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Everything posted by Virg

  1. Oh I am so glad that I am not the only one starting a little later in the morning! We start between 9:30-10:00.
  2. Yeah as far I as I can tell boys don't really grow out of this! :glare: Our rules are: 1. Not at the table, it is bad manners. People who tell potty jokes at the table can eat in the bathroom. 2. No bad words allowed. I have the Bible to back me up on this. 3. Gentlemen don't talk/act like that in front of ladies- which luckily includes me! :) This is my way out of having to hear it! The boys can tell other boys/men gross things as often as they want as long as I don't have to hear it. (Even my dad and brother crack up at the twins' jokes!) I figure I am saving myself and setting them up to understand that their future GFs and wives won't appreciate it either.
  3. My mom and I have EXTREMELY sensitive skin and Clinique make up is the only make up I have ever been able to use. I have also tried the cheaper brands that say they are hyper-allergenic and have ended up with rashes on my eyelids. I am sure though Clinique works for some people and doesn't for others.
  4. I easily spent $700 for the twins for 7 months of Kindergarten. The school supply lists were nuts. We had to buy Crayola brand everything plus baby wipes, clorox wipes, dry erase markers, Kleenex, printer paper, etc, all name brands required. They constantly needed things for "special" projects. My kids have several nice outfits now but when they went to PS I had to buy outfits to be at school every day. I didn't send them in "play clothes" (at least what we term play clothes lol, no offense intended). I don't let my kids wear play clothes to the grocery store, or anywhere out of the house. I guess I was just raised that we should always look presentable out of the house because that is how people judge you, right or not. (I blame my parents lol.) I didn't include gas costs either since I suppose it was my choice to drive them but in our rural area HS, MS and ES all ride the bus together. I didn't think it was great for my 5 year olds to spend 35 min on the bus with cussing 17 year olds.
  5. I have issues sometimes and read it was all the people googling commercials and streaming the game
  6. Yes you have to order a special one and it is the band aid looking one. My son has severe asthma and a hyper reactive immune system, we have a pulse oximeter for him but it wouldn't measure the O2 saturation of my daycare infant, and he is 4 months old. I just tried it for the fun of it one day to see if it would work. ;)
  7. My DH and 3 DSs are all into it so I sit with them and pretend to care so we can share the special time that is all-important to their lives. *sigh* I try not to ask too many asinine, frustrating questions lol
  8. We are a mixed-race family and we feel the same way as a PP. We study black history as it comes up. My husband actually has some very strong feeling about the whole issue ;) It is better not to argue lol. He thinks to be truly equal his history should be studied just like everyone else's. Since I am the majority I don't get to argue. I just make sure to really focus when we get to those points in history! :) (I of course respect the way everyone chooses to do it for their family!)
  9. Congratulations! I was eagerly waiting baby updates :)
  10. You can see my my own children in my signature plus I homeschool my twins' half-sister. We have an infant and a 2 year old full time, and a 3 year old and 1 year old several days a week. On PS no-school days I have 2 elementary kids also. We do school in the dining room next to the kitchen and the playroom (which is supposed to be a family room). The daycare kids play in the playroom during school in the morning and in the afternoon I do activities with them. It can be very difficult but it is necessary for us if I want to homeschool. It definitely gets loud and crazy at times, there have been a few days when I have given up and cancelled school lol. For the most part it works pretty well though. It just makes keeping up on the housework a little difficult.
  11. In almost all states if you win you can ask for a judgement for your attorney fees.
  12. My son is allergic to milk protein so he has pizza with no cheese, we do a little extra sauce otherwise it can become pretty dry. He loves it! I have tried it and it really is pretty good. I just LOVE cheese :001_smile:
  13. I agree with the PP! Acts 17:11 tells us the Bereans were of very noble character because they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. My pastor tells us every week to be like a Berean. :) I belong to the the Wesleyan branch of denominations and there are several beliefs of Luther's that I disagree with. However I still think he was a church leader led by God. It is all a give and take. My twins were born when I was unmarried and 18. In Martin Luther's time I would have been a horrendous sinner, that one act would have marred anything else I ever did. In today's church it is viewed as a sin that I have been forgiven for and I have been told that I shouldn't let it affect my ministry. In their time anti-semitism was not even viewed as a sin by most. I am NOT condoning his belief just that no matter how much we try to see through God's eyes, we see through glass colored by our times. It is odd that I haven't heard more about it though.
  14. Yes, thank you. DSS actually seems to be doing better than any of us, says he feels so relieved that he doesn't have to hide it from us anymore. We, on the other hand, are in so much pain. The road ahead, with a trial and lots of therapy, just seems so daunting ATM. My DH is obviously struggling with a lot of anger. I want to cry all the time.
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