoI and AoWP were written last at the insistence of LMM's publisher, and she was never fond of them. I do tend to think they are the weakest in the series. I especially dislike the foreshadowing in AoI. My favorite is Anne of the Island, I think (or maybe Anne's House of Dreams). I identified with it so much when I was that age! I also recommend The Blue Castle (I wore out my original copy!) and I really enjoy A Tangled Web too. Really, I would just read the whole canon. :tongue_smilie:
  11. Is this who I think it is? If it is, we had a conversation about juice a few years ago that STILL aggravates me. :tongue_smilie:
  12. I posted this last night: They have sizes to 100 lbs.
  13. We've used these: http://usshop.motherease.com/shopdisplayproducts.asp?id=15&cat=Bedwetter+Pants These: http://getantsy.com/ And these: http://www.superundies.com/p-45-nighttime-undies-potty-training-pants.aspx We've had moderate success with all. It's a bit of trial and error!
  14. I believe the pyramid is discontinued. I was fortunate to find it last summer at TRU for 50% off! They had just about the whole Ancient Egypt line on clearance. ETA: The Roman Arena has been coming and going on the Playmobil site recently too. The price is wildly inflated elsewhere, but occasionally Playmobil has it in stock. I grabbed one a few months ago. Between that, the pyramid, and the castle, my boys' room is FULL! :lol:
  15. I attended Sonya Shafer's Charlotte Mason habit training workshop this weekend at the Hartford Convention and she had some things to say about nagging reinforcing the negative habit rather than the positive one. That combined with Andrew Pudewa's talk on boys and how they hear differently than girls has me rethinking some things. I know exactly how you feel, so I hope we can make some changes. ;) They are worth a look on the IEW or SCM site. Or, I can share more information here. :)
  16. This is still one of my favorite books! (Though I admit I've never read it with a very critical eye.) I'm going to go read those negative reviews. Hmmmm... I love how the characters and locations of several of Konigsburg's book intertwine. :)
  17. AdventureMoms and I are arriving Thursday afternoon and will be there until Saturday afternoon! Tahara, maybe we'll see you Thursday! I'd love to chat with you sometime about your journey from Waldorf to Classical Ed... :)
  18. :lurk5: I'm doing the free trial of the SCM Organizer now, and love it! I've been playing around with HST+ and HST Online as well, but curious about Well-Planned Day too.
  19. We are aware of, and follow Church teaching. My husband is a cradle Catholic, and I converted in 2004. We are both about to turn 30. :) We are discerning our future with the Church, but not because of her teaching on family planning.
  20. Little Passports is very easy to share between several kids! Every month there is a letter from Sam and Sofia, a photo, some word games or a puzzle, an "artificat" from the country, and stickers for their passport, suitcase, and to label the map. I don't think I'm forgetting anything, lol, but it's early!
  21. We currently use Little Passports, and had a three month gift subscription to Kiwi Crate earlier this year. We really enjoy(ed) both! With Kiwi Crate, there weren't always enough supplies for both my older boys to complete the projects, so we had to do a little compromising and negotiating here and there, but generally it worked well! Our themes were space, under the sea, and pirates. Perfect for my guys! Little Passports is a lot of fun, though I do still think the boys are a touch too young for it (oldest about to turn six). I save everything, though, and I'm sure we'll revisit the puzzles, etc. later too.
  22. My DS turns six at the end of the month, and I'm considering 2012-2013 a K/1 hybrid year. Still deciding how to report him, lol. Anyway, we're going to do OM 1 with some PAL mixed in. Also still pondering if I want more math (we are finishing RS A right now). I have bits and pieces from WP Animals and Their Worlds planned as well, and an extensive "morning basket" with read-alouds across various subjects (history, Bible, fine arts, etc.) and plenty of fiction.
  23. :iagree: Loved the idea of the magnetic calendar, but the tiny spaces made it tough to fit everything we wanted. We've gone back to using our Learning Resources calendar and the boys play with the other.
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